wpBurn Blue Theme

October 19, 2009 by admin 16 Comments »

wpBurn Blue

Clean web 2.0 wordpress theme developed by wpburn.Valid XHTML, tested in IE6+, Firefox, Safari, Chrome.
Version: 1.2
Tags: blue, black, white, two-columns, fixed-width, right-sidebar, theme-options

Screenshot :

wpBurn Blue

wpBurn Blue

Demo: http://wp-themes.com/wpburn-blue

Download: wpBurn Blue v1.2


16 Responses to “wpBurn Blue Theme”

  1. [...] Theme Homepage » [...]

  2. Your wpBurn Blue is the best wordpress theme I have found yet, and you deserve accolades for it — clean, polished, and functional!! It was exactly the theme I wanted (and I looked through several hundred).

  3. Bev says:

    How does one edit the Home and About tabs to add on or change it?

  4. Helen says:

    Hi there,
    Many thanks for this lovely theme, it looks very well on my site! As a wordpress newbie I have the same query as Bev – how can I add links to add to or edit the top navigation bar?
    I would like to add a page for training course details to my blog at http://instituteofpastlifetherapy.com/wordpress/

  5. Helen says:

    My apologies! I now see that when you add a new page in wordpress and publish it, a link appears automatically on the top navigation bar.
    One more query though – I’d like to have a link to the primary website on that top navigation bar, at present I can only see how to add a link if I make a wordpress page, but all I want is a link leading to another part of my website (the main section). The blog is in a subdirectory of the main website. Is there a code snippet I can add to header.php to do this please? I’m a php newbie too!
    Many thanks for your patience, Helen

  6. [...] Page du thème : chez wpBurn. [...]

  7. Tom says:

    I’m using this theme – I too think it’s really nice.

    Is it possible to add a header box and put images in it?

    Also, I’d like to get rid of the search box, how would I do that?


  8. Brian says:

    I love this theme, only problem I have is that the ShareThis plug in doesn’t look right in this theme, but ok in others. The text of the Sharethis overlaps the icon. And when I try the icon only code, the icon gets cut off. Anyone know how I can fix this? I am not the best at css editing yet.

  9. tkuento says:

    the time and day of the comments are repeated,
    I do not know why?
    can help me?

  10. I like too much this theme! Thanks! Is it possible to replace “Search this blog” with “Search” ?

  11. Ivan Leko says:

    Thanks for the theme, very good job!!

  12. Didrik E says:

    Thanks for this great theme. I´m using a firefox language translation plugin from Google and when using your theme my browser says “This page is in Slovak”. Can this be corrected?

  13. Thanks for the theme. Overall, it’s working great for me, but I want to add a favicon to my blog. I’ve added the file to all the usual places: wp-content/themes/wpburn-blue and wp-content/themes/wpburn-blue/images. No luck. Suggestions?

  14. HI, thanks again for this great theme. It is always the best! Please, how can I set the margins between post-column and widget-column?

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