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Call for Action: Support Upcoming NYC 460/640 Events

Submitted by Steph on cs, 12/20/2007 - 12:07pm.
The NYC IWW has 4 major 460/640 events over the next 3 months. We are inviting fellow workers to New York to take part in these events. We can provide housing and any other needs you might have.

Too far and can't make it? Perhaps you'd like to do a solidarity event in your hometown!

We hope you can participate in some way.

Fri, Dec 28th, 7am - 5pm
at EZ Supply - this is the one-year anniversary of the firing massacres that took place at EZ Supply in which 15 workers were terminated for their IWW involvement - we will be turning trucks away

Sat, Jan 5th, 7am - 5pm
at Handyfat - this is the second shop to fire IWW workers in the massacre - one year ago, 9 workers were illegally terminated here - we will be turning trucks away

Fired Metro Lighting workers respond to anti-IWW screed published in Berkeley Daily Planet

Submitted by intexile on h, 11/19/2007 - 1:14pm.

By Gabe Wilson and Matt K., Bay Area IWW

This commentary is a response to Christine Staples' "Truth to Power: what Truth? What Power?" of November 16th, 2007, in which the author attempts to portray the striking workers at Metro Lighting and their union as thugs attempting to "take over Metro Lighting, or to drive them out of business trying." These accusations are too ridiculous to deserve a response, and they only serve to divert attention from the real issues at the store. Her editorial makes no attempt to deal seriously with the concerns of Metro Lighting's employees, so we would like to make these real issues known.

Workers have the right, protected by law, to take concerted activity to improve their conditions at work and to bargain with their employer over these conditions. The workers at Metro Lighting were brave enough to assert this right, and have faced unwillingness to negotiate and illegal retaliation from the owners. What led up to this?

High fuel costs least of truckers worries - Mandatory ID cards, new environmental regs putting them in a bind

Submitted by intexile on h, 11/19/2007 - 1:01pm.

Disclaimer - The opinions of the author do not necessarily match those of the IWW.  The image pictured to the right did not appear in the original article, we have added it here to provide a visual perspective. This article is reposted in accordance to Fair Use guidelines. 

By Tatiana Prophet - Victorville Daily Press, November 14, 2007 - 8:16PM

HESPERIA — Bobby Powell spent $650 to fill up his big rig the other day, while it normally costs him $450. That’s enough fuel for about a day and a half of driving.

“I’m not making near the money I was,” said the truck driver as he passed through Hesperia on Wednesday afternoon.

Like many truck drivers, Powell owns his own truck and pays for his own fuel.

Fuel prices are just one of many concerns facing independent owner-operators at the close of this year.

Another is the new identification card required to pick up and drop off cargo at the ports of Long Beach and Los Angeles — the Transportation Workers Identification Credential — which officials plan to roll out as early as December.

Economist John Husing, a consultant to the ports, said the TWIC card might exclude between 15 and 22 percent of truck drivers — for either a criminal record or immigration violations, according to a survey recently conducted.

On top of that, the ports are considering new environmental regulations that would ban all trucks manufactured before 1989 at the ports, according to several sources.

The ports are in meetings to determine what kind of subsidy, if any, might be offered to truckers so they can buy new trucks.

“Nobody knows because the program’s not finalized,” Husing said. “There are major issues that have not been decided yet: Will the drivers be allowed to continue working as independent operators or will the drivers as part of the clean truck program be required to sell their trucks or become employees?”

Port truckers are some of the lowest paid in the industry, Husing said. Many truckers live throughout Southern California, including the High Desert.

And while the problems are many, the solutions are certainly not unified.

One union, the Industrial Workers of the World, is calling for a truckers shutdown on Monday from Dallas to Los Angeles to commemorate the death of Joe Hill, a union organizer who was hanged in Utah in 1915.

“There’s all these meetings going on behind closed doors, and everybody’s interests are being represented at these meetings, and there’s nobody there representing them except us,” said Jay Brophy, a representative of IWW.

The Teamsters Union supports making all drivers employees of the freight companies once again, Husing said, as they once were. Brophy, of the IWW, agrees.

“They have to pay for the fuel, they have to pay for the maintenance, the company doesn’t pay for their unemployment, worker’s comp, income tax, all of this is left on them.”

Stuart Hoynak, another trucker stopping off in Hesperia, does not mind being independent, nor does he mind being fingerprinted for a TWIC card.

“That I understand,” he said. “We got to be safe. They should document everybody. I feel it’s a security measure.”

What he does mind are the fuel costs.

“It’s hard for everybody,” he said. “I mean, it’s a major cut in pay. We don’t get paid for sitting unless the wheels are turning. And every fuel hike is hundreds of dollars out of our paycheck, not a couple of pennies. So right now with the price of fuel, we’re losing anywhere from 1,000 dollars-plus every week. ... When the fuel goes up sometimes an average of 5 cents every two days. There is no reason. There is no reason. It’s crazy. Everybody’s making a lot of money.”

Art Wong, spokesman for the Port of Long Beach, said he was not aware of a shutdown being planned.

But he acknowledged that big changes are ahead, both with the clean trucks initiative and the TWIC card.

“It will be a big change no matter what we do. Even if we leave it alone, everybody’s going to have to get new trucks, and even if we offer grants, I don’t know if these guys are going to be able to afford new trucks.”

About 40 percent of all goods entering the United States come through the ports of Los Angeles and Long Beach.

Any strike related to the ports can cost millions in lost time.

In 2002, a dispute between longshoremen and terminal operators resulted in the loss of about $1 million a day for the Los Angeles/Long Beach ports, according to trade magazine Land Line.

Seafood company employees sue for overtime

Submitted by intexile on k, 09/18/2007 - 2:23pm.

Lisa Fickenscher -, September 17. 2007

Wild Edibles, one of the city's top seafood companies, boasting two retail stores in the city and a large wholesale business, was sued Monday in federal court by 16 employees who say they were not paid overtime wages.

A group of workers and supporters announced the lawsuit, which is seeking class action status, this afternoon in front of trendy Pastis restaurant on Manhattan's Ninth Ave. and 12th St., one of Wild Edibles' wholesale customers.

The group also alleges that Wild Edibles owner Richard Martin fired four workers who joined a labor union and tried to convince their colleagues to do the same. The union, Industrial Workers of the World, represents some 2,000 members, who work in warehouses, agriculture, construction and transportation.

Fired IWW Baristas Conduct Delegation to Starbucks Regional HQ to Demand Jobs, Right to Organize

Submitted by intexile on sze, 11/29/2006 - 1:18pm.
IWW members in Chicago, and a friend from Teamsters Local 705, leafleted half-a-dozen Starbucks locations in downtown Chicago on Friday, 24 November as part of the international day of solidarity with Starbucks Workers Union. We distributed about 900 leaflets in a couple of hours and made contact with a number of baristas. Hopefully these contacts will get in touch with our SWU organizing committee and the start we've made at the Logan Square store will expand to other locations. Solidarity Forever!

ISC statement against the South Korean government's police attacks on the Korean Government Employees Union

Submitted by intexile on v, 10/01/2006 - 12:28pm.

September 28, 2006
To Whom it May Concern,

We are writing you in light of the unjust and reprehensible raids made against the Korean Government Employees Union by your government. The brutality and suppression of workers' most basic rights is offensive, and must be corrected. We demand that you immediately recognize the right to the Korean Government Employee's Union's existence, and allow it to operate freely and legally. Additionally, we ask that you fix any damages you have caused to the union and its members.

We eagerly await your response.

The International Solidarity Committee of the Industrial Workers of the World.

Iran: Jailed president of Tehran’s bus workers’ union Mansoor Ossanlou released

Submitted by slava on cs, 08/10/2006 - 7:43pm.

Fire Your BossMansoor Ossanlou, the jailed president of Tehran’s bus workers’ union (the Syndicate of Workers of Tehran and Suburbs United Bus Company), was released at 3.30 pm local time today, 9th August, after spending over seven and a half months in prison. He was warmly greeted by his family and colleagues.

Ossanlou’s release comes following seven months of struggle without let up by Tehran’s bus workers and the massive international solidarity that took shape for his release over this period. He was jailed for organising the bus workers and defending their rights. His release is a clear victory for the workers and people in Iran.

In a statement released today, WPI congratulated Mansoor Ossanlou, his family, the bus workers and all trade unions, organisations and individuals who fought in the great campaign for his release. “Ossanlou was freed from prison by the bus workers and all those fantastic people in Iran and outside Iran who fought hard and put pressure on the Islamic Republic”, the statement said. It called for the unconditional release of all political prisoners in Iran, the recognition of the bus workers’ union and an end to the persecution of labour activists.


International Labour Solidarity Committee of the
Worker-communist Party of Iran
Co-ordinator: Shahla Daneshfar (
Public Relations: Bahram Soroush (

101st Anniversary Party of the IWW Vancouver

Submitted by Gordon on cs, 07/13/2006 - 6:55am.
American Storyteller Chris Chandler is coming back to Vancouver!

Most will know him from when he performed here with Anne Feeney, but he has a new partner now, the very talented David Roe.

They will be performing here on:

Tuesday, July 18, 2006, 9 PM
at The Foundation
Main St. & 7th Ave.

Entrance by donation $5 to $20 and
nobody turned away!

This is also the 101st anniversary party of the IWW Vancouver, with special guests The Joey Only Outlaw Band and Justicia For Migrant Workers.

The Foundation was a proud supporter of the Modern Auto Plating strikers of  Steelworkers Local 2952 during their extremely long dispute nearby.

Chris and David are longtime supporters of labour and social justice