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Watching that first press conference - and whatever your politics you can't help being enthralled at the sight of NewPol in action, just as whatever your politics you can't help being deeply moved by Martin Argles' amazing photo essay on Brown's last hours in No10 in today's Guardian - I was struck by two things, Buy Valium No Prescription. You have to wish these guys well on all our behalf given the financial and international challenges our country faces and you feel yourself unwittingly rooting for them to be able to cope, online buy Valium without a prescription. Order Valium online c.o.d, Secondly, That Joke, buy Valium from mexico. Valium over the counter, It punctured the tension and was a genuine moment of fun in the middle of drama and high seriousness. Any student of Shakespeare will know the power of that moment, where can i order Valium without prescription. Buy Valium No Prescription, Those of us old enough to recall Spitting Image's puppet-based satirical commentary on politics in the 80's will remember the way comedy shaped our vision of political leaders. Valium pharmacy, Thatcher in a man's pinstripe suit. Hattersley as a dribbling tubster, purchase Valium online. Valium price, Owen and Steel with a squeaking wee David in big David's pocket. They are at it already, with cartoonists like Steve Bell branding the relationship as Clegg's butler to Cameron's lord of the manor. Time will tell if satire will once again influence our view of politics more than slavish newspaper editorial.
On media influence on the election, last Autumn my firm Weber Shandwick did a unique INLINE profile of what channels voters thought would influence their choice most. Next week we publish a follow up study to see just how influential digital, print, advertising, broadcast and WOM actually were in this groundbreaking election. More on that here soon.
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Posted Colin Byrne on March 3rd, 2010 | Filed under Uncategorised | Comment now »
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Posted Colin Byrne on November 24th, 2009 | Filed under Current Affairs, Politics, The Media, Weber Shandwick | 2 Comments »
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LONDON, order Adipex online c.o.d, Adipex for sale, UK – Nov, 2009 – Despite the huge impact of digital and social media on Barack Obama’s election campaign, where can i find Adipex online, Buy Adipex online no prescription, and the strides by UK political parties to emulate that, a new poll shows that blogs, purchase Adipex online, Rx free Adipex, social networking sites and digital campaigning will have little impact on UK voters in the coming general election.
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Political adverts scored the same influence rating on voters as brand advertising did with consumers – 10%.
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Despite huge attention given to political blogs and efforts on Facebook and similar social networking sites by UK political leaders, blogs and social networking sites scored only a 5% influence rating on voters, and party websites and political viral advertising only a 7% influence rating.
According to Weber Shandwick’s CEO, (and a former Labour election strategist) Colin Byrne, “Whilst digital and social media is now a huge influence on consumer purchasing despite all the hype about Barack Obama’s election campaign, Gordon Brown on YouTube and David Cameron’s “Webcameron”, British voters are still overwhelmingly influenced by good old press and broadcasting. Buy Adipex No Prescription, This will change over successive elections as a new generation of voters come of age, but for now former Cabinet minister Hazel Blears appears to have been right when she said, “YouTube if you want too…….”.
# # #
• Research conducted amongst a sample of 1,017, aged 18+ in the UK in the weeks leading up to this year’s Party Conference season by KRC Research.
• Sample was representative of gender, age demographic and UK regions.
• 72% of sample said they were certain or likely to vote in the next general election.
• 16% of respondents indicated that they still had to make up their mind on which way to vote.
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Posted Colin Byrne on October 28th, 2009 | Filed under Uncategorised | 2 Comments »
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I had some sympathy for Austin Mitchell's wife (knowing Austin of old, truth is I have ALWAYS had sympathy for his missus) when she complained on the BBC recently that being married to ANY MP, not just a porn/duck house/moat/gardening/mortgage tax relief expense “abusing” MP, was like being married to a social pariah, Buy Alprazolam No Prescription. Buy Alprazolam no prescription, However, you could say that the insular nature of the political class as a whole, purchase Alprazolam online no prescription, Alprazolam for sale, whatever background they come from, that made MPs and Peers think this was all acceptable, where can i buy Alprazolam online, Alprazolam from canadian pharmacy, brought it all upon themselves.
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The concern voiced by some if that this will return politics to being the preserve of those who can afford it. To a point, Buy Alprazolam No Prescription. We need elected representatives who can truly represent the electorate, order Alprazolam online c.o.d. Order Alprazolam no prescription, You don’t get that if they all come from Eton or a career as a trade union official.
Don’t get me wrong. I am not calling for social engineering. Buy Alprazolam No Prescription, I have met many Labour MPs and PPCs with the right working class credentials, but were either as thick as two short planks or just unpleasant careerists. Ditto many MPs with Oxbridge educations but lacking the street smarts to get from one end the road to the other.
But whatever reforms are brought in, they must reflect the need to get people into politics who have a passion for serving society and for change, not just those who can afford it.
(While all the above is going on, one Conservative PPC – Liz Truss – is facing deselection by her local party for having an affair with another married MP in the past. I have never met the woman but am told she is bright and has a lot to contribute both to public service and to improving the quality of people in Parliament. Get fired for raking in questionable expenses, fine, but for this. On that basis half the flamin’ Commons would be out.)
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The point I tried to make in my presentation was that even if the recession is, or will be, over, we in PR have to rethink some of our strategies and assumptions if we are going to be able to help our clients (internal as well as external if we are in house) and ourselves take advantage of it, Diazepam over the counter.
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I made the point that clients were starting to see real upsides in their business – though not in all sectors – and top executives are now refocusing on growth and less on bottom line protection.
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One of the personal examples I gave was my recent appointment of Matty Tong, a very talented strategic planner, from the world of adverting. Traditionally advertising is much more focussed on audience insights, buy cheapest Diazepam, planning and measurement than PR. Learning from that is one of the planks in our success platform going forwards.
A book I have been reading lately is Richard Watson's 'Future Files - The 5 trends that will shape the next 50 years', Buy Diazepam No Prescription. He summarises those trends as:
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All have implications for PR.
The backdrop to the changing opportunities and challenges for PR is clearly digital and social media, Diazepam pharmacy. But even in this relatively new branch of PR and marketing, there are assumptions which don't match the facts.
Take ageing. In the USA someone passes their 50th birthday every 8 seconds, Buy Diazepam No Prescription. Diazepam price, In Japan the proportion of the population over 75 is forecast to rise by over 30% in the next 10 to 15 years. The opportunities in healthcare, technology, tourism, financial services and government communications are obvious, online buy Diazepam without a prescription. Yet our industry, with our relentless desire to hang with the kids and hug our inner teenager, and many companies, Buy Diazepam online cod, prioritise the teen market. Despite rising youth unemployment and graduate debt. Buy Diazepam No Prescription, And the assumption is that the sole route to teenbucks is digital, and to the "seniors" market is The Mail, The Telegraph and some gardening weekly.
(Two views on this. In PR we are increasingly hiring people who don't consume media despite aspiring to advise clients on media. Or if they do it is purely the online bit, online buying Diazepam, whereas customers and citizens increasingly consume offline and online which = "inline". Secondly - back to my point on the need for more strategic planning skills in PR.)
On the powershift East, the dramatic growth in the BRIC and CHIME markets may have temporarily slowed but we are still looking consumer spending in China alone to hit over $2 trillion by 2015.
On global connectivity Watson notes that 1 billion of us are communicating and increasingly shopping around online, with that figure expected to double in a decade, and 2.5 billion are chattering to each other on cell phones, Buy Diazepam No Prescription. Diazepam for sale, Meanwhile 13% of the world's population is now living somewhere other than the country of their birth.
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Finally The Environment and associated issues like CSR remain major drivers of present and future consumer and corporate behaviour. Order Diazepam online c.o.d, So to summarise so far:
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* If it is PR is well placed to help drive both clients' and its own business - but it will have to keep rethinking its MO and business proposition
* All the major trends driving the future have huge implications for PR and marketing
* To be successful, PR has to learn from advertising, anticipate the future rather than just react to the present, and constantly challenge its own stereotypes and assumptions, order Diazepam.
As I said earlier, the biggest driver of change in marketing is the Internet, digital and social media. Where can i buy Diazepam online, Beneath the froth there are important moves in the media landscape and consumer/citizen thinking and behaviour. But not all is as we expect.
Weber Shandwick is in the process of publishing a wealth of INLINE research over the coming weeks, charting what influences consumer and citizen behaviour, Buy Diazepam No Prescription. (One 'INLINE profile' is in the PowerPoint).
So, while the expected upsurge in third party advocacy is there, order Diazepam no prescription, almost a quarter of 'influence' is still generated by 'traditional' media - compared to less than half of that for advertising - and many of those third party advocates will themselves be influenced by other spokes on the wheel including media coverage and advertising.
When asked about interaction with brands through social media, 31% of UK consumers agree they want this. Buy Diazepam from mexico, But 43% say they often don't believe what they read online unless they fact check it in offline media. Buy Diazepam No Prescription, Then there are the demographic assumptions. Our research found that 50% of UK consumers aged 18-34 claimed their purchasing decisions were influenced by "traditional" print media. But only 26% of UK consumers aged 55+ claimed their decisions were influenced by traditional media. Offline and online. Both are important, where can i buy cheapest Diazepam online.
So the assumption that yoof in general no longer consume print and broadcast media is false, that they only buy what their mates advocate online is false, that oldies are more influenced by traditional media coverage is false, Buy Diazepam No Prescription. Only research and customer insights, and a balanced approach to recruitment, can challenge the easy assumptions and urban myths that surround modern marketing. Buy Diazepam without a prescription, I also made points - using research undertaken by our Chief Reputation Strategist Dr Leslie Gaines Ross - on the challenge of increased online activity by protest groups and badvocates to corporate reputations. As we emerge from recession we need to bear in mind that consumers are increasing exposed to corporate and consumer brand badvocacy as well as advocacy.
Referring back to another of Richard Watson’s trends, the environment, I pointed to brands that had embraced sustainability and associated CSR strategies in their marketing plan as well as corporations whose reputations had been damaged by exposure of bad environmental practice, buy Diazepam online no prescription. Buy Diazepam No Prescription, These days being environmentally responsible is a basic consumer expectation, but clever marketing of real environmental benefit can give a brand a competitive edge in a recovering and increasingly choosy consumer market.
Finally, returning to my ‘insights’ theme, and the preparedness of PR to help clients take advantage of the economic upturn, Buy cheap Diazepam no rx, I pointed out the lack of ethnic – and occasionally social – diversity in the PR industry. This is something I have written about before and in truth I still have a lot to do in my own organisation.
Ethnic groups are a growing segment of consumers and society. Research by Weber Shandwick’s Multi Cultural Communications practice shows that three quarters of Black and Asian consumers and half of Chinese consumers in the UK felt that marketing by mainstream brands had little or no relevance to them. They also thought that most consumer brands simply did not know how to market to increasingly diverse UK consumer groups.
If we are to help our clients, we need to look at our own ranks and work hard to diversify our intake so we start to more accurately reflect those whose purchasing power and attitudes we claim to understand.
In summary, we are emerging from recession, but how quickly and how sustainably is still an open question. But when the economic upturn does come, for us in PR it can’t be ‘business as usual’.
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