15 October 2010

Thanks, Adrian...

As a middle aged (to be PC, of course) person, I thought that my ability to be surprised is somewhat dulled by the years. So, in a way, I should be thankful to one Adrian Hamilton for the Indy article Israel has no future as a purely Jewish state. It did surprise me - as an astonishing example of nincompoopery.

One can start one's fisking with the headline of the article, specifically that "purely Jewish" term. Whatever meaning the author assigned to it, he is, probably, unaware of the ethnic structure of Israel, nor did he read the Israeli declaration of independence , which clearly states that, while being a Jewish state, it will also "will uphold the full social and political equality of all its citizens, without distinction of race, creed or sex". How well is this promise kept is another matter, but definitely better than the world batting average.

One can also take an exception to the statement that the infamous loyalty oath - as stupid an idea as any politico gave birth to lately, agreed - "is a case of racist discrimination on any interpretation". I bet that Mr Hamilton will be hard pressed to prove it - simply because it isn't racist and there is nothing in his arsenal of poor logic to help him out...

But really, the above is small change. Trifles. Bubkes. What really takes the cake is the following:

The more closely you define Israel as a uniquely "Jewish" state, the less room there is for it to act as a co-operative member of a Muslim majority Middle East.
Amazing. Jaw dropping. Fan-effing-tastic. A member of multi-cultural progressive British elite who in any other situation will risk his life for your right to express your personal ethnic "I", even if that expression includes... nevermind, this guardian of human rights states that it's not really a good idea to be "uniquely Jewish" in the midst of a Muslim majority. Not to dwell on the fact that Israel was already defined (in 1948, see above) as "uniquely Jewish" - how does the multi-culti soul of Mr Hamilton allow him even to think in such - really racist this time - terms? How does his soul allow his stomach to keep his lunch while writing this revolting racist crapola? That is, assuming that he has written it after lunch, of course. Because, being a clever man, he has done it, most probably, well in advance of the meal. 

OK. Let's move on. Because I have misled you, my dear reader. I have withheld the best part for later. Because, while the previous quote takes the cake, this one takes the cherry from that delicious dollop of whipped cream on top. It's a promise:
Its [Israel's] role becomes that of an enclave which views itself as not just separate but in clear opposition to everyone else about it.
So, being Jewish state is just the ticket to be viewed as "opposition to everyone else about". Mmm... good, even brilliant job of exhibiting your inner self, Mr Hamilton, I would say...

Now is the time for a short experiment: in the two quotes above  replace "Israel" by "Scotland", "Jewish" by "Scottish" (or "Scotch" - what the heck do I know?) and, of course, "Muslim majority Middle East" by "British majority United Kingdom". Try it out and see if it's palatable...

Cross-posted on Yourish.com


Mahmoud (the Mad) Ahmadinejad under Beirut

In the picture: Mahmoud the Mad emerges from a manhole in the Beirut's sewer system, after visiting his bosom buddy Sheikh Nasrallah in his bunker.


This confusing Lieberman...

Lieberman pointed to the American pledge of allegiance. He noted that the Yisrael Beiteinu party is "willing to adopt the American law word for word."
I am totally confused now. Read the American pledge of allegiance again. It says:
I pledge allegiance to the Flag of the United States of America, and to the Republic for which it stands, one Nation under God, indivisible, with liberty and justice for all.
Oh boy... what does Lieberman want from us? First it's Jewish and democratic, now it's flag of USA...

P.S. It's our Lieberman not yours, if until now you were confused too.


14 October 2010

UFOs over New York City?

(If the embedded clip doesn't show, look here).

That's it? For a self-respecting city it's a pretty poor show...


WaPo Helen Thomas article: correction required

In the article Helen Thomas on being anti-Semitic: 'Baloney!' a correction is required . The paragraph:

"(It was) very hard for the first two weeks. After that, I came out of my coma," Thomas said.
Was reviewed by the family physician and declared misleading.
"The coma Ms Thomas is experiencing is stable and there is no reason to assume the situation is going to change," he said.
As for the accusation of antisemitism leveled at Ms Thomas: As long as she insists upon looking like a Jew from an anti-Semitic cartoon :

any discussion of this subject would be unnecessary.


Musical news from Jerusalem

Bibi conducts the first ever public performance of The Loyalty Oath musical. The troupe was carefully selected from the members of the government.


13 October 2010

China: the letter of 23 party elders calls for freedom of speech.

The letter says freedom of expression is promised in the Chinese constitution but not allowed in practice. They want people to be able to freely express themselves on the internet and want more respect for journalists.
I can imagine how the Chinese junta feels about this. Not that I want to give them any ideas, but:

Not yet. But soon...


Protecting Allah from Shiva Nazar Ahari

Here is Shiva Nazar Ahari, an Iranian women’s rights activist:

And here is Allah:

Well, strictly speaking it's not Allah, but his closest live representative on Earth: the Rage Boy. After all, we wouldn't want to enrage the Rage Boy more by putting up the Allah's picture here?

Anyroad, you would guess that Allah, in his infinite wisdom and power as materialized in the body of Rage Boy doesn't require special protection from a wee girl like Shiva? And you would be wrong, since:
On the eve of Ahmadinejad's arrival to New York, Shiva Nazar Ahari, a prominent young female defender of human rights, received a heavy sentence of six years in prison on charges including the vague crime of "waging war against God" -- a convenient catch-all offense for anyone who criticizes the regime and its human rights record.
Now, at least, those of you who were worried about the possible threat to Allah coming from this direction, can sleep soundly. Allah is protected by the wisdom of Ayatollahs and their minion Mahmoud the Mad.


More than 2,000 care about new Gap's logo!



12 October 2010

Friends Like Dubai Just Blow You Out of the Sky

Well, well, well… What’s a little retaliation amongst sahibis?
“Canada's top soldier and two cabinet ministers were up in the air Monday, their flight plans disrupted after the United Arab Emirates denied them landing in retaliation for a failed business deal.”
Fair is fair.  It would appear that the opulent sheikhdom might have grown a little overconfident protected by the western soldiers who are risking their lives in Iraq and Afghanistan.  Perhaps a tender reminder might do them good.
In the mean time the Afghans have been like waaay too rough with the poor Taliban and Al Qaida captives.  Perhaps on the way out of the region Canadian soldiers could make both the Talibs and the Emiratis a favour and provide free shipping services for the former to recuperate around some nice place like Dubai. 
I am sure the sheikhs will find their business booming.  Literally.  They deserve it.