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$3M Fine for Syncrude's Toxic Oil Sands Pond

Oil giant guilty in the death of 1600 ducks now must pay for violating provincial and federal wildlife laws

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The top U.S. climate negotiator said Friday after a "constructive" meeting with his Chinese counterpart that "there's a deal to be had" at the November warming summit in Mexico.
U.S. EPA will soon provide guidance on its greenhouse gas regulations for stationary sources, the head of the agency, Lisa Jackson, said on Thursday.
Senators from both parties criticized Secretary of State Clinton on Thursday for signaling likely support for a $7 billion pipeline to carry Canadian oil to refineries along the U.S. Gulf Coast.
Canada is contributing to international controversy over the oil sands by failing to live up to its legal and constitutional responsibilities to regulate the industry, says a new report.
The U.S. launched a renewable energy initiative to boost biofuel production to create jobs, lessen the effects of climate change and wean the country off oil imports, an official said.  
In an international assessment of the Arctic, scientists from the U.S., Canada, Russia, Denmark and other countries said the region will not return to its former, colder state.
Bill White, the man vying to be Texas' first Democratic governor in more than a decade, said he would like to see coal's usage drop from 50 to 35% in a dozen years or sooner.