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Sunday Bread - French Chocolate Sourdough!

by: Bill Egnor AKA Something The Dog Said

Sun Aug 22, 2010 at 09:36:55 AM MDT


Happy Sunday Bread Heads!

This week we're going to make French Style Sourdough Bread. The idea for this bread comes from a great bakery deli just tucked away off the main campus of the University of Michigan (Go Blue!), Zingerman's Deli. They make a Chocolate Sourdough bread that is out of this world. It also cost $10 bucks plus shipping so I decided to see if I could replicate the recipe and share it with you.  

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Who should the US invade next?

by: SpoonFighter

Fri Aug 20, 2010 at 16:52:00 PM MDT

( - promoted by Fong)

Cross-posted from spoonfighter.com

The last US combat brigade left Iraq yesterday, which raises a very important question: where should we invade, er, I mean, protect our freedom, next?

Here are some possible candidates:

1) They have oil.
2) They sponsor terror (Justin Bieber).

More after the jump.

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Mosk: Something to Talk About

by: Fong

Fri Aug 20, 2010 at 22:07:58 PM MDT

If you haven't seen it, you can swim the stream of consciousness of the word "mosk" on facebook.

Take a peek into the conversation.

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Will Muslims Be Able To Rent Space In The Freedom Tower?

by: Bill Egnor AKA Something The Dog Said

Fri Aug 20, 2010 at 07:22:21 AM MDT

The issue of the Park51 community center is about more than just this one religious affiliated building. It would be one thing if it were just at this one place, where there is some heartfelt if misguided feelings about the site of a national tragedy a few blocks away. Sadly this is just the most visible of fights about the construction of Islamic religious buildings, whether they be mosques (which in the Islamic faith must be reserved for prayer alone) or community centers there is a push nation wide to prevent them from being built. Take a look at what they are saying in Temecula CA or in Tennessee.

Gov. Dean has taken a lot of heat from the Left for his idea that there can be come kind of dialog with the families of the 9/11 victims who object to the Park51 community center. He is making a stand on ideals, though not the ideals that many of us would like. It is a good idea to reach out and find common ground, but we can not do so with those who want it all their own way. This is exactly the same kind of situation the Democrats in Congress find themselves in. They want to find common ground with Congressional Republicans, but the Republicans insist on it being all there own way or nothing. There is no way to compromises with those who won't bend.  

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Practicing Religious Freedom Sparks Controversy

by: Jack Van Ens

Thu Aug 19, 2010 at 08:28:45 AM MDT

( - promoted by KathrynCWallace)

When Thomas Jefferson proposed the separation of church and state to protect religious freedom, he unleashed a firestorm of protest.  He braced himself for a stern fight over separation of church and state. Anglicans controlled Virginia. They didn't want Baptists or Presbyterians to invade their territory.

After the Revolutionary War, Jefferson revised antiquated colonial statutes so our Republic might flourish. He aimed "to establish religious freedom on the broadest bottom." But stern opposition initially blocked Jefferson's legislative efforts to protect religious liberty.

In 1779, he wrote the "Virginia Statute for Religious Freedom." He listed it on his tombstone's epitaph as one of his three greatest accomplishments. But it took the methodical, persistent work of colleague James Madison to move this bill though mountains of paperwork, procedural motions to kill it, and sentiment not to expand religious liberty. This Statute became law in 1786.

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With 14th Amendment And Radical Republicans Everything Old Is New Again

by: Bill Egnor AKA Something The Dog Said

Thu Aug 19, 2010 at 07:15:39 AM MDT

In a frenzy of xenophobia the Radical Republican has been talking up the idea of changing the 14th Amendment or so-called birthright citizenship. The argument is that there are thousands and thousands of late term unauthorized immigrants coming here to have their children. The children born here are citizens and this is either a) a plan for the parents to get to stay in the United States or b) future terrorist agents (this last one is so risible that only in the age of Faux News and Talk Radio could it get any play at all).

As with the 51Park Islamic Community Center they see this as a good wedge issue to whip up their fear addicted base and get them out the polls. This might seem like a new tactic, but like all Radical Republican ideas it is just a case of everything old is new again. The Congress has had hearings on the issue, way back in the mists of time, in 1995 and 1997, just after Radical Republicans had taken control of the Congress. Scott Wong over at Politico brought this to light.  

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Breaking News! All US Combat Troops Out Of Iraq Today!

by: Bill Egnor AKA Something The Dog Said

Wed Aug 18, 2010 at 16:50:24 PM MDT

The last U.S. combat troops are pulling out of Iraq tonight. MSNBC is reporting live as the last Striker Brigade is driving out of Iraq.

Rachel Maddow is live in Baghdad. There are 50,000 non-combat troops remain, but the end of Operation Iraqi freedom is ending at this hour.

More soon.

Read More at this link.

Lets make this a open thread. What are your thoughts community? Is this the right thing at this time?

Is it the Administrations "August Surprise" for the elections?

Give me your thoughts in comments.

That's it, at 3:53am Kuwait time, the last U.S. combat troop left Iraq. The war is over, but there is still a lot to go before next June when all of our troops will be out.  

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Bennet, Buck, and the Denver Post on the Mosque

by: Fong

Wed Aug 18, 2010 at 13:33:16 PM MDT

Something the Dog Said has been getting a lot of attention for actually speaking some truth-- which apparently is one of the bravest, rarest things when listening to discussions about "the mosque issue".

The Denver Post editorial board thinks the mosque (and cultural center, people), should be built somewhere else. Ken Buck thinks it should be built somewhere else. Michael Bennet thinks it is a local issue.

I'm pretty sure anyone who thinks a cultural center and place of worship should be "built somewhere else" doesn't have the slightest clue about the Constitution but bears a proud gleam of racism.

Get your priorities straight, people. There are much bigger things to worry about than a temple dedicated to espousing peace and education.

Oh, if you think Islam is nasty, let's not forget about these bits of Christianity.  

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Radical Right Wants Their Protections While Denying Them To Others

by: Bill Egnor AKA Something The Dog Said

Tue Aug 17, 2010 at 07:16:34 AM MDT

For 28 weeks in late 2008 and 2009 I wrote a series on the Constitution. It grew out of a realization that while I knew a couple of the Amendments I had never really read the whole thing. Worse I had never taken the time to think about it in part and as a whole. If you're interested you can find the last one here, and there are links to all 27 of the others. The point is not the series but what I learned from doing it.

There seems to be a failure by many of our fellow citizens to understand that the Constitution is not a Chinese Buffet where you can go straight for the sweet and sour chicken but leave off the bean sprouts. Our Constitution is more of a tapestry, where if you pull out one string that offends you the whole thing is weakened.

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Japanese Internment And Banning Mosque Building, Same Impulse

by: Bill Egnor AKA Something The Dog Said

Mon Aug 16, 2010 at 06:50:30 AM MDT

Let me be clear from the start, the internment of 110,000 Japanese American citizens and residents is not exactly the same as the recent effort to stop the construction of mosques in Manhattan and elsewhere in the nation, but it is on the same spectrum, just like bigotry, prejudice and ethic hate are on the same spectrum.

It is one of our nation's greatest shames that we interred our fellow citizens without any due process and merely because of their ethnicity. In the words of President Regan in the official apology was done in a fit of

"race prejudice, war hysteria and a failure of political leadership"
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Sunday Bread - Cinnamon Rolls

by: Bill Egnor AKA Something The Dog Said

Sun Aug 15, 2010 at 09:15:24 AM MDT


Happy Sunday Bread Heads!

This week we'll be baking Cinnamon Rolls! Now there are as many cinnamon roll recipes as there are stars in the sky. This one was developed for my Dad. One time when he was visiting my house he asked if I knew how to make good cinnamon rolls. That "good" is always a danger sign for a baker, as it is a totally subjective measure. Still after some thought and a batch or two I managed to settle on a recipe that Dad loved and I think you'll really enjoy as well.  

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Stop the presses! Mark Udall takes a stand!!

by: Zappatero

Fri Aug 13, 2010 at 20:11:16 PM MDT

( - promoted by Fong)

Don't let anyone tell you Mark Udall is going to play it safe for six years, make easy calls on bland issues, and undo the taint of the half-assed "Boulder Liberal" smear compliment Dick Wadhams tried to use against him ad nauseam in '08.

Nosireebob, this guy has Proud Progressive tattooed to the inside of his eyelids:

"Thank you Al Franken, John Kerry, Mark Udall, and all other Senators who favor Elizabeth Warren to head the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau! Thank you for putting Americans first!"
Next from Mark: taking up for the Public Option where Michael Bennet petered out and calling out John McCain, if only privately, on his warmongering so we can rebuild our national parks.

Cuz we know they're going to call Mark the same thing no matter what he does, anyway.

Don't we, Mark?

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Holy Moses! I've Been Called Out By Newsbusters! Twice!

by: Bill Egnor AKA Something The Dog Said

Fri Aug 13, 2010 at 09:02:15 AM MDT

Well, Holy Crap! It looks as though there are a lot more conservative readers here at the Great Orange Satan than I thought. In twice in the last month I have been singled out by the Newsbusters crowd as someone to vilify. I was wondering what the sudden up tick in Radical Right e-mail that I have been getting was all about.

The first time was for my July 30th article about the Radical Right's hysterics about the building of a mosque (really more like a YMCA) two blocks from the 9/11 site. The second was about yesterday's post pointing out pointing out the failure of the Radical Right by thinking that we are at war with all of Islam.  

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Are We At War With All Islam? Right Wingers Think So

by: Bill Egnor AKA Something The Dog Said

Thu Aug 12, 2010 at 07:44:24 AM MDT

Nearly every oath of service in this nation includes the phrase "Defend and protect the Constitution of the United States of America" in some form or the other. Not having a King we needed an object of loyalty, something bigger than the individual to focus our loyalty on. It was well planned by the Framers that when taking office each servant of the people would swear to uphold and protect the very document which created this nation.

It is therefore shocking how few of our fellow citizens actually get know or understand what the Constitution says. We have multiple issues where the public opinion seems to be against the Constitutions very clear demands for all citizens to have the same rights. The big culture war issue has been about the right of gay citizens to marry the person of their choice. Time and again the public has voted to deny this right to their fellow citizens.  

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Three Cheers for Democracy

by: KathrynCWallace

Wed Aug 11, 2010 at 21:21:32 PM MDT

Ever since I discovered squarestate.net, it has been a forum for progressives to air their internal disputes.  I have stayed out of it for many reasons but through it all, democracy has prevailed. I don't like all the outcomes of last night's primary. Some people I care about and supported will not be going on to the general, but we did have a free and fair election.

The second most painful thing about democracy is that my causes don't always win. But, the most painful thing is when people allow the losses to drive them away from the process. Our world is not decided during any one election. I thought we would never recover from the travesty we saw in 2000. But now that is so long ago, you may not even know what I'm talking about. If your leadership is not exactly the one you want, the answer is not to be less involved.  The answer is to be MORE involved.  I know it's hard when you work tirelessly for a cause you believe in and still fail.  But the larger cause that you have worked for has not gone away.

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