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Asunder, a collection of short stories and a novella by Robert Lopez, was published early this month by Dzanc Books, one of the innovative presses featured in the current issue.

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    “When I push weights around, I push words around. I usually hit the gym in the afternoon, and when I do, I think about the story or chapter I was working on that morning...."



    “On a narrow strip of cork board, among news clippings and postcards, is a small vellum-colored paper square, printed by the artist Tom Ashcraft, that has inspired me for many years...."

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John Casey's Writing Desk



In "Beyond the Compass," a profile of novelist John Casey that appears in the current issue, Joshua Bodwell describes the author's rustic writing shed that sits at the back corner of his property in Charlottesville, Virginia. "Inside the small room is a riot of papers," Bodwell writes.

DIY: How to Make and Bind Chapbooks


Whether you end up distributing your own prose or poetry at a reading or collecting the work of your friends in limited editions, these instructions on how to create and bind your own chapbooks offer hours of bookmaking fun.

Hurricane Katrina, Five Years Later


A selection of essays that commemorate what was lost and celebrate the literary arts in New Orleans. 

Seventeen innovative magazines and presses; profiles of poet and Poetry editor Christian Wiman, memoirist Heather Sellers, and novelist John Casey; advice from an agent; the inside scoop on starting a literary journal; and more.

November/December 2010Nov/Dec 2010

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Take a look behind the scenes at the photo shoot with poet and fiction writer Heather Sellers, who is profiled in the November/December 2010 issue on the occasion of her new memoir, You Don't Look Like Anyone I Know.

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The Story of Dzanc Books

by Jeremiah Chamberlin


Contributor Jeremiah Chamberlin profiles indie innovator Dzanc Books, which in four short years has gone from a start-up to a publisher with five imprints, three literary magazines, and a list of over fifty titles.

Inside Indie Bookstores: McNally Jackson Books in New York City

by Jeremiah Chamberlin


In the sixth installment of our series Inside Indie Bookstores, contributor Jeremiah Chamberlin travels to New York City to speak with Sarah McNally, owner of McNally Jackson Books.

Q&A: Papernick Revives Book Peddling

by Allison Gaudet Yarrow


Over the past few months fiction writer Jonathan Papernick, fed up with traditional mechanisms for bookselling, has followed the lead of the organic farmers, cheese mongers, and artisan bakers of community green markets by selling his books direct, out of a cart.

VQR’s Future in Doubt After Tragedy

by Kevin Nance

The Virginia Quarterly Review was rocked by the July 30 suicide of its managing editor, Kevin Morrissey, leaving the award-winning magazine’s future in doubt, as well as that of its editor.

The New Broom

by Kevin Nance

A survey of professional opinions, including those of the New Yorker's Paul Muldoon and the Southern Review's Jeanne Leiby, about the Paris Review's decision to reject previously accepted poems.

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Wiman Gallery
Credit: Bob Coscarelli
With his new collection, Christian Wiman has performed a powerful imaginative act of reclamation, reconciliation, and peace that resonates both in his work and in his life.
Sellers Gallery
Credit: Pieter van Hattem
Staring down a disorder that prevents her from recognizing faces offers ample material for a memoir, but Heather Sellers tackles much more in You Don’t Look Like Anyone I Know.
Indie Gallery
Credit: David Hamsley
Our special section features seventeen groundbreaking presses and magazines that are finding new ways to get writing in front of more readers.
McNally Gallery
Credit: Jeremiah Chamberlin
In the latest installment of Inside Indie Bookstores, Jeremiah Chamberlin travels to New York City to speak with Sarah McNally, owner of McNally Jackson Books.