Computer vision

Eye robot

Poor eyesight remains one of the main obstacles to letting robots loose among humans. But it is improving, in part by aping natural vision(13)

Humanitarian aid

Feeding the beast

What's wrong with emergency aid? A review of "The Crisis Caravan" by Linda Polman(13)

George Washington

First among equals

A great man but not a god

From our blogs

Archiving the web

Born digital

National libraries start to preserve the web, but cannot save everything


Mid-terms in America

Our US editor and health-care correspondent discuss Obamacare's effect on the election with Congressmen Paul Ryan and Steve Israel

National stereotypes

Mayhem, masochism and immobility

The French riot, the British suffer grimly, the Americans are in denial


A special report on Turkey

After years of instability, Turkey is now sailing a steadier path. Our Europe editor discusses whether it is on a collision course with the West

The dictator prize

Reputation mismanagement

UNESCO finally drops its plans for a prize named after Equatorial Guinea's nasty president


Benoît Mandelbrot

The father of fractal geometry

Debt comparison

The world debt clock

Economist Debates

Technology in the 20th century

The Economist Asks

Should America allow bankruptcy judges to reduce the value of a home mortgage?



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Pay up or die
From Newsbook - October 21st, 22:13
Link exchange
From Free exchange - October 21st, 21:08
Shaky China
From Free exchange - October 21st, 20:57
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Economist event: The Buttonwood Gathering - Fixing Finance

Join Mervyn King, Robert Rubin, Mohamed El-Erian, Peter Orszag, Joseph Stiglitz, Vikram Pandit and many others for a stimulating debate on the state of global finance. New York City October 25-26th 2010
