The "Glass Ceiling" Is Actually a Labyrinth

Women and Power
The "Glass Ceiling" Is Actually a Labyrinth

Northwestern University professor Alice Eagly says the highest leadership positions today are more open to women than ever—but there are female-specific branches at each career stage that lead many away.

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Did Keynes Underestimate Greed?
Did Keynes Underestimate Greed?
Economic Historian, University of Warwick

We’re getting wealthy at the rate that the great economist predicted, but there’s a reason why haven't we traded more consumption for leisure. Watch

The Physics of Wet Dog Shake (Video)
The Physics of Wet Dog Shake

Experimenters at the Georgia Institute of Technology calculated how fast an animal has to oscillate to overcome surface tension and throw water off its hairs.

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President Obama Joins the "It Gets Better Project"
Obama Joins the "It Gets Better Project"

The online video series, created by sex columnist Dan Savage and his husband Terry in response to recent LGBT teen suicides, has reached the White House. Savage talks to Big Think about its success.

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Featured Blogs

Hybrid Reality

Hatsune Miku is a 21st Century Rockstar
Hatsune Miku is a 21st Century Rockstar

Willow Smith, Will and Jada Smith’s precocious 9 year old daughter, just released her single "Whip My Hair," a smash hit that heralds a great career. Are 9-year old superstars a 21st century phenomenon? Not really. Mozart was 5 years old when he was performing in Vienna's royal court, and Michael ... Read More

Think, See, Feel

Why WikiLeaks Reminds Us of The Fog of War
Why WikiLeaks Reminds Us of The Fog of War

It is not because Julian Assange reminds us of Errol Morris. It is because Julian Assange reminds us of Robert S. McNamara. His precision and self-assurance are coupled with mission, history, and a noble cause. But will he eventually come, like McNamara did, to regret his actions? Will he ever see ... Read More

As I Please

Time To Banish 'Twitter'!
Time To Banish 'Twitter'!

There are seismic events which have such import, that it is possible to remember exactly where one was and what one was doing when the news first broke. I was in the school library looking out on an Autumnal scene with a large Oak tree gently showering its golden leaves to the ground, when I heard ... Read More

Think Tank

President Obama Joins the "It Gets Better Project"
President Obama Joins the "It Gets Better Project"

You know an Internet meme has really gone viral when it reaches the White House. Today, President Obama released a three-minute video to be part of sex columnist Dan Savage's "It Gets Better Project," an online video series created in response to a spate of recent suicides by teens that were bullied ... Read More

Design for Good

Replenish: Bringing Sustainability to Home Cleaners
Replenish: Bringing Sustainability to Home Cleaners

The anti-plastic crusade of the past few years has focused largely on bottled water, but the beverage market isn't the only culprit for the plastic bottle epidemic. Replenish aims to battle another one: Bottled home cleaners, which contain only 5% actual cleaner, the rest being plastic and water ... Read More

Editors' Choice

Aging: All in the Mind
Aging: All in the Mind
Nutritionist and Author
Will Racial Quirks Ever Become Common Knowledge?
Will Racial Quirks Ever Become Common Knowledge?
Poet / Professor of English, University of Virginia

Daily Ideafeed

Nature's Cash Value

Insects' benefits are valued at £134bn and coral's at £109bn in a pioneering report equating biodiversity to cash in the hope of encouraging conservation.

Heuristics Revealed
Perilous Mental Shortcuts

Heuristics are cognitive rules of thumb we all use in routine decision-making and yet the concept is little known outside the labs and offices of academia.

Muslim Debate
Juan Williams: Truthful Dissident?

"We would all be better off — Muslim Americans first and foremost —if we could have a more open discussion about Islam, Islamic militancy and what ... it means to be Muslim."

Targeted Marketing
Online Profiling

"I’m as concerned about startups using Rapleaf’s API as I am about how the company continues to mine data from huge data-rich social services such as LinkedIn."

Pot's Future
Closing California's Marijuana Frontier

"California is not just deciding whether pot should be legal. It’s determining the shape of a major new American industry."

Deficit Reduction
Risks of Banking on Growth

Ross Douthat: "I’m cautiously optimistic that the Cameron government is taking the right course in Britain — and somewhat more pessimistic about America’s capacity to follow suit."

Lunar "Oasis"
Water for Moonbases?

Finding frozen water in some parts of the moon has implications for space exploration including the possible supply of water and oxygen for a manned moonbase.

Racial Integration
Germany's Parallel Societies

"Chancellor Angela Merkel says multiculturalism has been an utter failure in Germany... But is it really such a bad thing when immigrant groups prefer to be among themselves?"

Marathon Maths
How Not To Hit The Wall

"A marathoner’s worst nightmare — hitting 'the wall' — may be completely avoidable if athletes adhere to personalized pace limits proposed by a biomedical engineer and runner.

Foreign Occupation
Suicide Bombers' Triggers

"Foreign occupation, not religious fervor, is the primary motivation behind this form of terrorism."