Gossip from Manhattan and the Beltway to Hollywood and the Valley


Gawker Sarah Palin's Screed Against Reporters

2012 presidential gossip has already driven Sarah Palin into an awesome state of sarcastic fury, hours after Politico wrote — with help from anonymous operatives — that the GOP Establishment wants to destroy her. She really didn't like that article. More »
Published:2010-11-01 22:04:28 GMT
14 minutes ago via RSS Graffiti · Comment · · Share

Gawker Ryan Seacrest Will Interview Barack Obama with These Questions in Mind

American Idol host and sexually perplexing Ken doll Ryan Seacrest is interviewing President Obama tomorrow. He's crowdsourcing interview questions on his Facebook page. Let's see what his followers came up with. More »
Published:2010-11-01 21:29:46 GMT
50 minutes ago via RSS Graffiti · Comment · · Share
  • Lea MacNamara likes this.
    • Mark Mann WHY
      47 minutes ago ·
    • Tim Randall Maybe when he gets kicked out of office in 2012, he can become one of the next AI judges.
      46 minutes ago ·

Gawker Five Foreign Cities to Move to When the Tea Party Takes Over America

For liberals, tomorrow's midterm elections could be a bloodbath. Rand Paul, Christine O'Donnell, Carl Paladino: These are people who could soon rule America! If they do get elected, where can you go? What foreign cities will be your refuge? More »...
Published:2010-11-01 21:19:50 GMT
about an hour ago via RSS Graffiti · Comment · · Share

Gawker Facebook CEO's Halloween Treat

If you set aside Facebook's privacy tricks for a night — not hard when you're a kid in a bumble bee costume — the company's founder Mark Zuckerberg has some nice treats for you. Full-sized Snickers bars, in fact. More »
Published:2010-11-01 21:14:33 GMT
about an hour ago via RSS Graffiti · Comment · · Share

Gawker Does Fox News Have to Sue Some Republicans Now?

A group of right-wing conspiracists has produced a 25-minute phantasm of Obama-rage posing as a "documentary," and it's airing in battleground states. Will Fox News sue to keep them from using its clips, like it does against Democrats? Probably not! More »
Published:2010-11-01 20:46:28 GMT
about an hour ago via RSS Graffiti · Comment · · Share
    • Michael Sautner Nobody does it like Michael Moore.. lol
      about an hour ago ·
    • Janice Woodfork Montgomery I WOULD LIKE TO SEE A LITTLE RAGE FROM HIM
      59 minutes ago ·

Gawker America Loses a National Treasure: Shoot the Freak

Today's sad news is that nine of the businesses on the Coney Island boardwalk lost their licenses, including Shoot the Freak, the game where anyone could shoot paintballs at a living human for $5. Life will never be the same. More »
Published:2010-11-01 20:44:40 GMT
about an hour ago via RSS Graffiti · Comment · · Share
  • Gary Long likes this.
    • Gary Long
      ‎"I don't want to shoot the freak. I don't want to shoot the freak," and his father scolding him, "You're going to shoot the freak, and you're going to like it!" I never really wanted to shoot the freak either, but I knew that as long as it... was there that the New York City I loved was still there.

      See More
      about an hour ago ·

Gawker Your 2010 Election Preview

Tomorrow's election map looks much like 2006's, but with the parties reversed: the ruling party will probably lose the House, possibly lose the Senate, and probably win a California gubernatorial election for consolation. Here's a preview. More »
Published:2010-11-01 20:40:34 GMT
about an hour ago via RSS Graffiti · Comment · · Share

Gawker The Best Halloween Costumes of 2010

Do you people love Halloween or what? We put out the call last week for your best Halloween costumes and we sure received some spectacular entries. Here are the best of the best, and our spectacular winner. More »
Published:2010-11-01 19:35:36 GMT
2 hours ago via RSS Graffiti · Comment · · Share

Gawker Juror Screws Up Murder Trial by Asking Bailiff Out on a Date

The alternate juror in the death-penalty trial of the man convicting of slaughtering a family in Connecticut may have spoiled the proceedings by passing a note to the bailiff: "Sunday 5 p.m. Side Street Grille." She was asking him out. More »
Published:2010-11-01 19:18:45 GMT
3 hours ago via RSS Graffiti · Comment · · Share

Gawker Did Google Fire Its Servants?

Good luck retaining employees now: We hear Google has ended a perk that provided free "runners" to handle basic chores like cooking, cleaning and errands. More »
Published:2010-11-01 19:02:46 GMT
3 hours ago via RSS Graffiti · Comment · · Share
    • Mary Poletti Well, you figure geeks who never leave their offices need someone to keep them from starving and their homes from becoming a scene straight out of Hoarders. (I kid, I kid!)
      3 hours ago ·

Gawker Man Who Raped Daughter in Dungeon: 'My Favorite TV Show is Two and a Half Men'

Austria's "incest monster" Josef Fritzl—who used his daughter as a baby-bearing dungeon sex slave for 24 years—just gave his first jailhouse interview: "I hate hairdressers more than dentists." And: "My favorite show is Two and a Half Men." More »
Published:2010-11-01 18:58:28 GMT
3 hours ago via RSS Graffiti · Comment · · Share
  • Mike Funicelli likes this.
    • Terri Wilson Poposky How horrible. I have been wondering how the daughter and her children are doing.
      about an hour ago ·
    • Christopher Strenge The man should wear a ball gag for the rest of his life - he shouldn't have experience of anything in this life to choose as his "favorite".
      about an hour ago · 1 personLoading... ·

Gawker GOP Establishment Might as Well Start Destroying Sarah Palin Now

Sarah Palin has done wonders for Republican fundraising and enthusiasm in this low-turnout, base-determined midterm election. She's helpful, now, so the party won't dare criticize her. But that'll end! Because party leaders don't want her anywhere near their presidential nomination. More »
Published:2010-11-01 18:14:27 GMT
4 hours ago via RSS Graffiti · Comment · · Share
    • Alan Jennings
      ‎@ The Gawker, RE: "...in this low-turnout, base-determined midterm election."

      You're gonna THINK low turnout, LOL. It is exactly this kind of election that the Dems always surprise all the people predicting gloom and doom for the liberals,... and instead they turn out en masse and annihilate the conservatives.See More
      3 hours ago ·
    • Bill Menezes Over/Under on # of illegitimate grandchildren she has by then?
      3 hours ago ·

Gawker iPhone Bug Makes Europeans Late for Work

The iPhone's alarm failed to handle the switch to Daylight Saving Time in Europe, causing a wave of workplace tardiness this morning. This is the second continent to curse Apple's phone after Australia experienced the same bug last month. More »...
Published:2010-11-01 17:32:19 GMT
4 hours ago via RSS Graffiti · Comment · · Share

Gawker Christine O'Donnell Can't Get Anyone to Air Her 30-Minute Commercial

Christine O'Donnell produced a fancy 30-minute campaign ad. Unfortunately, she forgot to buy air time in advance, and can't seem to get it on TV. Now she's tweeting angrily about how Delaware public access television is out to get her. More »
Published:2010-11-01 17:30:13 GMT
4 hours ago via RSS Graffiti · Comment · · Share

Gawker Cancer Faker to Plead Guilty to Fraud

Canadian cancer scam artist Ashley Kirilow has been charged with seven counts of fraud for raising $20,000 for her fake cancer charity, and nabbing free trips to Disneyland with her elaborate cancer lie. More »
Published:2010-11-01 16:33:26 GMT
5 hours ago via RSS Graffiti · Comment · · Share

Gawker Halloween Horror: Carl Paladino Crashes Costume Party

Human Halloween costume Carl Paladino, New York's Republican gubernatorial candidate, will lose to Andrew Cuomo by a full 100 percentage points tomorrow. So why shouldn't he just go nuts at a Buffalo bar on Halloween weekend? More »
Published:2010-11-01 16:20:07 GMT
6 hours ago via RSS Graffiti · Comment · · Share

Gawker Jon Stewart and The Media: Let's Not All Get Along

Jon Stewart's plot to "Restore Sanity" included a call for the death of the lefty vs. righty shoutfest on cable news. Some in the media felt he blamed the media too much. He didn't. He just blamed the wrong half. More »
Published:2010-11-01 15:06:40 GMT
7 hours ago via RSS Graffiti · Comment · · Share
    • Bob Komarek
      The responsibility of a real journalist is to find and report news, not to be the news. If a journalist is not willing to look under a "left" rock with the same verve as a "right" rock (and vice versa), then they are doing the public a dis...service. There is absolutely nothing wrong with presenting both sides of an issue. Regular people do this every day as well. It does not mean a compromise to the middle ground is imminent, only that both sides of any argument is fully covered. The reason why O'Reilly and co. are doing so well, is because their shows put everyone on, not just rubber duckies all quacking the same tune. The consumer market has spoken. They like the approach better than the rest. Another reason why "Fox" types do a bit better is because the USA is still fairly conservative, despite the constant sound byte that it isn't. That's a free buffer of viewers right there. Another media company like CNN does little to hide its liberal heart, and the people have spoken on that too. They like it less than FOX. That being said, FOX & RUSH types are as guilty as the "left" when it comes to creating talking heads which have the ability to be the subject of the news, instead of presenting it. This is nothing new however....

      Meanwhile Iran is building a bomb ...
      See More
      5 hours ago ·

Gawker Free Huffington Post Buses to Jon Stewart Rally All Show Up Late

Huffington Post founder Arianna Huffington provided free buses from New York to Washington, D.C. for Jon Stewart's Rally to Restore Sanity. Unfortunately, most of them showed up late. Not really a great way to restore sanity, in the end. More »
Published:2010-10-30 18:55:57 GMT
Saturday at 12:18pm via RSS Graffiti · Comment · · Share

Gawker Live at the Jon Stewart and Stephen Colbert Rally

Hello! We're in Washington D.C. at Jon Stewart and Stephen Colbert's Rally to Restore Sanity and/or Fear. There are nine billion people here! But you all have the best view, watching on your computers. Let's liveblog this thing. More »
Published:2010-10-30 17:55:37 GMT
Saturday at 10:56am via RSS Graffiti · Comment · · Share

Gawker Snapshots of Sanity and/or Fear from the Stewart-Colbert Rally

The Jon Stewart/Stephen Colbert "Rally to Restore Sanity and/or Fear" is under way! (We're live-blogging the whole thing here.) Check out some photos from the event below—and send in your own to tips@gawker.com. More »
Published:2010-10-30 17:12:09 GMT
Saturday at 10:20am via RSS Graffiti · Comment · · Share

Gawker Live at the Jon Stewart and Stephen Colbert Rally

Hello! We're in Washington D.C. at Jon Stewart and Stephen Colbert's Rally to Restore Sanity and/or Fear. There are nine billion people here! But you all have the best view, watching on your computers. Let's liveblog this thing. More »
Published:2010-10-30 16:54:27 GMT
Saturday at 9:55am via RSS Graffiti · Comment · · Share

Gawker Live at the Jon Stewart and Stephen Colbert Rally

Hello! We're in Washington D.C. at Jon Stewart and Stephen Colbert's Rally to Restore Sanity and/or Fear. There are nine billion people here! But you all have the best view, watching on your computers. Let's liveblog this thing. More »
Published:2010-10-30 16:09:20 GMT
Saturday at 9:18am via RSS Graffiti · Comment · · Share

Gawker What's Opening in Theaters Today

Boo! On this scaaaariest of weekends, what should you see in the dark? Well, uh, one of those Saw pictures if you like that sorta thing, or a weepy indie, or a Swedish political mystery. More »
Published:2010-10-29 23:10:29 GMT
Friday at 4:26pm via RSS Graffiti · Comment · · Share

Gawker Majority of Troops Don't Object to Gays in Military

According to the leaked results of a Department of Defense survey, a majority of service members wouldn't oppose serving or living alongside gays and lesbians. "Some" (not a majority) said they'd quit if "Don't Ask, Don't Tell" were repealed. More »
Published:2010-10-29 22:45:43 GMT
Friday at 4:14pm via RSS Graffiti · Comment · · Share
    • Bj Dover Don't ask, don't tell. Or fucking die.
      Friday at 11:04pm ·
    • Toni Marie Luca I'm really enjoying watching the user Sushi_Babies get his stupid argument reamed by other users. Another good example of how many men who oppose gays in the military (while pretending they aren't already there) try to rationalize their arguments with these bullshit reasons when we all know it's a result of their pathetic insecurities
      Saturday at 3:49am ·

Gawker Why We Published the Christine O'Donnell Story

Yesterday, we published the anonymous account of a young man from Philadelphia who had a naked sleepover with Delaware GOP senatorial candidate Christine O'Donnell three years ago. Some people did not like that! Here's why we'd do it again. More »
Published:2010-10-29 21:45:13 GMT
Friday at 3:00pm via RSS Graffiti · Comment · · Share
    • David Hayhurst I defend your right to publish the piece, and generally support your followup defence. But I'll never be able to think of Gawker OR her again without "sasquatch crotch" going through my head!
      Saturday at 3:18am ·
    • Lourdes Diaz I didn't understand the outrage on this story. It was obvious that the story highlighted her major hypocrisy, which is usually the case in these matters, no matter the politician's gender.
      Saturday at 6:33am ·

Gawker Time Boldly Declares Tuesday's Winners

The cover of Time's election preview issue reads, "How a new breed of Republicans tapped into voter rage and upset the Establishment—but can they govern?" More pertinently, can half of the candidates on Time's cover win their elections? More »
Published:2010-10-29 20:54:32 GMT
Friday at 2:01pm via RSS Graffiti · Comment · · Share
    • Christopher Adams Unpoular rich lady, guy whose said some crazy things, King of the Head Stompers, and... her. Whatta team! First we'll take over the legislative branch and then we'll take over the psych ward!
      Friday at 2:26pm · 1 personLoading... ·
    • John Rocco yeah and it's only because tea partying douche bags dedicate their lives to this bullshit. most people don't have time for this shit and we just watch or read about it in the news. we don't go to rallys and promote shit.
      Friday at 2:59pm · 1 personLoading... ·

Gawker Enter the Gawker Halloween Costume Contest—If You Dare

If you're anything like us, you've spent the last few weeks conceptualizing and constructing your Halloween costume. Why let all that hard work go to waste when you could post some pictures here and win a prize? More »
Published:2010-10-29 20:12:20 GMT
Friday at 1:25pm via RSS Graffiti · Comment · · Share

Gawker McDonald's Tells Employees to Vote Republican

Employees at an Ohio McDonald's franchise received a nice letter along with their paychecks the other week, just reminding them that elections are coming. And, oh, that if they want to keep getting raises and benefits, they should vote Republican. More »
Published:2010-10-29 19:59:25 GMT
Friday at 1:00pm via RSS Graffiti · Comment · · Share
    • Dana Suzanne Cathy, if you seriously believe that either party is seriously looking out for the Constitution, you're not paying attention.

      Saturday at 3:26am ·
    • Cynthia Gist
      Cathy, it was not Clinton but good ole Ollie North and other Reagan cronies who trashed the Constitution to import cocaine in trade for arms in Iran Contra! Your are so silly and brain-washed by crazy wing-nut propoganda--I never heard of ...anyone believing all that discredited crap before! It was typical right wing disrespect for the presidency, just because a Democrat manages to get elected in spite of dirty tricks and voter fraud--funny how the names change thru the decades but it's always repugs (and Karl Rove) behind it.... Don't believe the lies from serial liars!See More
      Saturday at 4:19am · 1 personLoading... ·

Gawker Shocker: Oxford Girls Like to Get Drunk and Embarrass Themselves, Too

Some photos that recently popped up on Facebook show first year female lacrosse players at Oxford dressed up as babies or as "teenage mums" as some sort of boozy hazing ritual. Now everyone is horrified! This filthy behavior, at Oxford? More »...
Published:2010-10-29 19:35:12 GMT
Friday at 1:00pm via RSS Graffiti · Comment · · Share

Gawker Republicans Will Masturbate Endlessly on Tuesday Night

More »
Published:2010-10-29 19:07:57 GMT
Friday at 12:13pm via RSS Graffiti · Comment · · Share
    • Michael Arnold Don't they do that already to pictures of Ronald Reagan dressed in lingerie, as he sodomizes James Brady with a strapon?
      Friday at 1:05pm ·
    • Bob Komarek yes, it's funny when the country goes down the crapper. It will be even funnier in two more years ... if he lasts that long.
      Friday at 5:05pm ·

Gawker What We'll Miss About Schwarzenegger: Fancy Jewelry

With his approval rating "hover[ing] in the low 20s" and an election day referendum to reverse his greatest legislative victory, California's steroidal governor is set to leave on a low note. His fancy fingers, however, will continue to shine. More »
Published:2010-10-29 19:02:14 GMT