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CauseWired strengthens the efforts of our clients and their causes by creating an emotional connection with target audiences, online and off. In every assignment, we’re working toward sustainability long after our consultants leave. Every campaign should increase capacity. Every communications effort should improve in-house skills and understanding. Every strategic plan should include realistic goals for programs and revenue. Every corporate assignment must address real-life business goals.

Working with nonprofit organizations, foundations, individuals, companies and advocacy groups, we connect a community of voices for change. Our services include:

  • Strategic Planning
  • Fundraising and Development Planning
  • Campaign Management
  • Case Development and Research
  • Communications and Marketing
  • Social Media Strategy
  • Executive and Board Coaching

There is no master template for CauseWired services. Every assignment is unique because every client faces unique challenges and opportunities. You don’t want cookie-cutter “solutions” and we run a small firm because we don’t like delivering them.

Let’s talk.

We’re always interested to hear about a potential assignment, to discuss a challenge, to talk about an opportunity, or simply to ask a question.

Drop us a line by email to info <at> or call 914.295.0006 today.

Client Spotlight

CauseWired is honored to work with some truly remarkable clients - organizations who are changing people's loves on a daily basis. In our client spotlight section, read about how The Safe Place raised more than $1 million to support an innovative (and sustainable) co-location strategy that is helping victims of family violence. CauseWired assisted with development strategy, conducted a feasibility and planning study, advised on social media, and managed this historic campaign. Learn more.

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