Military Voters, We Want to Hear From You

States are failing deployed military members and families, and the DOJ's Keystone Kops are doing little to nothing to help.

The NYT, the Soft Sciences, and the Slow, Stupid Return to Reason

by David Steinberg

Lefty sociologists finally look past “oppression,” and accept that a culture’s commitment to prosperity affects that culture’s … prosperity.

Juan Williams Fired by NPR after Anti-Islamic Remarks on Fox News

by Ed Driscoll

"When I get on the plane, if I see people who are in Muslim garb and I think they are identifying themselves first and foremost as Muslims, I get worried. I get nervous." And fired from NPR.

Republicans Kind of Suck … Which Is Why They Will Win Huge in November

by Frank J. Fleming

Because in the Democratic land of epic, mega, ultra, apocalyptic levels of sucking, those who kinda suck are king.

The NFL Jumps the Shark

by Rick Moran

The new emphasis in the league on helmet-to-helmet hits sends a message to players that is at once confusing and contradictory: play hard but not too hard

Will the Young Guns Force ‘Speaker’ Boehner to a Duel?

by Myra Adams

If the GOP takes control of Congress next month, pay close attention to the media spin. If you start hearing more about Eric Cantor and his newly expanded posse, then listen carefully, for the sound you might hear next could be the Young Guns taking a shot at the speaker’s gavel.

Heh — Lefty Bloggers Attack Sarah Palin, Impale Themselves

by Bryan Preston

Kos and his minions don't know much about history.

California’s Green Economy Failure

by Benjamin Zycher

A proposition is on the ballot to suspend California's green job initiatives until unemployment goes way down.

For Obama and the Left, ‘Scared’ Is the New ‘Angry’

by Roger L Simon

Did Obama call voters "scared" in a moment of electoral panic, or is there a plan behind it?

Obama's 'Final Protective Fire'

by Richard Fernandez

The president is attempting to mobilize his base at whatever cost to prevent a complete rout by the other side.

Parson Obama

by Victor Davis Hanson

As his approval ratings continue to drop, the president continues to lecture us from his pulpit.

Merkel and Wilders: Fighting the Good Fight against Multiculturalism

by Roger L Simon

The times are indeed a-changing in Old Europe, where the populace, along with a few brave politicians such as Merkel and Wilders, appears to be awakening to the results of decades of unrestrained immigration from cultures with little or no intention of assimilating into their own.

Left-Wing Israeli Site Pours Cold Water on Obama’s ‘Process’

by P. David Hornik

The Obama administration ignores realities in order to push a "process" that even lefty Israelis are beginning to doubt will lead to peace.

Waiting for ‘Superman’: One of the Most Persuasive Documentaries You Will See

by Christian Toto

Alternately heartbreaking and joyous, the film is a testament to the power of education and a critique of the adults who too often stand in the way.

The Only Victims in the Foreclosure Mess Will Be Taxpayers

by Rick Moran

There are no heroes or good guys in this story. Only villains.

Handicapping the House — Weekend Brief

by Stephen Green

There are now 107 seats at risk; 99 of them belong to Democrats.

The Risk of Post-Election Republican Betrayal

by Jeff Perren

What you should do about it.

The Business of The Social Network

by John Boot

In trying to make a movie highly critical of entrepreneurs and their striving to realize a dream, Aaron Sorkin has inadvertently created a film that celebrates American business.

The Battle for America 2010: In Houston, Saturday Is Time for Tea

by Bryan Preston

The North Houston Tea Party is getting ready to impact the Texas vote, which starts on Monday.

Mine Rescue: Crisis Shows Chile’s President To Be the Kind of Leader That America Desperately Needs

by Tim Daniel

Sebastián Piñera's brilliant handling of the mine crisis showed the world his strong character while revealing weaknesses in the character of our own president.

Fire Bernanke

by Stephen Green

The Federal Reserve chairman needs to go. Immediately. Before interest rates, the inflation rate, and the unemployment rate are all stuck in double digits.

Tea Party Tracking Poll 10/15/2010

by Vik Rubenfeld

Do Tea Partiers think the mid-term election results will cause President Obama to moderate his agenda? This is the only place to find out.

BREAKING: Prosecutors of Dutch MP Geert Wilders Ask Court To Acquit on All Charges

by Leon de Winter

The prosecution also strongly condemned the decision of a higher court to prosecute Wilders for his anti-Islamic statements.

Democrats’ Online Phone Bank System Compromises Americans’ Identity Security

by Bryan Preston

Obama's personal political army posts information on thousands of American voters all over the country online, with no safeguards in place to protect them or their data.

Is California Insane?

by Roger L Simon

The idea that the electorate could even consider electing Jerry Brown in 2010 attests to that.

Congressional Muslim Staffers Hosted Second Al-Qaeda Cleric on Capitol Hill

by Patrick Poole

The group previously hosted the now-wanted al-Qaeda cleric Anwar al-Awlaki in the weeks after 9/11.

The (Last) Running of the (Old) Bulls?

by Bryan Preston

America isn't Pamplona, and these Democratic bulls have messed with American voters for decades. Now, they may get the horns.

Inept: PJM Readers Knew Illinois Failed Military Voters, but DOJ Didn’t

by J. Christian Adams

At least 25 IL counties failed to mail military ballots on time, and I have obtained communications from the past week showing the Justice Department never had a clue.

The Battle for America 2010: BREAKING — Sen. Harry Reid Hit with Ethics Complaint

by John Ransom

The 527 Harry Reid Votes will file an ethics complaint against the Senate majority leader as early as this Friday, alleging that Reid violated “the Senate rules of conduct by accepting certain contributions from the top executives of a federal government contractor."

Inside the ‘Zone’: PJM Visits the Red Sludge Disaster in Hungary

by Andras Simonyi

Last week I wrote a piece for PJM about the “red sludge” in Hungary. At that time, I was not aware of the horror I was confronted with yesterday.

Why Liu Xiaobo’s Nobel Peace Prize Matters

by John Parker

Some day, we may look back on this moment in Chinese history and point to it as the beginning of the end of the Chinese Communist "dynasty."

Falcon Lake Murder: Mexican Investigator Beheaded

by Bryan Preston

The Zetas double down by executing the lead investigator in the search for David Hartley.

Video: PJM/PJTV’s Voter Fraud Watch

by Bryan Preston

Got a digital camera, flip video camera, Blackberry, or cell phone that shoots video? Put them to use on Election Day as we keep watch on the integrity of the mid-terms.

Handicapping the House

by Stephen Green

In his latest election projections, Steve Green starts the grand overview, then takes a look at the individual races. They feature lots of movement this week—almost entirely to the right.

The Once and Future Republic

by David Solway

Is America beginning again or coming to the end of the road?

The Electric Tea Party Acid Test

by Zombie

Memo to America's hippies: you won't enjoy hearing this, but Tea Party values are also hippie values.

‘Voter Fraud Watch’ — Uncle Pajamas Wants You!

by Roger L Simon

Got a digital camera, flip video camera, Blackberry, or cell phone that shoots video? Put them to use on Election Day. In the meantime, leave suggestions in the comments as to how to help eliminate voting fraud this November.

Whore-Gate: Who’s in Bed With Jerry Brown?

by Jack Dunphy

Why would the union that represents LAPD officers even think of endorsing liberal Jerry Brown to reprise his disastrous turn as California's governor? Because politics is full of compromising positions.

PJTV’s Big Green Part III: The World’s First Carbon Billionaires

by Joe Hicks

PJTV's series on Big Green wraps up with a reminder that there's gold in that green.

The New York Times Book Review Gives New Credibility to the Rosenbergs’ Most Discredited Defenders

by Ron Radosh

If you are looking for new insight into the Rosenberg case, one thing is certain: You won't find it in the pages of the modern New York Times.

Politics Upside Down

by Victor Davis Hanson

Suddenly the same-old, same-old does not work this year. Plus, an open challenge to the Stanford Daily!

PJM Political: What's the Carbon Footprint of the MSM's Memory Hole?

by Ed Driscoll

Sen. Bob Corker (R-TN), Glenn Reynolds, Roger L. Simon, and James Lileks join host Steve Green this week, along with author W. Joseph Campbell on the media's biggest myths.

In Terror Fight, Israel’s Hands Still Tied

by P. David Hornik

The world is indifferent to Obama's drone attacks, while Israel's targeted killings of terrorists sparks international outrage.

PJTV's Poliwood Takes On The Social Network

by Roger L Simon

I know it's a macabre thought, but what if all my Facebook friends showed for my funeral? I better start saving for the catering now! (Click here to watch the new Poliwood at PJTV.)

Tea Party Tracking Poll 10/8/10

by Vik Rubenfeld

What percentage of likely voters somewhat or strongly agree that the GOP will gain control of the House? Survey says...

Falcon Lake Murder: New Blood Evidence Found

by Bryan Preston

A witness and blood evidence seem to corroborate Tiffany Hartley's story. But competing interests are driving competing views of what really happened on Falcon Lake.

Marxism, Socialism, Communism, and Obama

by Mike McDaniel

Tracing the president's behavior and opinions back to the source.

This Week in Eugenics!

by Zombie

Over the last several days Zombie noticed an alarming upswing in eugenics-related incidents and current events, even though none of them were identified as such. And so, to rectify this oversight by the Meme Lords, Zombie presents...This Week in Eugenics!

Hungary United in Wake of Catastrophe

by Andras Simonyi

As "red sludge" pours over the little town of Kolontár, desecrating the picturesque landscape, citizens and government work together to alleviate the worst of the disaster.

What the Ryder Cup Can Teach Us About Politics

by CFBleachers

Not apologizing for wanting to win and not toning down one's competitive fire are good lessons to adopt when conservatives campaign for office.

Big Green, Part 2: The Big Business of Scaring America to Death

In the second installment of this investigative series with the Washington Examiner, Joe Hicks reveals the dirty secrets of the environmental movement.

It's Steve Jobs' World — We Just Live in It

by Roger L Simon

Forget Barack Obama. Forget Sarah Palin. Forget even Lindsay Lohan. They may just be blips on the screen of history when compared to Steve Jobs and his colleagues at Apple, despite the best efforts of California politicians to inhibit entrepreneurial innovation.

The Battle for America 2010: Red October

by Bryan Preston

Find out who gets the Crappy Novelist endorsement, learn more about Nannygate than you ever thought possible, and consider this: What began as the Democrats' year of the Great White Hope in Texas may be turning into a full-blown Republican rout. Plus: MA-4 and OH-10 updates added!

Groucho Plays Tehran

by Michael Ledeen

You bet your life: The Islamic Republic looks more and more like a Marx Brothers creation. The leaders proclaim themselves invincible, but just offstage, we can hear the sounds of breaking crockery.

Erik Scott Killing Sparks West Point Alums to Target Las Vegas Police

by Bob Owens

The "Long Gray Line" is bringing pressure on the Vegas department following Erik Scott's death in a hail of bullets.

Drunkblogging a Few Modest Proposals

by Dan Miller

Citizens of the world: It is time we make ourselves more equal! And perhaps relocate the UN to Somalia.

Not in Our Name: The ‘One Nation’ March — Today’s Trade Unions and the Left

by Ron Radosh

The far left and Communist organizations that marched on Washington this weekend are a pale echo of the muscular unionists from the 1950s who brought middle-class prosperity to their members.

The Tower of the Sun

by Michael J. Totten

Michael Totten visits the Druze of the Golan Heights: ignored almost everywhere, with few outside the Middle East even aware of their existence.

Darwin vs. Einstein

by Frank J. Tipler

The "ruling class" stands with Darwin. We stand with Einstein.

‘One Nation’ Rally: Liberal Media Concludes Size Doesn’t Matter

by Charlie Martin

Another exclusive Pajamas Media crowd estimate.

U.S. Disaster Aid Changes Minds in Pakistan

by Aparna Pande

Aid sent following the Pakistan earthquake in 2005 changed attitudes towards the U.S. We should do the same with the current flooding disaster.

PJM Political: Radical Conservatives, Then and Now

by Ed Driscoll

Join Vodkapundit Stephen Green and his guests, Claire Berlinski on Margaret Thatcher, Michael Walsh on Rules for Radical Conservatives, James Lileks, and much more!

Win Independent Votes by Neglecting Social Cons? Bad Strategy

by Tim Dunkin

Conservatism is a fully mature, broad-based set of principles and ideas that form a coherent whole. Fiscal cons and social cons are intertwined.

‘No Pressure’: Fascistic New Video Red-Lines the Eco-Insanity Meter

by Ed Driscoll

England's Green Police takes capital punishment for heretical thinking seriously.

A Berkeley Photo Safari

by Zombie

A few free thinkers, plenty of cognitive dissonance, and lots of poseurs in the mist, as Zombie takes to the dangerous veldt of Berkeley, camera in hand.

CNN’s Rick Sanchez Goes Anti-Semitic (Update: Sanchez Fired)

by Bryan Preston

CNN anchorman Rick Sanchez went there. The question now is, what will CNN do about it?

The Most Honest Political Ad of All Time

by Zombie

No video has ever provided such an inadvertently revealing and shocking peek into the mindset of the Global Warming alarmists.

2010: Dawn of the Terran Empire?

by Paul Hsieh

Like Kirk and Spock, I fear we may have passed through to a parallel (political) universe.

Summing Up Big Green

by Charlie Martin

What does the future hold for the environmental activism movement? Look to California. (Part V of the Washington Examiner/PJM special report on the environmental movement.)

Video: Meg Whitman Denies Ever Receiving a No-Match Letter on Her Former Nanny (Updated)

by Tim Daniel

Meg Whitman hits back at Gloria Allred's pre-October surprise, raising questions about Allred's own conduct in this affair. How did she get that SSA letter she claims to have? (Update: Allred produces the letter) (Update: Whitman responds)

Productive Class Has Bloody Hands from Presidential Bites

by Kyle-Anne Shiver

The old wisdom, don’t bite the hand that feeds you, seems to have been lost by Barack somewhere between Chicago and the yellow brick road. He came out bashing business from day one and hasn't stopped yet.

George W. Bush: Still More Presidential than Barack Obama

by AWR Hawkins

It's impossible to overlook the contrast between the way Bush and Obama feel about this country.

Was Jeffrey Goldberg Fidel Castro’s ‘Useful Idiot’?

by Ron Radosh

Now that some time has passed since Jeffrey Goldberg posted his now famous interview with Fidel Castro in the Atlantic magazine, the critics are beginning to slam Goldberg as a useful idiot of Castro. Not so fast, Ron Radosh writes. (Updated 9/30/10: Ron reminds readers that he's no useful idiot of Castro.)

Let’s Not Turn Immigration Into ‘Us vs. Them,’ Says President Suing a U.S. State Over Immigration Law

by Bryan Preston

Buck up, border states!

Green Money: The Perpetual Motion Machine

by Charlie Martin

Part III of the Washington Examiner/PJM special report on the environmental movement looks at how Big Green funds itself through a never-ending parade of lawsuits aimed at the productive sector of the economy.

PJTV Special Report: The Big Money & The Global Governance Agenda That Fuels Environmentalism

The environmental movement is not just a well funded special interest, it is a big bully gaining increased control over the U.S. economy.

Part-Time, Partisan President to America: ‘Buck Up!’

by Bryan Preston

Mr. Hope and Change has tarnished his halo, alienating nearly everyone while abdicating his core responsibilities. (Update: New talking point? Biden's getting in on the "Buck Up" rhetoric himself, Ed Driscoll notes.)

In Defense of PJTV’s Tea Party Tracking Poll

by Vik Rubenfeld

PJTV's Vik Rubenfeld takes on a HuffPoster's critique of the latest Tea Party Tracking Poll, which shows solid support for the Tea Party among Black voters.

Goodbye, Au Revoir, Hasta Luego, L’Hitraot, Ma’a al-Salama … Chesler Chronicles Leaves PJM

by Phyllis Chesler

Thanks for a wonderful three years! I am leaving to pursue other opportunities, but will still occasionally be writing at PJM in the future.

Satire Alert: San Francisco Mandates 'Sad Meals' at Fast-Food Restaurants

by Zombie

Fast-food served with plenty of Onion-style satire, as Zombie takes the San Francisco Nanny State's anti-McDonald's rulings to their natural conclusion.

John Kerry Should Report for Duty — as the White House’s New Message Man (UPDATE: Biden Just Applied for the Job)

by Bryan Preston

John Kerry should get the job of crafting Obama's message after the mid-terms. He won't drop the ball.

FDIC Denies Maintaining List of Banks with ‘Prominent Connections’ (PJM Exclusive)

by Patrick Richardson

Responding to PJM, the Federal Deposit Insurance Company denies the allegations raised in a recent Washington Post story. But they have not yet responded to the Post directly.

How the Environmental Movement Became Just Another Washington Power Bloc

by Charlie Martin

It’s not just a band of flannel-shirted environmentalists any longer; it’s become a big-money, major player in Washington power politics and American elections. (Starting today, the Washington Examiner is publishing a five-part special report in association with Pajamas Media on "Big Green.")

Gunned Down in Vegas: What Really Happened to Erik Scott?

by Bob Owens

An accomplished young man is killed by police outside a Vegas Costco, and bystander accounts starkly contrast with official reports.

The Shadow Party: How a Washington-Based Liberal Activist Is Trying to Turn Texas Blue (Whether Texans Want It or Not)

by Bryan Preston

The "Colorado Model" and George Soros' "Shadow Party" have both landed in Texas in the form of a shady activist with a plan: attack the GOP's largest stronghold and destroy its limited-government success story. UPDATED: Post about another shadow operator linked.

Young Guns: The Conservative 2.0 Campaign Book

by Roger L Simon

The new book by Congressmen Eric Cantor, Paul Ryan and Kevin McCarthy is the next best thing to a classic—it's a war cry.

Studying the Washington Post and Newsweek Kremlinologist-Style

by Ed Driscoll

Or even Nixonologist-style: a modern-day equivalent of Woodward and Bernstein would have lots of fun tying together all of the strange stories that have circulated recently from the former home of Ben Bradlee and Katharine Graham.

New Black Panther Video: ‘You Want Freedom? You’re Gonna Have to Kill Some Crackers’

by Ed Driscoll

Radical Chic: The Next Generation. (Also see PJTV: J. Christian Adams: NAACP Lobbied Obama Administration to Dismiss New Black Panther Case.)

PJM/PJTV Exclusive: An Interview with One of ObamaCare’s Strongest Foes (Updated)

by Bryan Preston

Texas Attorney General Greg Abbott took on ObamaCare immediately after the Democrats passed it, and has led the fight to overturn it on constitutional grounds. Also: The AG speaks about Falcon Lake and drug cartel violence that took place in Mexico Wednesday.

All Things Considered, Public Broadcasting Should Be Abolished

by Bryan Preston

Gwen Ifill mocks Sarah Palin and cravenly cowers when called out — nothing happens. Juan Williams says something honest and accurate, and gets canned. Let's just let Soros and CAIR pay for this travesty. (Also read Roger L. Simon: Should Juan Williams Sue NPR?)

Hubris, Nemesis, and Partying Like It’s 1773

by Neo-Neocon

The hunters get captured by the game.

Dems Declare War on Gold

by Bernard Chapin

The left has extended their irrational war on America to include an element bigger than the Democratic Party.

Gone With The Wind

by Richard Fernandez

Is the ancien régime of ruling class progressivism on its last legs in both Europe and America? What appears to be true is that the old certainties are finished. By how big a margin is the question.

The Afghanistan Surge Is Working

by Ryan Mauro

But its ultimate success will depend upon the backbone of President Obama.

PJM/PJTV Exclusive: Texas Republican Reacts to Local Democratic Civil War

by Bryan Preston

Texas Republican Larry Gonzales may benefit from a left-right internecine Democratic war that has erupted in his central Texas district. The Williamson County feud may be the first shot in a national Democratic Party-wide war for its future direction.

Republican Victory Metaphors: Your Official Election Day Guide

by Zombie

Depending on the number of Congressional seats the GOP takes in two weeks, will the election results be described a "massacre"? A "tsunami"? A "generational shift"? The time has come to get this metaphorical conundrum straightened out — and Zombie is just the person to do it.

Why I Won’t Be Reading the NAACP’s Report on Tea Party Racism

by Roger L Simon

The NAACP has become a creator, not a fighter, of racism.

The Battle for America 2010: The Wave Keeps Building

by Bryan Preston

Bill Clinton gives a lousy stump speech, Dennis is menaced, California tightens up, Farouk is on fiyah for Rick Perry while a Democrat county chair resigns his post and endorses a Republican, and whatever anyone else says from now to November, nothing will make as much sense as these six words: the rent is too damn high.

Climategate and the American Physical Society

by Charlie Martin

Professor Hal Lewis's resignation from the American Physical Society challenges the scientific — as opposed to the merely politically expedient — basis of the "consensus" on global warming.

Middle East Peace Talks Degenerate into Farce

by Benjamin Kerstein

Obama sabotaged the peace process from the outset, largely through his own incompetence.

The Dangers of Politicized Conservative History

by Ron Radosh

I have become wary of politicized history, whether it comes from charlatans on the left like Howard Zinn, or the far right, such as Glenn Beck. (Click here to read a response from David Horowitz; Update: Ron responds to Horowitz in an update to this blog post.)

Palin, Frum, and the Tea Party

by David Solway

Conservatives need to understand what is at stake and get their act together.

How Long Can the Iranian Regime Last?

by Michael Ledeen

The vice of oppression is tightening more forcefully on Iranian society, as the regime uses the only method that can keep Khamenei and Ahmadinejad in power: the iron fist, combined with foreign adventure.

Obama’s Empire Strikes Out

by Bryan Preston

In Ohio, the president compared Republicans to the evil Galactic Empire. But if anything, it's he and his own party who resemble an out of control government that is drunk on power while heading for a humiliating defeat.

Jailed Taliban Supreme Commander Released

by Josh Shahryar

The Obama administration approved the release of Mullah Abdul Ghani Baradar with the assumption that he would join peace talks with the Afghan government of Hamid Karzai.

What Happened to All the Hurricanes, Al?

by Art Horn

Worldwide hurricane activity hasn't just slowed since Katrina, it's dropped off a cliff.

Hugh Hewitt at BlogWorld 2010: ‘The Blog Revolution Is Over’

by Ed Driscoll

Hugh Hewitt on what happens next in the Blogosphere — and in Congress after November; plus a chat with BlogWorld CEO and founder Rick Calvert.

Looking Back at ‘Tomorrowland’: The Mad Men Season Finale

by James Lileks

Fitzgerald be damned, you can have as many acts in your life as you wish; but remember, while it's perfect in Tomorrowland, it's never open today.

Just How Ridiculous Are Government Salaries and Benefits?

by J. Christian Adams

Which do they get: defined benefit pensions, or defined contribution retirement plans? The answer is "yes."

Christianity: First Line of Defense for the West?

by Abraham H. Miller

The one solid, inescapable organizing principle that stands as the bulwark against radical Islam is Christianity.

Geert Wilders, Western Sages, and Totalitarian Islam

by Andrew G. Bostom

Wilders has joined with the centuries of distinguished scholars who reached the exact same conclusions about Islam back when it was politically acceptable to voice such concerns.

Barack Obama and the Pitfalls of Fraudulent Branding

by Kyle-Anne Shiver

Forty years ago, the real life Mad Men knew how badly a brand could be destroyed if they made impossible claims about a product, a lesson that the creators of Barack Obama's image are relearning the hard way.

PJM Political: Political Mad Men

by Ed Driscoll

Host Steve Green, Scott Ott, and Alfonzo Rachel grade the best and worst ads from the midterms. Plus Glenn Reynolds, Mary Katharine Ham, James Lileks, and more!

Wilders Is Right: Europe Needs a First Amendment

by Bruce Bawer

The trial of Dutch MP Geert Wilders wasn’t really about him or about Islam. It was about individual liberty.

The Foreclosure Document Mess: Cloward, Piven, and Their President Are Surely Pleased

by Tom Blumer

The system is nearly overwhelmed. It's not an accident.

The U.S. Constitution in a Nutshell: O’Donnell Is Right, Coons Is Wrong

by Dan Miller

The Constitution is short and simple but fragile and endangered. We should not allow politicians to euthanize it.

Congress Catches On to DOJ’s Keystone Kops Show

by J. Christian Adams

The curtain has been pulled back, and the Department of Justice spin that they are doing everything they can to protect military voters has become a laugh line.

NY Press Corps’ Water Cooler Moment on Andrew Cuomo

by Sam Foster

Those water jugs the press keeps carrying for destructive liberals sure must get heavy. But then again, their work is a labor of love.

Key Challenge to ObamaCare’s Constitutionality Advances

by Jeffrey H. Anderson

The Obama administration is now batting 1-for-3 in its efforts to get constitutional challenges to ObamaCare dismissed.

Tracing Islamist/Leftist Terror Connections Following Minnesota FBI Raid

by Rick Stanton

Hatem Abudayyeh and Mick Kelly's links to officially designated terror organizations run deep.

Government Regulation of the Economy Is the ‘Silent Killer’

by Gus Van Horn

A killer of jobs, a killer of business activity, a killer of innovation, it's time we held Congress accountable for how federal regulations add $1.75 trillion to the cost of doing business in America.

How To Kill Americans: A Guide to the Really Effective Ways

by Barry Rubin

Given the constant injunctions to understand what drives people to terrorism and to engage terrorists in dialogue, I have decided to give al-Qaeda some help: my top suggestions for how to kill Americans.

It’s Not a GOP Tsunami — It’s Bigger Than That

by Horace Cooper

The Dems still don't seem to understand what's happening here.

New National Security Adviser Will Side with Biden on Afghanistan

by Elise Cooper

The replacement of Jim Jones with Thomas Donilon as NSA means a change in our counterinsurgency plans in Afghanistan that will see far fewer regular troops and more Special Forces.

Anatomy of Petulance

by Victor Davis Hanson

In a few weeks Obama will destroy the careers of 50-70 House members and 8-11 senators who followed the tune of our mellifluous pied piper into the abyss.

Michelle Obama and Election Integrity

by J. Christian Adams

Did FLOTUS flout election law?

Obama Faces New Opposition from America’s Jewish Voters

by Ron Radosh

A new poll has his approval rating among American Jews at 49%.

President ‘I Won’ Pre-Misreads Defeat

by Bryan Preston

The audacity of mind-blowing arrogance.

Al-Qaeda Magazine Urges Attacks on ‘Soft’ Targets

by Ryan Mauro

Shooting up a Washington, D.C., restaurant hoping to "knock off a few government employees" is just one helpful suggestion coming from the Yemeni-based terror outfit.

The Battle for America 2010: Rep. John Hall Worried He’s Not ‘Still the One’

by Sam Foster

The former frontman for the pop-rock group Orleans is feeling the heat in New York's 19th Congressional District.

Zoi Leaves ‘Green’ Post at Department of Energy: Avoiding Her Conflicts of Interest?

by Christopher Horner

As previously reported at PJM, former Al Gore colleague Cathy Zoi had serious financial conflicts related to her holdings in a "green" energy company.

The Battle for America 2010: Have Floridians Had Enough of Negative Campaigns?

by Stephanie Maier

The odd truth is that while both candidates and voters claim a disdain for negativity, there's an underlying truth that gets revealed every election cycle: negative campaigning tends to work.

The Battle for America 2010: 20 Days to Go

by Bryan Preston

Whore-gate update, Harry Reid's troubles and Sharron Angle's war chest grow, Barney Frank is in trouble, and Texas is fast becoming a Democrat killing field.

On the Bleeding Edge of the West

by Michael J. Totten

"If you ask, 'why don't you do to your enemies what the Russians did in Chechnya,' Israelis on both the left and the right will say no. We have a higher agenda. We're here for a reason, and it's not just to survive. And it makes survival so much more important."

The Looming ObamaCare Oil Slick

by Gary Wickert

Sen. Russ Feingold finds himself haunted and hunted by many of the liberal votes he has cast, including the one in favor of ObamaCare.

Is the Stock Market Reading the Tea Leaves?

by David H. Horwich

The American public seems ready to vote “Stop!!” and the markets, at least for now, are loving it.

FBI Raid in MN Reveals New Global Terror Alliances (PJM Exclusive)

by Rick Stanton

The FBI arrests affirm an emerging terror alliance between American-based leftists, Islamic terror organizations, Colombia’s FARC, and Irish Republican groups.

North Korean Succession, Unveiled and Demystified

by Gordon G. Chang

In a deeply Confucian, elder-respecting society, the transfer of power to a youngest son (especially one who looks like an overfed kid fresh out of school) is a tricky exercise.

Iowa Holds A Major Judicial Election You’ve Heard Next to Nothing About

by Bryan Preston

The Hawkeye State may be holding the most important election of the year. It's not the contest for governor or U.S. House, but for a trio of judges who ran roughshod over the Constitution and the will of the people.

Tea Leaves in the Mist

by Roger Kimball

Time for yet another "Gorillas in the Mist" moment from those would-be cultural anthropologists of conservatism at the New York Times.

The Battle for America 2010: Are the Dems Making a Comeback?

by Scott Elliott

Small blips on the radar showing Democrats narrowing the gap are not indicative of a general trend that would save them from a crushing defeat in November.

Liberalism’s Moral Bankruptcy Has Bankrupted America

by Matt Patterson

President Reagan liked to tweak his liberal critics by saying, "some years ago, the federal government declared war on poverty, and poverty won." His statement is truer now than ever.

New York Fails To Mail Ballots to Active Military, DOJ Yet To Act

by J. Christian Adams

Despite a federal law requiring military ballots to mail by 9/18, military ballots across New York have not mailed as of today. The Justice Department has done nothing but talk about it.

Newly Declassified Iraqi Testimony Shows Why Saddam Had to Be Removed

by Ryan Mauro

Recently declassified documents focusing on the testimony of Tariq Aziz, Saddam Hussein’s deputy prime minister, reminds us why Saddam had to be removed from power.

The Race to Repeal ObamaCare … Even on Crutches

by Donna Campbell

Dr. Donna Campbell is running against Lloyd Doggett, one of the Dems who used to brag about having helped write ObamaCare, in Texas. Even on a broken foot, Campbell is running hard to hold Doggett accountable, and drive him out of Washington this November.

From Cronkite to Katrina: Why the MSM Keeps Getting It Wrong

by Ed Driscoll

Taken from this week's PJM Political, Ed Driscoll's full 17-minute interview with W. Joseph Campbell, former AP reporter and author of Getting It Wrong: Ten of the Greatest Misreported Stories in American Journalism.

Who Will Fill the Shoes of Daley in Chicago?

by Abraham H. Miller

The mayor’s office is a kingdom that dispenses enormous patronage and holds at bay the competing ethnic-anointed lords and their minions. The race for mayor will be identity politics on steroids.

Can We Privatize the National Debt?

by Adakin Valorem

South Carolina's Jim Pratt, running against James Clyburn, is proposing such a plan.

Attempts by Congress to Fix the Immigration System a Bad Joke

by Ruben Navarrette Jr.

It’s tempting to say that Stephen Colbert made a mockery of Congress’ handling of the immigration issue. But it’s not exactly fair. Lawmakers from both parties beat him to it.

The Liu Xiaobo Peace Prize

by Claudia Rosett

How do we square this year’s Nobel choice of a truly praiseworthy man with the parade of so many previous laureates flush with puffery, sleaze, or worse? (Also read: "Lawyer: Nobel Peace Prize Winner’s Wife has ‘Disappeared’")

Holder Loses Gamble on Terror Trial

by Clarice Feldman

A ruling this week by a federal judge shows why the president and his AG were wrong in not conducting military tribunals for these unlawful combatants.

Values and the Defense of Freedom

by Amit Ghate

Is faith necessary for defending natural rights, or is reason sufficient?

Well, So Much for ‘Recovery Summer’

by David H. Horwich

Not at all unexpectedly, the final jobs numbers before the election in 26 days are in and they are, well, grim.

Battling ObamaCare: The Health Care Industry Starts to Awaken

by Jeffrey H. Anderson

Along the road to the passage of health care reform, Obama encountered little opposition from the very people who had the most to lose, but ObamaCare is now providing a much-needed wake-up call for many medical professionals.

Shadow Party: Daily Kos Wants to Googlebomb Republicans into Electoral Oblivion

by Bryan Preston

Markos Moulitsas, aka Daily Kos, denies being part of the Shadow Party, but his blog's latest game gives him away.

FDIC Responds to PJM’s Freedom of Information Act Request

by Patrick Richardson

We asked if the Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation kept a list of politically connected banks, and if they gave them special consideration as per the OneUnited matter.

The President's Stealth Socialism

by Roger Kimball

Obama’s past is the key to understanding his plans for our future, which is why Stanley Kurtz’s new book Radical-in-Chief: Barack Obama and the Untold Story of American Socialism is essential reading.

The Battle for America 2010: In Maryland, Is the Left Emboldened or Afraid?

by Michael Swartz

A protest in the heart of poultry country shows the arrogance of one-party rule, even as it's threatened.

Mall Rats: Union Thugs Occupy National Mall to Support Democrats

Big Labor, big socialism, and big piles of trash — that's what the "One Nation" rally brought to Washington. PJTV's Trifecta trio take on that and more!

More Disgrace: The Obama-Holder Justice Department Is Failing Our Military Voters

by J. Christian Adams

The crack Department of Justice unit set up to protect military voters is beginning to resemble the Keystone Kops operation of 2008. The latest: DOJ's complete failure to ensure that military voters get their 2010 ballots on time.

The Battle for America 2010: Labor Unions Looking to Rescue Feingold in Wisconsin

by Gary Wickert

Big Labor is pulling out all the stops in an 11th hour bid to overcome a big lead by GOP Senate hopeful Ron Johnson and put Russ Feingold over the top.

Obama and Ben Bernanke Have Us Facing the Abyss

by Tom Blumer

Between the president's economic power grabs and the Fed chairman's "quantitative easing" schemes, the future continues to darken for our long-term economic prospects.

Hidden Threat to Second Amendment

by Howard Nemerov

America’s wealthiest lobby supports the worst forms of gun control.

Stacy Bannerman’s Domestic Violence Hoax

by Carey Roberts

The article in the Daily Beast about skyrocketing incidents of domestic violence against the wives of returning war veterans is chock full of "factoids from nowhere."

First Look: The Apple TV 2

by Bryan Preston

Apple TV 2 is out, and it's a slick little box with rock solid performance. But it's the future that makes Apple TV worth its $99 pricetag.

Kudos to the Claremont Review of Books, Waging the War for Cultural Hegemony

by Ron Radosh

Before politics can be changed, the war over culture must be won.

Of Green Supremacists and High-Tech Virtual Lynchings

by Ed Driscoll

The Wall Street Journal's James Taranto coins a brilliant meme for the more totalitarian fringes of the environmental movement; concurrently, Australian journalists Andrew Bolt and Tim Blair stumble over actual lynching imagery they've employed in their ad campaigns.

Controversial Dallas PD Suspect Beating Heats Up

by Jack Dunphy

The political steam-venting begins, designed to assuage angry local residents — and you read it here first. (A followup to Jack's September 22nd story, still online here.)

Murder on Falcon Lake (Updated: Witness Corroborates Hartley)

by Bryan Preston

Drug cartel pirates control part of Falcon Lake on the Texas-Mexico border. Their savage murder of a Texas man may force Washington to finally address the violent border zone.

Five Societal Trends That Signal Our Nation’s Decline

by Myra Adams

America's weather forecast? Cloudy with a chance of collapse.

Taxes for Texas? Rick Perry, Bill White Battle in Texas Governor’s Race

by G.M. Roper

Amidst a budget shortfall, the governor's race in Texas looks to be a battle over taxes and spending.

Rep. Loretta Sanchez and the Bathos of Race

by Victor Davis Hanson

Ms. Sanchez’s opportunism and racialism are emblematic of the corruption of the entire identity politics industry.

Harry Reid’s ‘Hottest’ Senator a Pinup Girl for ACORN

by Fred J. Eckert

NY Senator Kirsten Gillibrand is nakedly ambitious, lacking in principles, and has a record for flip-flopping that would shame John Kerry.

‘One Nation’ under Obama Has No Respect for America

by Kyle-Anne Shiver

Why would folks rallying ‘round the One Nation under Obama flag be expected to show respect, when their president has set the example for them to follow?

A New Look at the Federal Suit Against Arizona’s Immigration Law

by Ronald Rotunda

Several Supreme Court cases may hold the key to Arizona's defense against Washington's overreach.

Texas: Gov. Rick Perry Takes Massive Money Lead over Bill White

by Bryan Preston

People talk about wanting to get the money out of politics, but fundraising totals can tell us a lot about who's hitting their stride and who will soon be hitting the bench.

Is Quebec the Future of the U.S.?

by David Solway

Want to see a scary future? Just look north to Trudeaupia.

‘Please’ and ‘Thank You,’ Said the Left’s Bogeyman

by David Steinberg

The Left is unhinged by the Tea Party partly because they’ve never seen you before. And this isn’t limited to Leftists who are presently, you know, alive.

Debating Daily Kos: Is the Tea Party Violent?

by Bryan Preston

Daily Kos' dear leader says the Tea Party has violent tendencies. The facts disagree with him. Plus: Audio of a one-on-one debate with Kos.

Why the 10:10 Video Is a Distraction

by Jeff Perren

Moral outrage at the blatantly lunatic production of morally unmoored filmmakers, however justified, isn't nearly enough. It's largely a distraction from focusing on the real danger: the environmentalist middle.

New Documentary on Pat Tillman Is a Blindside Tackle

by Christian Toto

The real Pat Tillman didn't want to be a recruitment tool, but in the hands of the director of The Tillman Story, he became a tool for those eager to swat the Bush administration, an irony lost on everyone involved.

Desperation Time at CNN: It’s not Sanchez… It’s Spitzer!

by Roger L Simon

CNN was once revolutionary. But how desperate for ratings they've become: No sooner has the dust cleared on brain-dead racist Rick Sanchez than the network brings us a new show with whoremaster Eliot Spitzer and faux-conservative Kathleen Parker.

What are the Rules for Radical Conservatives?

by Ed Driscoll

Taken from this week's edition of PJM Political, Ed Driscoll interviews Michael Walsh, the editor of Andrew Breitbart's Big Website about his new book, Rules for Radical Conservatives: Beating the Left at Its Own Game to Take Back America.

Clinton Denies Calling for Regime Change in Iran

by Ryan Mauro

But she did. (Also read Roger L. Simon: "Sen. Lieberman supports regime change and more in Iran.")

Easy Riders, Raging Boomers

by Ed Driscoll

Arthur Penn, the director of the seminal 1967 film Bonnie & Clyde, recently passed away. Why were boomers so attracted to this movie, and what has been its ultimate impact on Hollywood?

A Constitutional Amendment to Limit Spending

by Jeffrey H. Anderson

To regain control over our government and its reach, we must limit its spending. And to limit its spending over the long-haul, we need a Limited Government Amendment. Would such an amendment really make that much of a difference? It would make a colossal difference.

Norwegian Publisher Cancels Biography of Muhammed

by Rita Karlsen

The book had already been listed in last year's catalog. Why was it pulled?

PJTV Reports: Big Labor & Terrorism: Is There a Connection?

The SEIU has been associated with voter registration fraud and violence against Tea Partiers, but is it also involved in terrorism?

Whitman’s Illegal Immigrant Troubles Self-Inflicted

by Ruben Navarrette Jr.

Could this embarrassing episode be the beginning of the end for the Whitman campaign?

A Washington DC Play PJM Readers Should Consider Attending

by Ron Radosh

"Something You Did" is a new play centered around a 1960s radical, and a former radical turned neoconservative pundit, whom the playwright says was loosely based on David Horowitz. On Saturday night, Ron will be standing in for Horowitz during a panel discussion after the play.

The Democrats’ Pledge (to Lie) to America

by Bryan Preston

The Democrats' quietly publish their own agenda. It might actually be the most ridiculous thing to come out of Washington since George McClellan.

Handicapping the House

by Stephen Green

The Vodkapundit distills the latest numbers in the GOP's Hunt for Red November: "The fever is anti-incumbent—catch the fever."

Obama and His Enemies

by Neo-Neocon

At least Nixon had the smarts to keep his list of liberal foes a secret.

An Israeli in Kurd Country

by Barry Rubin

Dr. Jonathan Spyer, the first Israeli analyst to meet with Kurdish leaders in northern Iraq, shares his experiences in an interview with Barry Rubin.

Thinking the Unthinkable: The Islamists’ Manhattan Project

by N.M. Guariglia

The frightening reality is that international institutions like the UN simply aren't set up to prevent a nuclear attack on an American city.

Advantage: PJM!

by Ed Driscoll

A new Washington Times op-ed borrows (likely unintentionally) from Tea Party-related material created at the start of the year by PJM's Ed Driscoll and Glenn Reynolds.

From the Unbelievable to the Passé

by Victor Davis Hanson

From time to time I stop and wonder how the unbelievable can become the accepted. From Americans embracing unworkable statism to our out-of-touch statist elites, let me list four arbitrary, but still representative, examples of what I mean.

Breaking: Rahmbo Runs from Obama’s Sinking Ship

by Bryan Preston

Obama's top advisers are mostly jumping ship, empowering one very liberal adviser whose judgment is suspect.

The Battle for America 2010: DISCLOSE-ing Harry Reid’s Pay-to-Play Habit

by John Ransom

The Democrats pushed legislation to curb corporate political contributions, but it turns out that Sen. Harry Reid has some DISCLOSE-ing of his own to do.

Hey EPA: Don’t Mess with Texas

by Lance Brown

Lance Brown dissects and dismantles the Obama EPA's latest attack on the Lone Star State.

Young, Dumb, and Scared: Big Green and the Existential Protection Racket

by Charlie Martin

What keeps the environmental activism industry in business? Fear. (Part IV of the Washington Examiner/PJM special report on the environmental movement.)

Obama Feels Your Pain — Film at 11

by Pam Meister

Bill Clinton can, at least for a few minutes, put himself in your place. But Obama cannot. It’s all words, just words, both at the beginning of his administration and now.

All Tied Together

by Richard Fernandez

There is a substantial war in Pakistan in all but name only. The Eiffel Tower was briefly evacuated, suggesting terrorist attacks on very high profile sites in Europe. These events underscored how much of the "war in Afghanistan" really takes place outside it. That’s politically inconvenient for an administration which is conducting but one foreign war — in Afghanistan — and very reluctantly at that.

The Battle for America 2010: Round-Up at September’s End

by Bryan Preston

Democrat plays the race card in CA, McMahon closes the gap in CT, Angle pulls even in NV, a cover-up in Maryland, a disgraceful Democrat ad in Florida — and more!

President 40/60

by Victor Davis Hanson

A president who seems to go out of his way to consistently side with 30 to 40 percent of the American public on key issues shouldn't be surprised when his poll numbers descend to that range as well.

Money Never Sleeps … but then, Neither Does Rust

by Christian Toto

Wall Street: Money Never Sleeps reminds us of greed’s siren call, but it’s equally prescient about fading directors who refuse to let their past works live on in our memories.

What Ever Happened to Camille Paglia?

by Bruce Bawer

Once known as "America's foremost cultural critic," Paglia's literary output has dropped precipitously while she has failed to engage on the number one women's issue in the world: Islam's treatment of females.

The Bridge: Bob Dylan, the ‘Ruling Class,’ and the ‘Country Class’

by Brendan Bernhard

How Bob Dylan checked out of the culture war.

Who Made the $10,000 Stimulus Sign?

by Patrick Richardson

Obama touts his stimulus success at a sign company getting very few government contracts, a fitting backdrop for further investigation into the propaganda road signs.

Silicon Graffiti: The Quotable Harry Reid

by Ed Driscoll

A Top Ten-style video look at the Democratic, Bureaucratic, Gaffe-O-Matic senator from Nevada.

The Manchurian Listserv

by Ed Driscoll

“Rev. Wright is the kindest, bravest, warmest, most wonderful human being I’ve ever known in my life.”