This Week: 'On the Trail' in Delaware

Amanpour travels to Delaware to hear from the candidates and voters.
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The Note | posted today at 8:58 AM EDT
George's Bottom Line | posted today at 8:45 AM EDT
George's Bottom Line | posted today at 7:36 AM EDT
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This week, we took an in-depth look at women and Alzheimer's. Figures show that two thirds of those suffering with Alzheimer's are women, and 60% of who care for a person with Alzheimer's are women. I kicked off the network-wide series "A Women's Nation takes on Alzheimer's" with an exclusive interview with Maria Shriver, who released a groundbreaking report.
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This Week: Finance Minister Christine Lagarde of France

Christiane Amanpour Interviews Connecticut Senate candidates and more.
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