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Slate is a daily magazine on the Web. Founded in 1996, we are a general-interest publication offering analysis and commentary about politics, news, business, technology, and culture. Slate's strong editorial voice and witty take on current events have been recognized with numerous awards, including the National Magazine Award for General Excellence Online. The site, which is owned by The Washington Post Company, does not charge for access and is supported by advertising revenues.

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How do I apply for an internship at Slate?
's Washington, D.C., office hires interns for the spring, summer, and fall. Spring and fall applicants must be full-time students in the Washington area, available at least 15 hours a week. Applications should include a résumé, three clips (published articles, blog entries, and classroom assignments all acceptable), and a short critique of a story, of your choice, that has appeared in Slate recently. Links to clips are preferred in lieu of attachments. No cover letters or letters of recommendation, please. E-mail only: Please keep messages under 200 KB, with no PDF files. Send e-mail to . The deadline for spring internships in D.C. is Dec. 1, 2010.

Slate's New York office also hires interns for the spring, summer, and fall, primarily to help with the magazine's culture section. Spring and fall applicants must be full-time students in the New York area, available at least 15 hours a week (and available at least the majority of one full day), preferably more. Candidates must be highly organized, responsible, have an interest in the arts, and be able to work quickly, efficiently, and without much supervision. To apply, e-mail a cover letter that clearly outlines your availability and cultural interests, a résumé, a short critique of any "Culturebox" from the last year (no more than 300 words), and three clips or writing samples (links are fine) to Juliet Lapidos at . Please use the subject line "Slate Internship." The deadline for spring internships in New York is Dec. 1, 2010.

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