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Slate: The Online Magazine for the Smartest Generation

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A Message From Matt Turck, V.P. of advertising,
The Slate Group

We know that pressure is increasing for marketers to target the best prospects and engage them with breakthrough solutions.

Slate can help. Slate is unrivaled at combining smart editorial, smart readers, and smart ad solutions to produce the smartest possible media buy.

Other publishers promise. Slate delivers—earning some of the highest customer satisfaction ratings among leading news sites, as rated by the IAB and the Jack Myers Annual Survey of Advertising Executives on Online Media Companies' Value, Brand Attributes, and Sales Organization Performance.

The freshest, most innovative ideas come from face-to-face collaboration. To get started, e-mail me at , or contact your local Slate sales manager listed on this page.

Slate custom cover for Google Chrome. Click image to expand. Slate custom cover for Google Chrome. Click image to expand.

Slate custom cover for Google Chrome. Click for larger view.

Thank you for considering Slate and The Slate Group of Web sites, including The Root, The Big Money, DoubleX, and Slate V. We look forward to working with you.


The Slate Take: Editorial Mission
Slate helps people think differently.

Slate is the online magazine for the Smartest Generation, which has grown up with the Web and primarily consumes news and information online. The Slate Take is a higher level of intelligent, penetrating analysis delivered with trademark wit and style. Slate informs, entertains, provokes. For every news story, political issue, cultural phenomenon, or business concern, 5 million influential readers ask, "What does Slate say about it?" And they take action.

Editorial quality drives reader engagement. Slate better engages readers with excellence and innovation that has been recognized by three leading journalism industry organizations in 2009:

  • Missouri School of Journalism Honor Medal for Distinguished Service to Journalism: Slate is the only Web site to ever win the award (considered the top award in journalism, along with the Pulitzer Prize).
  • The Online News Association's Online Journalism Award for Best Online Video, Large Site. Slate beat out ESPN to win this important industry prize. Slate's winning feature, The Power Recap, was sponsored by Acura.
  • Slate won three Society of American Travel Writers Foundation Lowell Thomas Travel Writing Awards, two Golds and one Silver award—and Slate won more Golds than any other publication.

BizBox on Slate. Click image to expand. Click these links to experience some of Slate's key editorial features:

Cover stories: Rotating features on hot topics by a range of Slate contributors.

"The Slatest": Slate's reinvention of the news aggregator: available online or via mobile.

"Politics": Unrivaled insight from Chief Political Correspondent John Dickerson.

"Kausfiles": The original and most influential political blog.

Slate custom cover for Mercerdes.  Click image to expand."Technology": The future and what to do about it, with Farhad Manjoo.

"Moneybox": Fresh thinking on business and finance from author Daniel Gross.

"The Explainer": Answers to the questions other sites don't even think to ask.

"Green Lantern": Practical steps in green living

"Movies": Film reviews by Dana Stephens.

"Television": TV reviews by Troy Patterson.

"Lifehacking": How to be more productive.

The Smartest Generation: A Better Audience
Slate delivers an audience that's more affluent and more educated than other news sites:

Smart 44 percent have a graduate degree
Affluent 37 percent make $100,000+
In-Market 62 percent are 25-54
Connected 72 percent access the Internet at work
Engaged 75 percent visit Slate 4+ times per week*

Buzz Builders and Influentials
's highly connected audience helps build world of mouth for your product.

Work in Arts/Entertainment/Broadcasting/Publishing475
Publish Blog on Blogging Site Only 367
Blog—Made a Comment/Post 259
Product Reviews (Seek/Post Yesterday) 287
Politics/Current Events (frequent advice) 243
Sources: @ Plan Fall 2009; *Slate Topline Report 2007

Innovative Ad Solutions

Slate's innovative ad solutions are proven winners for a growing list of blue-chip business, consumer, and advocacy advertisers. The Slate Group knows how to use every tool and opportunity of the medium to meet your needs, including custom covers, product placement, mobile, podcasts, custom content, viral videos, widgets, and live events.

Bud. Click for larger view. Select list of Slate advertisers

Auto: Acura, Audi, BMW, Cadillac, Ford, Honda, Infiniti, Lexus, Lincoln, Mercedes, Porsche, Toyota
Business/Technology: Adobe, Apple, AT&T, Cisco, Dell, Epson, HP, IBM, Microsoft Bing, Siemens, Sprint, Verizon, Yahoo
Corporate/Advocacy: Alliance for Climate Change, Obama presidential campaign, Toyota Corporate
Entertainment: AMC, HBO, National Geographic, Paramount, Warner Bros., the Weinstein Co.
Financial: Ally, Bank of America, Citibank, Fisher Investments, Liberty Mutual, MasterCard, TIAA-Cref, Travelers
Travel: American Airlines, Amtrak, Continental, Delta, Hyatt, Virgin Atlantic
Spirits/Beverages: Budweiser, Finlandia, Jack Daniels, Starbucks

The Slate Group

The growing sites of the Slate Group share the Slate Take, targeting more thought leaders for your message with highly relevant editorial.

The Root: A new generation of black media for African-American thought leaders.
The Big Money: The fastest-growing business site on the Web.
Double X: What women really think about politics, work, life, and parenting.
Slate V: Award-winning original video.

Advertising Contacts | Advertising Specifications

Eastern U.S. (New York) Advertising Inquiries

Anthony DeMaio, E-mail:
Robert Lutsky, E-mail:

Mid-Atlantic U.S. (Washington D.C.) Advertising Inquiries

Jeff Hand, E-mail:

Midwestern U.S. and Texas (Chicago, Houston) Advertising Inquiries

Wes Tyeryar, E-mail:

Western U.S. (San Francisco, Los Angeles) Advertising Inquiries

Tamsen Huver, E-mail:

Europe (London)

Michael Clancy, E-mail:

International excluding Europe

Cathy Cox, E-mail:

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