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Top 5 Indie Bestsellers

  • September 8, 2010
    A fierce bastion of Winnipeg culture, Aqua is downtown Winnipeg's largest bookstore.
    A Criminal to Remember
    Michael Van Rooy
    Ariel Gordon
    Removing the Hutterite Kerchief
    Rebecca Hofer
    Life of Pi
    Yann Martel
    Through Black Spruce
    Joseph Boyden

Recently reviewed

  • Missed Her
    September 23, 2010
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    Helen Polychronakos
    Is life easier for a butch or a lipstick lesbian? Missed Her, a collection by Vancouver writer and performer, Ivan E. Coyote, explores many a lifestyle collision with thoughtful humour.
  • Multicultiphobia
    September 17, 2010
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    Jeffrey G. Reitz
    Canadians are proud to support the principle of multiculturalism, but they also want immigrants to blend in, and they worry whether they do. A new book examines Canada's multiculturalism debates.
  • September 9, 2010
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    Emily Landau
    André Alexis's new book, he writes, is an "attempt to see over the fence of my own imagination, to look beyond the self into other worlds."
  • Floodlines
    August 26, 2010
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    Jordan Flaherty
    In this excerpt from his new book Floodlines, Jordan Flaherty, provides a firsthand account of grassroots organizing, culture and resistance in New Orleans.
  • This Time Is Different
    August 19, 2010
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    Al Engler
    From Iceland, Greece, Spain, France, the U.K., Ireland, Canada and the U.S., the media and governments insist that every cent of contracted government debt must be paid. Two economists beg to differ.
  • Kenk
    August 12, 2010
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    Tara Quinn
    In Toronto, Igor Kenk's name is synonymous with "bike thief." But a graphic novel about his life presents a more nuanced portrayal than any of the media coverage granted him. Excerpt included!
  • August 5, 2010
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    Jorge Antonio Vallejos
    Richard Van Camp's new collection of short fiction brings stories from the North to the rest of Turtle Island.
  • Spontaneous Evolution
    July 29, 2010
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    Zainab Amadahy
    Bruce Lipton looks at the implications of new and emerging science to argue for a shift in thinking and behaviours that will better enable our chances to survive, thrive and enjoy life on Earth.
  • Foodies
    July 23, 2010
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    Melanie Redman
    Foodies: Democracy and Distinction in the Gourmet Foodscape explores the ongoing tension between the two stories about food: good food as democratic and food as a source of status.
  • July 15, 2010
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    Jim Stanford
    Jim Stanford reviews four economics books including Spark by Frank Koller, How Markets Fail by John Cassidy, Economics for the Rest of Us by Moshe Adler and Economic Democracy by Allan Engler.