Restaurant, Hotel, and Building Service Workers Industrial Union 640

All workers in facilities for public accommodation. All building service workers.

Contact Us:

  • Erik F (Twin Cities)
    • Phone - (608) 695 8705
    • Email - erik.forman [at]
  • Mike W (Twin Cities)
    • Phone - (612) 807-6633   
    • Email - wilk0214 [at]

Current Campaigns:

Selected Recent Campaigns:

Useful Resources:

IU 640 Workers' Stories:

Build Your Own Iu 640 Branch - PDF File.

Please Note - Even if there isn't a corresponding link for each industrial union, there may still be a functioning Industrial Union Organizing Committee. Please see our list of IWW Branches for more information.

Start Your Own IWW Branch

If you cannot find an IWW branch in your industry or community, We will help you start an IWW branch if none currently exists.

This section also includes information on how to recruit new members, how to hold and run successful meetings, and how to deal with sensitive issues, such as diversity and burnout.