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Connecting Dissenting Voices From South Asia And Its Diaspora since 1996" …
  • With the blinds drawn in Delhi University

    by Mukul Mangalik 19 October

    The Delhi University ( DU) Vice- Chancellor’s ( VC) single- minded obsession with hurriedly forcing his pet project of the semester system for undergraduates into the bloodstream of the Delhi University, no matter how toxic the fall- out, is of a piece with his seeming belief that he can’t be wrong.

    One consequence of this blinkered vision and arrogance is his impatience with democracy, democratic procedure and unions

  • The Breakdown of the Rule of Law in Sri Lanka: An Overview

    by James Yap and Craig Scott

    19 October
    This report, prepared for the Sri Lanka Campaign for Peace and Justice and dated September 22, 2010, analyzes the state and the underlying causes of the current breakdown of the rule of law in Sri Lanka.

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