CNN's Belief Blog interviewed Alan Chambers President of Exodus International, a nonprofit "ex-gay" ministry on the recent prop 8 ruling. Chambers is a self identified "ex-gay" who admits he still struggles with homosexual attractions.
In the article Chambers is quoted as saying that “It’s disappointing that a judge would rule against the will of the people” but he also maintains that the decision shows more openness to people who are LGBT "We’re entering a time when we are more compassionate and loving toward people who deserve our compassion,” he says, “and that’s gay and lesbian people.”
CNN is completely irresponsible for running this piece for a host of reasons.Contact CNN via their general feedback form or Twitter to let them know that this biased reporting is unacceptable! Feel free to also leave comments on their blog posting.
1. Exodus International is a fringe anti-gay organization that has been repudiated by all major scientific and psychological organizations.
2. If Chambers and Exodus indeed represent people who claim they are no longer gay, why is CNN collecting their thoughts on same-sex marriage? They can get married to the opposite sex and the issue is not relevant to them.
3. CNN gave free advertising to this sham organization and did nothing to set the facts straight on the proposition 8 ruling or the truth behind the "ex-gay" movement.