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The Funjunkie Summer Burn 2010
The Summer Burn has started! Check your inbox now.

Tuesday, 26 October, 2010    Send us news / links / sites
Summer Burn 2010, counting down... posted by Taz on 21/06/2010 at 08:06 GMT (link)
Summer Burn 2010, counting down...
The Summer Burn 2010 will kick off later today after the post arrives. Watch this space, and your inbox.

[Update] Emails have now gone out. If you haven't received yours yet, please check your spam folder. If you still can't find it, get in touch.
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Less than 1 week to go... posted by Taz on 15/06/2010 at 15:42 GMT (link)
Less than 1 week to go...
That's right kids. Less than one week to go before the first day of Summer, and that means you've only got a few days left to get your CDs ready.

But remember, you'll only be included in the Summer Burn if you've completed registration, and at this moment there are over 70 of you who have yet to send us your confirmation postcard.

If you're one of those people, you'd better be quick. If you don't know what your confirmation ID is, or don't know where to send the card, use this form to get a reminder email sent to your inbox.

For those of you who've confirmed and have already made your CDs, it's Jiffy Bags at the ready... Roll on Monday!
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The Summer Burn 2010 posted by Taz on 13/05/2010 at 14:49 GMT (link)
The Summer Burn 2010
Registration has started for the Summer Burn 2010, which is making everybody wonder why they were having to scrape frost off the car windscreen this morning. Seriously, could somebody please tell us what the fuck is going on this year with the weather? It's downright inconsiderate!

Still, Summer is just around the corner, if only in a technical sense of the word, and that means it's time to dust off a couple of blank CDs and start thinking of a track listing. Get creative, and let's make this a summer of fantastic music.

Go on... what are you waiting for?
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FJ Friday Game posted by Reg on 19/03/2010 at 09:54 GMT (link)
FJ Friday Game
If you only play one gravity-defying action-platformer featuring a cupboard with pink bags under his eyes today, make sure its this one! Amil is one heck of a game, and just the kind of thing we go crazy about here at FJ Towers. Go forth an rescue those lost pets!
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FJ Friday Game posted by Reg on 12/03/2010 at 09:50 GMT (link)
FJ Friday Game
Don't you just hate it when you wonder down to the watering hole to have a nice cool drink, when BAM! some nasty predator comes along and spoils the fun?

Instead of bolting for the nearest safe ground, why not try standing your ground and transforming into something completely different like a tree? Its a novel tactic, but it might just work!*

*Please try this at home before using it in the savannah. Funjunkie takes no responsibility for incorrect or incomplete tranformations due to lack of practice resulting in being eaten to death.
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FJ Friday Game posted by Reg on 19/02/2010 at 11:04 GMT (link)
FJ Friday Game
We're having a bit of Rubble Trouble here at FJ Towers this week. One of the wombats escaped from the dungeon and bashed through the foundations, causing major structural damage. It's OK though, he only wanted to pop down to the shops to get some more biscuits, so its understandable. We don't begrudge the huge construction bill and the weeks of inconvenience of having the builders create noise and dust, because let's face it, biscuits are important.
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FJ Friday Game posted by Reg on 05/02/2010 at 09:58 GMT (link)
FJ Friday Game
Today's FJ Friday Game™ is called Rotato, and not in fact, potato, as I originally thought.

Which is a shame really, because its almost National Chip Week, and that would have tied in nicely. But Rotato has got nothing to do with potatoes. Or chips. Or even crisps for that matter. But what the heck, you can't have everything, right?
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FJ Friday Game posted by Reg on 29/01/2010 at 10:53 GMT (link)
FJ Friday Game
Yo, word up homies! It's friday, and its time for your FJ Friday Game™ fix!

Today you'll be playing a game called Pulsus, "a game of particles". Don't worry, you won't have to dredge up the knowledge gained during your GCSE Physics course, it's all about placing balls in the right position. Just like when you put your pants on in the morning.

Unless you're BeccaG of course.
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FJ Friday Game posted by Reg on 22/01/2010 at 14:23 GMT (link)
FJ Friday Game
If you haven't had a headache recently, then today's your lucky day! First Person Tetris comes with a guarantee that your head will be bursting at the seams in seconds!

Don't be tricked into thinking that this is like normal Tetris, oh no. This is Tetris in first person. Which basically means, its exactly the same as normal Tetris, but it'll have your head bursting at the seams in seconds.

Did I just say that already? Damn, is that bits of my brain on the keyboard?

Thanks ...I think, Xavier
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Not a FJ Friday Game posted by Dr.Poppyjuice on 17/01/2010 at 23:01 GMT (link)
Not a FJ Friday Game
Oh it's been a while.

Why I hear you ask. (Along with someone muttering "Who gives a fuck?" in the back, don't think we can't hear you.)

Well, obviously, apart from Reg who was born in the freezer section of Beejam the rest of us at Funjunkie Towers often retire to the south for the winter.

Now the snow is thawing it's time for us to return. But the increase in modern day air traffic make it harder each year.

We're still getting over the embarrassment of when BeccaG took out the Hudson River plane on the way back last year.

Hopefull you'll have more luck with it.

Good luck loosey goosey.
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Greyscale posted by Reg on 13/01/2010 at 15:06 GMT (link)
It's a grey old day out there, and you're probably feeling like a cog in a giant machine, grinding away at the same old tedious stuff.

So when I suggest you play a game called Grayscale, which has no colour in it at all, and it based around grinding cogs in a machine, you might understandably be put off.

But don't be. It's jolly good. And it might actually get your brain into gear, at last.
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Where is 2010? posted by Reg on 05/01/2010 at 15:35 GMT (link)
Where is 2010?
Where is 2010?

Blimey guv'nor! If you haven't found it yet, then you must have had a drop too much to drink on new year's eve! And knowing you, I bet that's the case. You're probably still nursing a sore head in a ditch somewhere. Wearing a pink tutu that you "borrowed" off another party goer.

Just pray that the snaps of you and SillyBoy doing that "thing" together never surface on the internet. Unless people have to pay for the privelege. In which case, you could already be fabulously wealthy. Or at least have enough for a bus ride home, and a packet of cheesy Quavers to keep your hunger pangs at bay.

Am I still typing?
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The Gathering posted by Reg on 04/01/2010 at 12:35 GMT (link)
The Gathering
Its the first Monday in January, so that can only mean one thing... yes, that's right! It's the most depressing day of the year! The fun and festivities are well and truly over*, and now its back to the grindstone again! Hip Hip Hooray!

To try and get you through this emotional time, we've got a terrific game for you. It's another sequel to one of the first (and best) games of last year. Ladies and gents, I present to you Ice Breaker: The Gathering. It's hardly a bottle of gin, but hopefully it'll be some consolation.

*Happy New Year, by the way
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Christmas 2009 posted by Reg on 22/12/2009 at 12:09 GMT (link)
Christmas 2009
So this is Christmas? Well, not quite, but we’re almost there. Here at Funjunkie Towers, the shutters are being… shut, the comedy python draft excluders have been laid down by the portcullis, and the blinds are being drawn-to. But just before we finally close down for the year, here’s one last game to keep you amused over the holidays.

Don’t be put off by the graphics* of Continuity, underneath lies a clever little game. And anyway, we like to think of the aesthetic as a bit of an enema to the glitz and glamour of everything else that’s going on right now.

*No, that’s not a screenshot on the right. That’s santa’s new helper.

Right, one last check of the biscuit tin, just to make sure there are no solitary cookies in there. Last year, one was left which went a bit mouldy, started to evolve and ended up tearing a rip in the space-time continuum and letting a herd** of lazer-dinosaurs loose in the basement. Again.

**I’m not sure “herd” is the correct collective noun for lazer-dinosaurs. Maybe it should be something like “slash”? If you have any better ideas, stick ‘em in the comments box

Anyway, Merry Christmas to you all, and providing we wake up from extended hibernation, catch you in the new year, bye!
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Level up! posted by Reg on 21/12/2009 at 12:37 GMT (link)
Level up!
If you haven't broken up for Christmas yet, and you're stuck behind a desk, here's a slice of adventure to brighten up your day.

Level up! gives you the chance to run about like bonkers and... level up a lot. It's nothing to do with xmas, so it won't remind you that everyone else has already had their fill of playing in the snow and now they're watching shit films on the telly while stuffing their faces with mince pies and swilling sherry. Which is nice, 'coz I bet you'd rather be doing that, rather than being deskbound, innit?
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Danny Choo posted by Reg on 10/12/2009 at 16:11 GMT (link)
If you’d like to see dancing Storm Troopers, or are in any way interested in Japan, then you’ve got to get yourself over to DannyChoo.com. Its packed to the gills with odd J-nonsense, and it gives us a great excuse to have a manga bird showing her knickers here on the front page*.

*Like we have to justify ourselves to punks like you?
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Not a FJ Friday Game posted by Reg on 10/12/2009 at 15:48 GMT (link)
Not a FJ Friday Game
This week, due to an administrative error, there will not be a FJ Friday Game. However, you can have a nice game today in compensation.

Look, if you're really that upset about the whole "wrong day" thing, just wait until tomorrow and play it then, OK?

Sheesh, there's no pleasing some people. They demand that every week's the same, with the days always in the "correct" order, and get offended when things get juggled around a bit.

Lighten up! It's not as if Friday's been swapped for Monday. Its a one-off! Get over it already! Maybe you should get rid of your stress by picking up some eggs or shooting some squirrels or something.
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FJ Friday Game posted by Reg on 04/12/2009 at 10:34 GMT (link)
FJ Friday Game
The instructions for today's FJ Friday game are pretty simple:

shoot the ball
longer path gives more points
bounce from stage side to get multiplier
you have 60 seconds

Don't let that put you off. This game has the "just one more go" factor in spades. Current high score in the FJ office: 13,138. Put your high scores in the comments box!
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FJ Friday Game posted by Reg on 27/11/2009 at 11:31 GMT (link)
FJ Friday Game
I love The Fantasy of the Sord. Not just because there's a massive world to explore, a library of of weapons and spells to collect, and a plethora of enemies to defeat, although that certainly adds to the experience.

No, why I love The Fantasy of the Sord is because you can choose between a number of great characters to play with, the best being the excellently named Wood Sexer.
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FJ Friday Game posted by Reg on 23/10/2009 at 12:44 GMT (link)
FJ Friday Game
Funjunkie Friday Games™ two weeks in a row? You are lucky little ducklings, aren't you!

This week, dive into the world of The Glean of Glob. It's just like a day here at FJ HQ: bonkers, a bit tricky to work out, and full of exploding boxes and fish.

Which reminds me. Taz, did you take out the bins last night? Those salmon leftovers ain't gonna get any fresher in those black bags.
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