Monday 18 October 2010

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Friday, 15th October 2010

The war for civilisation


Well at least one man gets it.

Rupert Murdoch has made a direct, to-the-point, ambiguity-free speech about the anti-Israel, anti-Jew frenzy now consuming the west. In a speech to the Anti-Defamation League, which gave him an award, he said this:

My own perspective is simple:  We live in a world where there is an ongoing war against the Jews...This is the soft war that seeks to isolate Israel by delegitimizing it. The battleground is everywhere:  the media … multinational organizations … NGOs. In this war, the aim is to make Israel a pariah.

The result is the curious situation we have today:  Israel becomes increasingly ostracized, while Iran – a nation that has made no secret of wishing Israel’s destruction – pursues nuclear weapons loudly, proudly, and without apparent fear of rebuke.   

For me, this ongoing war


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Wednesday, 13th October 2010

Left Foot Falsehoods


I am grateful to Harry’s Place (which has itself sometimes made less than obliging remarks about me) for coming to my defence over a particularly egregious misrepresentation of my views by someone called Joss Garman at a blog called Left Foot Forward. Claiming to have learned that yours truly is the ‘inspiration’ for the American blogger Pamela Geller, Garman tried to portray me as an anti-Muslim bigot – which he does by writing whopping disortions of what I have written, which are easily refutable simply by reading what I actually wrote. Despite a strong outcry by readers on the site against such falsehoods about me Garman has not taken his post down, let alone apologised. People should know therefore how despicably that site behaves.

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A watershed?


Golly. Howard Jacobson has won the Booker Prize for his novel The Finkler Question about contemporary British Jew-hatred – and more particularly, the part played in this by the ‘ashamed-to-be-a-Jew' Jews.

Huge congratulations to him. In today's climate, that's some achievement. See here for an indication of the significance of this.

Can it be that at this civilisational eleventh hour, at least part of the British intelligentsia has developed some limited awareness of the darkness into which it is plunging?

And will the British 'ashamed-to-be-a-Jew' Jews ever be able to get the point? (Don't all answer at once...)

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Tuesday, 12th October 2010

Pallywood redux


Looks like another staged Pallywood-style ‘atrocity’ has been served up for the world’s media, which has duly bought into the lie in large measure as per. The papers have run a story that on the road in the tense east Jerusalem district of Silwan where Israeli cars are regularly being stoned and attacked, an Israeli ‘settler’ driver, David Be’eri, who had his young son in the passenger seat, ploughed into a group of Palestinian children, running over one of them, and sped away without stopping. Arab media are reporting that the driver deliberately drove into the children and even that two of them were killed. The kind of reports that inflame yet more hatred of Israel in the west and more violence against Israel in the Arab and Muslim world.

Except the whole thing looks like a set up,...

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Decency fights back


Straws in the wind, maybe, but in the last few days there have been heartening signs of people making a stand for truth, decency and integrity. The first was the resignation from the American Physical Society of Hal Lewis, Emeritus Professor of Physics at the University of California and a scientist of distinction, in protest at the attempt by the APS to shut down debate about its endorsement of anthropogenic global warming. It is a magisterial rebuke which stands witness to the devastating corruption of science represented by the AGW scam. Here’s a sample of Prof Lewis’s resignation letter:

It is of course, the global warming scam, with the (literally) trillions of dollars driving it, that has corrupted so many scientists, and has carried APS before it like a rogue wave. It is the greatest and most successful


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Thursday, 7th October 2010

Home truths and one illusion


Britain’s former Prime Minister Tony Blair was forced out of office early because, weakened by his backing for the war in Iraq, he refused to condemn Israel for the Lebanon war of 2006. The treatment he received bore ample testimony to the derangement over Israel that has taken hold of Britain, and its corresponding and suicidal failure to grasp the true nature and extent of the threat the west is facing from the Islamic jihad.

Now Blair has returned to the fray. In a speech to the Washington Institute for Near East Policy, he has delivered some desperately needed home truths about the way in which the west is all but handing victory to the Islamists:

The former prime minister said that there had been a failure to challenge the ‘narrative’ that Islam was oppressed by the West which


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Melanie Phillips

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Melanie Phillips is a Daily Mail columnist. She also writes for the Jewish Chronicle and is a panellist on BBC Radio Four's Moral Maze. Her most recent book is 'The World Turned Upside Down: The Global Battle over God, Truth and Power', published by Encounter.

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