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Welcome to the Criminal Solicitor Dot Net web site
This site provides an online resource to UK criminal solicitors and includes a forum area to discuss the ever changing world of criminal law, and criminal contracting.

There are several important features of this site that cannot be accessed unless you have registered as a member and logged in to the Criminal Solicitor Dot Net site:

  • Case Law Updater - the Case Law updater contains cases that the Criminal Solicitor Dot Net team consider to be important/relevant to criminal practitioners. The Case Law Updater does not contain every new case, but it does contain on cases that are of paramount importance.
  • Legislation Updater - the Legislation Updater covers legislation created since April 2004 that is relevant to criminal law and includes items such as Statutory Instruments, Bills and Acts. The Legislation Updater allows you to peruse relevant legislation with summaries and view the full content of the legislation as published on the Office of Public Sector Information web site.
  • Newsletter - web site members who opt to receive the weekly Criminal Solicitor Dot Net Newsletter receive by e-mail a newsletter containing legal news, contracting news, case law updates, and legislation updates. The newsletter contains links to reports and updates contained within the Criminal Solicitor Dot Net web site.
  • Download Centre - this contains documents that are relevant to all areas of criminal practice and includes consultation documents and responses.

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Why is this web site here?
The Criminal Solicitor Dot Net web site was established to provide an open forum for users to discuss UK criminal law. There are several resources available to criminal solicitors on the internet but none were seen as being open or user friendly in the way that the Criminal Solicitor Dot Net portal is. Criminal Solicitor Dot Net is not affiliated with any professional organisation and has no agenda to serve - it exists as it does for the purpose of open discussion.

Who runs the web site
The Criminal Solicitor Dot Net web site is run by Gavin Burrell with the assistance of two others. Gavin Burrell is a solicitor who works for a firm in Southend, Essex, practicing solely in criminal work.

Who pays for the web site?
The portal is not operated for profit or gain and no membership fees/subscription fees are charged. The costs in operating this portal are generally absorbed by the Criminal Solicitor Dot Net team if income generated from advertising does not meet the hosting costs. The biggest cost in running the portal is time spent ensuring that up to date information is delivered to our registered users.

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The Criminal Solicitor Dot Net web site provides registered users the ability to read and post messages in the discussion forums. The forums are arranged in appropriate sections where a user can engage in discussion with other users about any given topic.

Criminal law
The forums are particularly useful for discussing criminal law. Requests are often made for opinions on legal scenarios, and guidance given on new or established legislation. The forums are not to be used by people seeking legal advice on their own case.

Criminal contracting
Criminal contracting is at the heart of many UK crime practices and the discussion forums allow our registered users to interact and discuss impending changes to criminal contracting.

The Criminal Solicitor Dot Net web site provides an updater service to ensure that our registered users are informed of changes to case law and legislation. The updater service is split in to two areas.

Case law
We provide a case law updater service. We endeavour to post updates to the web site on a daily basis. We report on case law that we believe to be of paramount importance to UK criminal law. We provide summaries for the cases in the updater and where judgments are freely available online for the cases a copy of the judgment also appears in the updater.

We check legislation on a daily basis to ensure that our registered users are aware of new Acts, proposed Bills, Statutory Instruments and Draft Statutory Instruments. Without taking advantage of an updater service a criminal practitioner cannot expect to keep up to date with legislative changes. The legislative updater provides a summary of the important parts of that legislation and copies of the full text of the legislation in question.

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Criminal Solicitor Dot Net News
Remote RSS Feed Step in to tackle yobs, says new Home Se... 14 May 2010 13:57 
Members of the public should intervene to stop anti-social behaviour on Britain’s streets, the new Home Secretary has said. In her first interview since her surprise appointment, Theresa May says she wants to create an atmosphere in which people feel able to stop gangs of youths blighting neighbourhoods. She suggests that more police would be on the beat – able to “help” citizens if confrontations threaten to become violent. The Home Secretary tells The Daily Telegraph that her success in the post should be judged on whether “people feel safer in their own homes” and public faith in the police is restored.
Remote RSS Feed Bill of Rights not a high priority, mini... 14 May 2010 12:28 
A Tory pledge to rip up the Human Rights Act has been kicked in to the long grass after the new Justice Secretary, Ken Clarke, signalled it was not a priority. The Conservatives had promised to replace the controversial act, which many believe protects criminals more than innocent people, with a UK Bill of Rights. But Mr Clarke, who was only appointed to the Ministry of Justice on Wednesday, suggested it was not high on the list of actions while the pledge was notable by its absence in the coalition agreement published this week.
Remote RSS Feed Ken Clarke is a good fit for the Ministr... 13 May 2010 13:09 
Joshua Rozenberg: Conservative stalwart has quality of reliability that suggests he is not prepared to be pushed around by officials or lawyers. Nobody expected Ken Clarke to become lord chancellor and secretary of state for justice. In opposition, the brief had been held by Dominic Grieve, who has been given the consolation prize – or poisoned chalice – of attorney general. Before the election, Clarke looked a safer bet for the posts of chief secretary to the Treasury or business secretary – positions that have now gone to Liberal Democrats. His claim, on leaving Downing Street, that he had no idea what post he was going to be offered has the ring of truth to it.
Remote RSS Feed 500 euro notes withdrawn over organised ... 13 May 2010 12:41 
British bank wholesalers have withdrawn 500 euro notes from sale because they are fuelling organised crime. The decision to end trading was made after police found nine out of every 10 of the notes in circulation are linked to crime, tax evasion and terrorism. It closed an annual 500 million euro (£424 million) trade in the distinctive largest denomination euro note among businesses across the country.
Remote RSS Feed Spending on police overtime doubles to £... 13 May 2010 00:15 
Spending on police overtime has nearly doubled over the past decade despite record numbers of police officers, according to a report. Overtime payments in England and Wales soared by around 90 per cent between 1999 and 2009, hitting £400million last year, according to the Centre for Crime and Justice Studies (CCJS). The rise came as the number of police officers reached an all-time high of 142,151 in 2009 - 15,337 higher than a decade ago, the study found.
Remote RSS Feed Profile: Dominic Grieve 12 May 2010 12:44 
Attorney general is a parliamentary 'star' who retains respect of lawyers despite Tory plan to repeal human rights act. It was widely believed that Dominic Grieve – the shadow justice secretary until a few days ago – would not retain his position in the event of a Tory victory. And while that turned out to be true, with Kenneth Clarke taking over as justice minister, many in the legal community were quietly pleased when Grieve was appointed attorney general, the government's chief legal adviser.
Remote RSS Feed Coalition Government: Ken Clarke 'surpri... 12 May 2010 12:39 
Ken Clarke admitted that he was ''surprised'' at his appointment as Justice Secretary in David Cameron's new government. The former chancellor, who was shadow business secretary before the election, insisted he was not disappointed that he had not been given an economic portfolio. He said his past experience as home secretary and a criminal lawyer meant he was well-qualified for his new role.
Remote RSS Feed Police staff 'hired' out to supermarkets... 09 May 2010 12:13 
Police staff are being diverted away from crime-fighting duties so forces can "hire" them out to guard supermarkets, universities and even motorway service stations. Forces across the country earned at least £17 million between them last year by providing staff to the private sector. Police chiefs last night admitted "partnerships" are needed to help maintain budgets in an ever tighter economic climate.
Remote RSS Feed Fines for drivers using mobile phones fa... 06 May 2010 12:44 
The number of on-the-spot fines handed out to people caught using a hand held mobile phone while driving has fallen for the third year in a row, according to figures collected by the Home Office. It comes despite evidence that mobile phone use at the wheel rose by more than a quarter last year, with truck and van drivers the worst offenders Road safety campaigners said that the figures proved that the law is being routinely flouted by drivers and enforced only weakly by overstretched police.
Remote RSS Feed Police forces must merge to fight terror... 06 May 2010 12:43 
The structure of 52 fragmented county forces is failing because “criminals and terrorists do not recognise borders” but police are tied to the boundaries of their forces, according to a report in the Royal United Services Institute (RUSI) journal. It said that policing needs urgent reform to bring it into the 21st century and make police “more efficient, reduce duplication and costs”. The issue of regional mergers, first mooted ten years ago, is back on the agenda and a new government must “take the initiative” to bring about the biggest shake up of policing in 50 years, the report said
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View Last Post Understanding the Police Caution
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