@mashable Google Puts the Emphasis on Location in Search -

1 minutes ago via HootSuite | RETWEET

@engadget iPhone 3,2 rumored to be in near-final testing phase, cue the CDMA speculation

7 minutes ago via twitterfeed | RETWEET

@VentureBeat Facebook’s Causes reels in $9M and defends online activism

16 minutes ago via HootSuite | RETWEET

@VentureBeat Why Foursquare doesn’t owe its success to the iPhone

16 minutes ago via HootSuite | RETWEET

@VentureBeat Gaming legend Brian Reynolds on how FrontierVille might change Zynga

16 minutes ago via HootSuite | RETWEET

@fastcompany Mark Cuban Funds Startup That Will Track Your Devices @mcuban

27 minutes ago via TweetDeck | RETWEET

@BBCTech Violent images 'boost aggression'

36 minutes ago via twitterfeed | RETWEET

@TechCrunch Video Calling Startup Wham! Nails $3 Million In Series A by @alexia

50 minutes ago via VIP | RETWEET

@TechCrunch Facebook's 'Download Your Information' Feature Has A Memory Lapse by @jasonkincaid

57 minutes ago via VIP | RETWEET

@engadget Bose enters single-ear Bluetooth headset market with expected swagger and price tag

2 hours ago via twitterfeed | RETWEET


Email spam down, virus transmissions up, Google study finds

You may have seen slightly less spam coming into your email inbox recently, but those messages were more likely than usual to contain a virus, according to a report by Google. FULL STORY

By Mark Milian, CNN

Filed under: Web

Apple's Steve Jobs takes shots at competitors

Apple's Steve Jobs gave quite a monologue Monday, dressing down competing makers of smartphones, tablets and software. FULL STORY

By Mark Milian, CNN

Filed under: Mobile

IBM tops estimates, but shares fall

Now that IBM is a hot momentum tech stock, it suddenly has to live up to some lofty forecasts. FULL STORY

By Ben Rooney, staff reporter

Filed under: Tech Biz

Mike Tyson makes video game comeback

Two decades after pummeling Nintendo Entertainment System owners into submission with classic boxing title "Mike Tyson's Punch-Out!," former heavyweight champion Mike Tyson is returning to the video game ring. FULL STORY

By Scott Steinberg, Special to CNN

Filed under: Gaming & Gadgets

Microsoft's visionary heads out the door

One of Microsoft's key visionary thinkers is making his exit. FULL STORY

By Ben Rooney, staff reporter

Filed under: Tech Biz

Apple sales top $20 billion - a new record

Apple's wildly popular gadget lineup propelled the company to a new all-time sales record of $20 billion, Apple said Monday as it announced its fourth-quarter results. FULL STORY

By David Goldman, staff writer

Filed under: Tech Biz

With surprise boost from Steve Jobs, news app is a hit

You've heard of the "Oprah effect." Having the queen of talk endorse your product can be like winning the lottery. FULL STORY

By Dan Simon, CNN

Filed under: Mobile

Portugal transformed by green energy revolution

In recent years Portugal has been harnessing its enviable southern European climate to benefit more than just its tourism industry. FULL STORY

By Syma Tariq, for CNN

Filed under: Innovation

In 2010, what counts as a smartphone?

The term "smartphone" may sound cool and hip, but it's actually been around since at least the mid-1990s. FULL STORY

John D. Sutter
By John D. Sutter, CNN

Filed under: Mobile

Will physical books be gone in five years?

As e-book readers and tablet computers become more common, one prominent tech mogul says that physical books could disappear sooner than expected. FULL STORY

By Cody Combs, CNN

Filed under: Innovation

NASCAR to use ethanol fuel mix

NASCAR says that it will use a 15% ethanol blend in its racing fuel, days after the government approved the mix. FULL STORY

By Aaron Smith, staff writer

Filed under: Tech Biz

Report: Facebook apps sharing user info

Many of Facebook's most popular apps are sharing personally identifiable information of their users with dozens of advertising and Internet-tracking companies, in violation of the social-networking giant's own rules, according to a Wall Street Journal report. FULL STORY

By Steven Musil, CNET

Filed under: Social Media

'Medal of Honor' intense, but a few shots miss

Despite the pre-release controversy over the inclusion of the Taliban, "Medal of Honor" (Danger Close, DICE, Electronic Arts) tries to tell a gripping tale of honor and sacrifice. But it doesn't quite get to the finish line. FULL STORY

By Larry Frum, Special to CNN

Filed under: Gaming & Gadgets

Google reveals surprisingly huge mobile and display ad sales

Google's profit soared in the third quarter, defying skeptical investors and analysts who feared that the search giant would never find a a significant new revenue stream besides search advertisements. FULL STORY

By David Goldman, staff writer

Filed under: Tech Biz

Facebook employees must pay big to cash out

Although Facebook isn't yet public, employees and other insiders have been able to cash out some of their equity through private stock-sale deals. But the company is trying to dump cold water on that rapidly heating up market: Facebook recently began… FULL STORY

By Julianne Pepitone, staff reporter

Filed under: Tech Biz

Our Mobile Lives

America is getting hooked on the smartphone. We depend on these modern Swiss Army knives for everything from planning our schedules to checking the news to managing our social networks. This series examines these phones' impact on our culture and how we communicate. FULL STORY

Building Up America

From new bridges that can warn engineers of structural defects to the electrical "smart grid," here's a look at high-tech efforts to rebuild U.S. infrastructure. FULL STORY


The Wild Web

Awkward Family Photos site to become TV showAwkward Family Photos site to become TV show
If you've ever dreamed of creating your own TV show, forget moving to Los Angeles, finding an agent and waitressing until your big break. Just start a humorous website. FULL STORY

The Wild Web comes out every Monday

Gadgets & Gaming

Are simpler video games better?Are simpler video games better?
The holiday season is always a win for video gamers, as software makers jockey to one-up each other with slicker graphics, deeper play and more expansive 3-D worlds. FULL STORY

Gadgets & Gaming comes out every Tuesday

Mobile Watch

Cheaper, simpler Android phones are comingCheaper, simpler Android phones are coming
While the Android mobile operating system is free, the smartphones and tablets that use it have generally been rather pricey and thus out of reach for many consumers. FULL STORY

Mobile Watch comes out every Wednesday

Social Circles

Could Facebook be bluffing on search-engine plans?Could Facebook be bluffing on search-engine plans?
By supporting Microsoft's Bing search efforts, Facebook can weaken a much stronger rival: Google. FULL STORY

Social Circles comes out every Thursday

CNN Tech Lab

'Eureka moments' and other innovation myths'Eureka moments' and other innovation myths
A number of writers this month have been challenging long-held beliefs about innovation -- from the fact and fiction of that "a-ha" moment to the kinds of people who tend to innovate, and which ideas are best. FULL STORY

CNN Tech Lab comes out every Friday

5 reasons you're bad at online chat

5 reasons you're bad at online chatAre you boring on AIM or Gchat? Do you overshare? Complain at lot? Here's why your friends may be blocking you. FULL STORY

OCTOBER 18, 2010

Search engines learning to anticipate user's needs

The next time you get a helpful search result from Google, you might offer a nod of gratitude to a depressive Austrian philosopher named Ludwig Wittgenstein. FULL STORY

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