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D: Dive Into Mobile

Turn on, Start Up, Drop Out

If you've seen The Social Network, you may have caught a passing glimpse of Peter Thiel.

The Web Isn't Dead (So Says Its Inventor) and Other "Do Lecture" Notes

Holed up in yurts in a field in Cardigan Bay, Wales, a couple of week ago was an impressive collection of some of the most intensely motivated, high-achieving individuals ever assembled — oh, and me!

Little Brother is Watching

In George Orwell’s “1984,” that novel of totalitarian politics whose great mistake was to emphasize the villainy of society’s masters while playing down the mischief of the masses, the goal of communications technology was brutal and direct: to ensure the dominance of the state.

We Thought the Internet Was Killing Print. But It Isn't

The woe, as usual, is more or less unconfined.

The News of the World's Paywall and Why, For Rupert Murdoch, The Internet is So Over

The Times' all-or-nothing paywall was a shock to the system – but the News of the World’s paywall move today was even more extreme.

Twitter's Patent Strategy: Don't Bother

Twitter co-founder Evan Williams predicted yesterday that the social media company will hit a billion users in time.

Twitter Lowers Boom on New Celeb-Tracking Site

A Web site called began ballyhooing an upcoming service today that would publish the real-time whereabouts of celebrities and crowed about its cozy relationship with Twitter.
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This is a section of the All Things Digital Web site featuring posts from around the Web, from other Dow Jones properties and also original pieces we solicit. The section is now explicitly labeled that it comes “from other Web sites.”

Regarding third-party posts: We are trying to point readers of this site to other posts from around the Web that we admire and are trying to do so in the quickest manner possible.

That is why we have made even more changes to Voices to ensure we do this in the most transparent and timely way. While we don't expect that everyone will agree with our policies, we have made changes that reflect our intent in pointing to content outside our site.

So here is exactly what we do.

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Monday, October 18, 2010


Apple Has $51 Billion and a Shopping List. Is Facebook On It?

Steve Jobs from iPhone 4 antenna press conference Steve Jobs told analysts that he’s hanging on to his giant cash hoard for a rainy day–and a couple specific things he’d like to buy. Perhaps he’s discussed this with Mark Zuckerberg… Read More »


Hitachi, Johnson Controls in Lithium-Ion Battery Tie-Up

Hitachi Ltd. and Johnson Controls Inc. will team up to produce lithium-ion batteries for electric cars and advanced power distribution systems, the latest in a series of tie-ups and joint ventures looking to capitalize on the burgeoning market for next-generation batteries. Hitachi and Johnson Controls said they will work together in all aspects of the lithium-ion battery business—from research, development and production to marketing and sales. Read More »

Digital Daily

Jobs on Android: The Fight Isn’t Closed Vs. Open, but Integrated Vs. Fragmented

CEO Steve Jobs made a special guest appearance on Apple’s Q3 earnings call today and used the opportunity to fire a few shots at Google while reframing the comparison between iOS and Android. Read More »

Ray Ozzie Leaving Microsoft

Ray Ozzie, who joined Microsoft five years ago as chief software architect and played a large role in developing the company’s cloud service offerings, is retiring. CEO Steve Ballmer said Ozzie will stay with the company through a transition period, but has no specific plans after that. Read More »

Apple Beats Earnings Estimates, but Low on Guidance, iPad Sales

First hit from Apple earnings: EPS of $4.64 and revenues of $20.34 billion. The consensus was $4.05 and $18.8 billion. The Street won’t like guidance, though: Apple is predicting Q1 EPS of $4.80, below the $5.04 analysts were looking for. They will also sputter a bit on this number: Apple sold 4.19 million iPads, and the consensus was 4.7 million. The good news: Apple sold a lot of iPhones–14.1 million. Read More »

News Byte

IBM Q3 Beats Estimates

IBM today posted Q3 profits of $2.82 a share on revenue of $24.27 billion, both numbers better than the consensus estimates of analysts of $2.75 and $24.12 billion. The company said it expects full-year profits of at least $11.40 a share, also higher than the Street forecast of $11.29.

In, and Out, and Back to Envying the iPhone.

Here is the latest comic from our Joy of Tech friends at Geek Culture, Nitrozac and Snaggy. Joy of Tech appears three times a week in the Voices section of this site. (Click on the image to see a bigger version.) Read More »

News Byte

Report: Brightcove Targets IPO for Next Year

Brightcove sees a bright future in online video distribution, and according to a Reuters source, the company is prepping an IPO for the first half of next year in anticipation of doing battle with the larger competitors it expects to see. The company’s new CFO, Chris Menard, was hired in large part for his experience with acquisitions and an IPO while working at Phase Forward.

Electric Cars: A Boon for Commercial Vehicle Trade?

It may take decades for electric cars to become an everyday sight in parking lots and garages. But Mitsubishi Motors Corp. president Osamu Masuko sees big potential demand in the market for commercial vehicles used by businesses, even though neither his company nor its biggest local rival Nissan Motor Co. has yet specifically targeted the sector. Read More »

Cablevision Complains (Very Quietly) About News Corp.’s Web Blackout

The move to shut down and close off part of Hulu to the cable system’s customers was “unprecedented and anti-consumer.” So why not holler loudly? Read More »

News Byte

Report: EMC Bidding to Buy Isilon

The New York Post is hearing from a source that data-storage leader EMC is wooing Isilon, a specialist in “clustered storage,” with a $2 billion acquisition offer and that a deal should be sealed before the end of the year. The report also says that EMC-controlled VMware is talking to Novell about buying its SUSE Linux business.


“Fearless Leader” Bartz Out of Foxhole, Reaching Out and Remaining Calm (Until Tomorrow, That Is!)

Thus spake Yahoo CEO Carol Bartz in her weekly note to Yahoos on Friday, signing off as the Internet giant’s “fearless leader”: “There sure are a lot of folks writing about us. There are some pretty incredible stories out there. I’m not letting it distract me, and you shouldn’t either.” Did she just call BoomTown incredible? Thanks! Read More »

News Byte

Google Adds Cloud Access to Enterprise Search Appliance

Google, which is encouraging businesses to adopt its Google Apps productivity applications, is now making that cloud-based data more accessible for companies that also use its Search Appliance. Now, in addition to enabling intranet searches, the updated Search Appliance’s Cloud Connect will also pull in results from Google Docs, Google Sites and Twitter. The new version also adds People Search, which lists the company employees related to the search subject.


Mark Cuban Invests in Device-Tracking Firm

Billionaire investor Mark Cuban is among investors who have poured $5 million into startup BlueCava, which aims to develop unique IDs for computers, mobile phones and other devices. BlueCava hopes that its device identification system may eventually replace online tracking tools such as cookies. Read More »

Consumer Reports Can’t Recommend iPhone, Can Recommend Consumer Reports Shopping App

Consumer Reports’ odd love/kinda-love relationship with the iPhone continues: If you ignore its advice and buy the iPhone 4, the buying guide has a $10 app it would like to sell you. Read More »

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There's more good stuff on BoomTown, Digital Daily, MediaMemo and Voices

Macs Get New Outlook

Microsoft significantly improved each of the key components for its new Macintosh version of Office coming out Oct. 26, which finally includes a robust Mac version of Outlook, writes Walt. Read More »

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