October 27, 2010

"Painted in the tears of those who dressed before me."

Paul Smith, elephant gray stripy heel sock.

My friend kvn won't own up to it, but I have reason to suspect he is the wit behind Fuck Yeah Menswear. This fellow's website mines the dense magnetic core of Mary HK Choi's world. Click on it and you will be instaboned.

I keep fashion and design notes at Svpply. Look at this shoe! I'm not going to not own that shoe.

Hughes Clues

Cory Oberndorfer, detail from Wonder, 2009.

For another hour or so, my profile of Philippa Hughes still has the cover of the Washington City Paper. Parvenu or art doyenne? Pick up the story and consider. For extended reading, Jeffry Cudlin has some commentary on his website, and Hughes herself facebooked this xkcd comic in response.

Given what happened to the other guy who tried to mess with her this week, I think I got off easy.

UPDATE: Here is something I wrote about Hughes back in 2007, which seems so long ago.

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