
Won’t Get Fooled Again

Posted at 6:08 by Gavin M.
Above: Angel on other shoulder hung self with own halo

Corrections Staff, The New York Times:
Corrections, October 16, 2010

An article last Sunday about Pamela Geller, a blogger who attacks Islam, misidentified the location of a beach from which she video-blogged about her visit to Israel during the Israel-Hezbollah war in 2006. She was in Fort Lauderdale, Fla., at the time of her reports, not at a beach in Israel.

An article last Sunday about Palm Beach, Fla. native Robert Van Winkle, a.k.a. rapper Vanilla Ice, misidentified a mark on his right cheek as a “dueling scar.” The wound was accidentally self-inflicted while cutting a bagel.

The article also overstated the number of monthly unique visitors to Ms. Geller’s Web site, Atlas Shrugs. The site attracts 194,000 such visitors, according to Quantcast statistics — not one million. (The Nielsen Company estimated 184,000 in September.)

The article overstated the number of unique purchasers of Mr. Ice’s 1989 debut album, Hooked, later reissued under the title, To The Extreme, which peaked at Number One on the Billboard 200, a weekly ranking of popular albums tabulated by Billboard magazine. The album sold 11 million copies, not “100 ker-shmillion, godzillion-plus-infinity times ninety-nine with a hundred-billion zeroes after it” copies, as the article claimed, while few if any of its purchasers were unique.

And because of an editing error, the article misspelled the surname of the lead singer of the Who whom Ms. Geller was likened to for being the “front man” in the attack on Islam. He is Roger Daltrey, not Daltry.

Because of an editing error, the palindrome, “A man, a map, Lacan — Pamela,” was misspelled as, “MILF Pam in a fap film.”



* Cf. Lacan, cf. ‘onomatopaenis.’

** Ever notice how the intros to “Won’t Get Fooled Again” and “Baba O’Riley” are ripoffs of Terry Riley’s “In C”?

The Who — “Won’t get Fooled Again” (9:13)

The Who — “Baba O’Riley” (5:19)

Terry Riley — “In C” (9:36)


Sweetness and Light

Posted at 14:11 by Tintin

Shorter Dana “We Did Not Have A Terrorist Attack During Bush’s Term” Perino, America’s Shittiest Website™
Mean Maureen

  • To demonstrate that I’m not mean and catty like that irritating bitch Maureen Dowd, let me tell you several mean and catty stories about her.

‘Shorter’ concept created by Daniel Davies and perfected by Elton Beard. We are aware of all Internet traditions.™


Another Episode Of “The Real Victims” With Mike Adams

Posted at 16:29 by Tintin

Mike Adams has made a career, more or less, over at Clown Hall chronicling efforts by women and gays to harass him, allegedly by writing sharply-worded letters to him as well as by mentally broadcasting hateful taunts in his direction which are then picked up by his fillings and intrude into his thoughts. The latest assault on Adams’s delicate sensibilities was a series of co-ordinated suicides by gay teenagers who killed themselves expressly to embarrass Adams and to affect his standing at the cow college where he teaches.

Never one to take such personal attacks lightly, Adams fights back and reports a shameful truth about Christian suicides which are being covered up by the mainstream media

Officials on college campuses across the nation are alarmed at a wave of recent suicides involving Christians who have been harassed by homosexual activists. The main stream media isn’t covering the story so, as usual, I have taken it upon myself to do their jobs for them. None of the following eight cases have been covered by any of the three major news networks.

That may well be because, unlike the recently publicized suicides by gay teens, the suicides Adams is talking about are completely imaginary, as in fabricated out of whole cloth by Adams to try to make a rhetorical point about the equivalence between adults who have been criticized for expressing anti-gay views and teenagers who have been driven to suicide after having been bullied, beaten up and shamed by classmates. Adams is also working on a column pointing out that the Holocaust is pretty much the same thing as public criticism of a Republican candidate for dressing up in Nazi uniforms and pretending to be a member of a Panzer division.

This wouldn’t by Sadly, No!, of course, if I failed to point out what really happened to each of the “bullied” adult Christians.

Jonathan was a community college student in California. He was giving a speech on the impact Jesus Christ has had in his life and in the lives of others he knows. During the speech, he quoted a verse from the Bible, which referred to the traditional definition of marriage. His professor jumped up in the middle of the speech and shouted “You fascist bastard.” He then refused to give Jonathan a grade for the speech – sarcastically telling Jonathan he should “ask God what (his) grade is.” Jonathan subsequently committed suicide.

Jonathan didn’t kill himself but, instead, filed a four-count lawsuit against the professor and won three of the four counts.

Scott was a librarian at a university in Ohio. He was a member of a committee charged with picking books for a freshman reading program. He recommended a book called The Marketing of Evil, which was critical of, among other things, homosexuality. A homosexual faculty member publicly accused Scott of sexual harassment – merely for recommending the book. Shortly thereafter, Scott took his own life.

The university quickly dismissed the faculty member’s harassment charges against Scott who, of course, is now suing the school and the faculty member.

Jennifer was a graduate student in Georgia. She was studying counseling at the graduate level when word got out about her religious objections to homosexuality. Some professors also found out that she considered homosexuality to be a chosen lifestyle. Neal Boortz found out and called her ugly names on his radio show. The university forced Jennifer to go through a government-mandated thought control program, which Neal Boortz had endorsed on air. She soon found herself facing the prospect of expulsion from the university. She later killed herself in the face of the Boortz-led witch hunt.

Jennifer, rather than hanging herself, is now being represented free of charge in a lawsuit against the university.

Crystal was an administrator at a university in Ohio. She wrote an article for the local paper, which let homosexuals know that there are ways to escape the lifestyle that ends their lives prematurely. She told them they could find hope in God. But they were enraged. They demanded that she be fired from her job – even though her opinions were written and disseminated on her own time. They managed to get her fired. Later, she took her own life.

Crystal, after her firing, went on to write a book and to create two businesses which she manages. She is also suing the university and says she would gladly return to her old job.

Julia [sic] was a student at a university in Michigan. She was asked to help a homosexual client by using “gay affirmation” therapy. But she refused to do so because of her beliefs about homosexuality. (Note: It is OK to refuse to provide gay correction therapy even if that is what the client desires. But one must not refuse to provide gay affirmation therapy). Julia was expelled from Eastern Michigan because of her views. So she ended it all.

Julea Ward is now happily employed as a high school teacher and is, of course, suing Eastern Michigan University

Ruth was a student in Georgia. She was battling her campus speech code in federal court when homosexual activists began spreading rumors about her on the internet. They even called her a “bitch” for fighting against the campus speech code. After they circulated pictures of her Jewish co-plaintiff (doctored with swastikas) all over the internet she decided she had had enough. So she took her own life.

Georgia Tech settled Ruth Malhotra’s suit and revised its policies. Ruth was invited this March back to Georgia Tech to host a First Amendment forum. She is now happily collecting wingnut welfare from Campus Watch.

Mike was a professor in North Carolina. The director of the local LGBSTQQCCISA (Lesbian, gay, bi-sexual, transgendered, queer, questioning, completely confused, indecisively-sexed, and allied) Center kept sending him emails promoting LGBSTQQCCISA issues. The director of the LGBSTQQCCISA Center admitted that she did it to provoke him. He felt bullied. So he killed himself.

Sadly, No! Mike Adams is still alive.


Is There No One Else Who Cares About My Prostate Gland?

Posted at 4:50 by Tintin

ABOVE: Carey Roberts

Carey “Junior Corrado” Roberts, Ruhnoomurka
2010 will be Year of the Man

  • It looks like we’ll throw out almost all the bitches in Congress this November, which means we might finally be free from having to listen to all this shit about breast cancer. During football games, no less.

‘Shorter’ concept created by Daniel Davies and perfected by Elton Beard. We are aware of all Internet traditions.™


M’m! M’m! Halal!

Posted at 19:11 by Tintin
ABOVE: Bryan Fischer

When Bryan Fischer isn’t running around claiming that there is a gay conspiracy to kidnap your children, sodomize them and then force them to become gay abortionists, he is — quelle surprise — warning of the imminent takeover of the United States by the Mooslim hordes who will not rest until your children are forced to memorize the Koran, your wife to don a burqa, and you to bow down facing Mecca five times a day. Oh, and they’re coming for your dog Fluffy too.

Now we learn from Bryan that the Islapocalypse is closer than previously thought. Campbell’s Soup, America’s iconic purveyor of artificially flavored salted water, hypertension and heart disease, has defected to the jihadists

Creeping Sharia has come to a grocery aisle near you. Campbell’s soups have come out with a line of 15 halal-certified soups which comply with the dietary regulations of the two percent of the American population that follows Islam. …The next time you pop open a can of Campbell’s vegetarian soup, you’ll have the comfort of knowing that you are consuming jihadi-sanctified food. … What more people will find offensive is that the person carrying out the killing must recite a Koranic verse while the lifeblood of the animal drains away, thus dedicating the animal and the meat that comes from it to Allah. … The prayer? “Bismillah Allah-hu-Akbar”, which means “In the name of Allah, who is the greatest.”

And just as its a small step from a simple nosh on a kosher hot dog to waking up one morning wearing a yarmulke and sporting newly-grown payots, just tasting one tiny spoonful of halal Campbell’s Soup will have you shouting Allahu Akbar during Monday Night Football and surfing the web for the latest in suicide vest fashions.

Sharia law is no longer creeping up on us. It’s bearing down on us at full gallop. It’s time for Christian civilization to grab the reins of this runaway horse and stop it dead in its tracks. No Sharia law in America, period.

Oh, and before any of you become fearful of visiting your neighborhood grocery store lest you become the involuntary victim of the Islamic conversion-by-canned-soup plot, the halal Campbell’s sharia law soup cans are only available in Canuckistan, which you will find out if you click Fischer’s link. For the life of me I really can’t figure out why he failed to mention that these jihadist soups were only available in Canada, although I suppose it rather fucks up his argument about Sharia law bearing down on the U.S. “at full gallop.” Or maybe Fischer doesn’t understand that Canada is another country.

[h/t Sadly, No! special agent code named "I Want Reason To Prevail."]


A Day Late And A Pancake And Sausage On A Stick* Short

Posted at 20:49 by Tintin

ABOVE: Separated at Birth? Pigpen and Dough-Bob Loadpants (aka J-Load Doughberg)

J-Load Doughberg doesn’t like the idea of Arianna’s free buses to take people from NYC to the John Stewart rally in DC. No, sir-ee, he doesn’t like that idea one bit, so he’s been thinking about what to do about it. He puzzled and puzzled until his puzzler was sore. Then he came up with an idea he hadn’t thought of before and posted it today.

Har har har, Jonah snorts. Arianna can’t force the bus riders to go to the rally, so we should encourage right-wingers to crowd her buses and once they arrive in DC they can do whatever they want! And we can make her spend a beeellion dollars to charter a million buses, which will make her go bankrupt and finally shut her up.

I think conservatives who’d just like a lovely trip to the nation’s capital should take her up on the offer as well. Spend as much — or as little — time as you like at the rally. Huffington says she’ll supply as many buses as it takes.

Of course, Jonah doesn’t stop for a moment to ponder the fundamental dishonesty of this scheme, but that’s not surprising because they had to get rid of the honor system for doughnuts at NRO after Jonah kept taking donuts and whatever change had left behind by others for the donuts they took.

There is, however, a major flaw in Jonah’s scheme to bankrupt Arianna and get a free trip to the Air & Space Museum at the same time. Jonah could have discovered this flaw himself but that would have required actual work on his part. He would have had to endure the excruciating effort of opening his browser and typing g-o-o-g-l-e-dot-c-o-m into the URL bar. It seems that registration for the free bus rides closed on October 8, four days before Jonah’s post with his bright idea.

Of course, now that America’s Shittiest Website™ has a comments section, one could — in theory — go over there and point this out to Jonah so that thousands of loyal Corner readers don’t show up at Huffington Post HQ in NY on October 30th hoping to get a free bus ride to DC. Or we could all keep this little secret to ourselves.

*In case you didn’t know it, Jimmy Dean does purvey a breakfast delicacy called Pancakes and Sausage on a Stick, available wherever fine foods are sold. I just learned this recently from Brad’s excellent article at Alternet titled “6 Revolting Breakfasts That Just Might Kill You Before Lunch.” I might have titled the article “Jonah Goldberg’s 6 Breakfasts of Champions,” but I imagine that the lawyers at Alternet are a little pickier than they are here at Sadly, No!


The Only Good Injun Is . . . Etc. Etc.

Posted at 21:48 by Tintin

ABOVE: Moe Lane, PFC, Red State Trike Force

Shorter Moe Lane, Erick Erickson’s Civil War Reenactors Club
Happy Columbus Day!

  • The killing off of Native Americans was a small price to pay so that I could still have most of my teeth at age forty!

‘Shorter’ concept created by Daniel Davies and perfected by Elton Beard. We are aware of all Internet traditions.™

Citoyens, aux Tweets!

Not surprisingly, the manly Moe shows his strength and mettle by blocking me on Twitter. As if I had plans to follow and DM him. As if.


On The Beach

Posted at 1:09 by Tintin

What you’re about to see is a true story. The names have remained the same to expose the guilty. The man is John Derbyshire. The woman is some poor lady who had the misfortune of running into him while working with a film crew.

Source: “A Failure of the Free Market,” America’s Shittiest Website™, October 7, 2010


Tim Graham Defends Gay (But Only As An Insult)

Posted at 20:31 by Tintin

We all know that lots of weird and lazy shit comes from the crumb-flecked keyboard of Tim Graham when he takes a moment to get off the Twinkie, candy bar and chocolate pudding train long enough to type something. But this latest post from the triple-chinned media “analyst” really takes the cake off of Tim’s plate — which, as anyone who has tried to take cake from Timmeh knows, is no mean feat. Tim’s only pretext for his paycheck from his red-bearded sugar daddy Brent Bozell is simply to find something on the TeeVee that can be used to stoke up right-wing rage — like someone saying “shit,” a blurred shot of Janet Jackson’s nipples, or Bill Maher making a joke about Sarah Palin. Not really a challenging job, if you ask me, even if the whole enterprise is more than a little silly.

So you have to wonder what’s up with a lengthy post from Tim complaining that Anderson Cooper has a crusade against the derogatory use of “gay” as in, for example “electric cars are so gay.” I mean, what the fuck? Is this the best he’s got when all he has to do to collect his wingnut welfare check is to wallow around in front of the television all day looking for something that might upset the Beck and Palin crowd? How hard is that? How desperate does he have to be when the only thing he can find to whip up a tsunami of poutrage is Anderson Cooper saying the derogatory usage of “gay” needlessly stigmatizes people? It’s as if someone pointed out to me that making fat jokes about Tim isn’t very nice and my response to that was to get into a high dudgeon over being told that fat jokes aren’t very polite. Yes, they’re not nice even though Tim deserves them.

I suppose that Timmeh is trying to argue something like this: “First they came for ‘nigger,’ next they came for ‘faggot,’ then they came for ‘gay.’” “What next?” Tim asks. “Will they say I can’t say “porch monkey,” “beaner” or “rag head” anymore? Another perfectly good slur ruined by intolerant liberals!”

Of course, the highlight of Tim’s post is when he reaches into his limited bag of rhetorical tricks, fumbles around in it for a “Snap!” line and then pulls out this:

The offending line is Vaughn selling an electric muscle car: “Ladies and gentlemen, electric cars are gay.” … It’s a lame line. But it’s hardly grist for the suicide hotline.

Although the line may be par for the source or sauce for the chat line. (Does this boob even know what grist means?) Leaving aside Tim’s fractured English, what on earth is he even trying to say? That something is not impolite unless it makes you want to shoot yourself? Does this mean that the n-word is okay because it too isn’t “grist for the suicide hot-line”?

Not surprisingly the comments section to the post are pretty much overrun by people calling Anderson Cooper gay and responding to some unstated challenge to show how many ways they can use “faggot” in a sentence. Obviously, the commenters have never heard Tim Graham talk or they might not be so fast to call Anderson gay. Listen to Tim Graham and decide for yourselves:

Audio clip: Adobe Flash Player (version 9 or above) is required to play this audio clip. Download the latest version here. You also need to have JavaScript enabled in your browser.

I say gay, as in gay gay.


Go Ahead, Dinesh, We’re All Ears

Posted at 16:55 by Tintin

Shorter Dinesh D’Souza, WaPo:
Why Barack Obama is an anti-colonialist

  • Socialism, like macrotia, is a condition inherited from one’s parents.

‘Shorter’ concept created by Daniel Davies and perfected by Elton Beard. We are aware of all Internet traditions.™


MRC Also Pays Graham To Pick Lint From His Own Navel

Posted at 8:00 by Tintin

Shorter Tim Graham, Newsblusterers
ABC, CBS, NBC All Skip the Word ‘Obama’ or Any Evaluation of His Team in Shahzad Sentencing News

  • Here’s more proof of the liberal bias of the MSM: NBC, ABC, CBS and the New York Times all refused to mention that Obama failed to prevent a bombing that did not happen.

‘Shorter’ concept created by Daniel Davies and perfected by Elton Beard. We are aware of all Internet traditions.™

UPDATE: A retort from Tim:


I See Rude People: Robin of Berkeley Edition

Posted at 15:36 by Tintin
ABOVE: The American Thinker
Logo (improved version)

A kind reader brought to my attention a recent gem from reformed liberal and licensed psychologist Robin of Berkeley that starts out with someone in a hybrid car running over the cat of one of Robin’s clients. Now you and I would probably place the blame for this unfortunate incident on the client for letting her cat run wild outside the house where it likely darted into the street in front of the vehicle, precipitating its own near demise.

But that’s because you and I don’t inhabit Robin’s world where, at every turn, evil LIEberals heap odious indignities on Robin and her friends. Wait, wait, how do we know that the driver was a liberal? Because, you ninny, he was driving a hybrid. Only liberals drive hybrids. Oh.

I have my own tales to tell from my week in Berkeley.

I’m sure you do, Robin.

I was walking gingerly through a crosswalk (I have bad knees) when an impatient driver shot me the bird. His car was graced with a Coexist bumper sticker.

What really happened: Robin was crossing against the light, limping at a glacial pace, and a young Republican driving Mommy’s beamer flipper her the bird and yelled “Get out of the road, you fucking gimp, and stop stealing my money to pay for your fucking disability check!”

One more: I was meeting a friend at a cafe, and we needed another chair. A man, sitting alone and surfing the net, had his legs strewn on an extra chair. When I asked him nicely to borrow it, he refused. The guy was wearing a Free Tibet t-shirt.

What really happened: A guy wearing his roommate’s t-shirt pointed out all the other empty chairs in the cafe and suggested that she take one of those instead.

[I'd] been dating [Peter] for a few months when I was ready to have the conversation. I sat him down and told him I cared a lot about him. Did he see a future between us? He looked at me as though I were from another galaxy. Then he uttered something that I have never forgotten. He said, “A relationship? I’m not capable of a relationship.”

What really happened: Peter just wasn’t that into Robin. Go figure.

The Peters of the world may not be withholding love or affection or even simple kindness. … Perhaps the reasons are genetic. Maybe it has to do with copious pot and alcohol use or overuse of prescription drugs. In places like Berkeley, it may be inbreeding. Mental illness, character defects, bad upbringing — the culprits are endless.

And this woman has clients?

Of course, conservatives can be hypocrites, too. But we on the right don’t delude ourselves into believing that our voting patterns allow us to be dirty, rotten scoundrels.

In fact, when conservatives are rude, it’s because they have a right to be rude, what with being the innocent victims of all this hypocritical liberal rudeness. Oh, and Peter, if you’re reading this, dude, you dodged a bullet.


Ross Can See The Future From His Front Porch

Posted at 0:45 by Tintin
ABOVE: Ross Douthat

If you have been wondering why people have been hurling themselves to their deaths from the windows of the New York Times building, leaving grisly piles of cadavers on Eighth Avenue, you can blame Ross Douthat. Each of these poor men and women preferred certain death to the prospect of having to slog through another Douthat column. One is even reported to have said that she’d rather be Megan McArdle’s editor just before flinging herself out the window and onto the sidewalk below.

So it means that probably no editor will have read this nonsensical sentence and dreamed of unthinkable acts of violent revenge on Douthat with a blunt ice pick before it appeared in print:

The White House spent recent weeks hectoring progressives about the need to turn out in November, but all these efforts earned was the mockery of Jon Stewart.

I just looked at my calendar and it seems that we are still in October. What that means, at least barring some massive disturbance in the space-time continuum, is that we really won’t know what these efforts “earned” until November. If progressives turn out in November, then certainly more than the mockery of Jon Stewart was earned by Obama for his efforts. But if Ross can see into the future using a magic telescope, a special rosary prayer or a DeLorean pimped out with a flux capacitor, he might well consider leaving journalism and playing the ponies full time. He could get rich and no more editors would defenestrate themselves. Win-win, doncha think?


Yeah, I know. I heard you the first second time.

Posted at 22:35 by Sadly, No!

There’s no much to add, really, to Tom Friedman’s latest poop — as noted by uggabugga:

The Friedman solution is a super-supermajority third party is never going to happen.

A comment prompted by, among other things, this amazing bit from Tom:

We need to … start building a superconsensus to do the superhard stuff we must do now.

Except, maybe, that this is the super same shit Tom was offering six months ago, as noted by this very same crappy blog. To wit:

Thomas “La moustache de la sagesse” Friedman, March 24, 2010:

That is why I want my own Tea Party. I want a Tea Party of the radical center.

Thomas “der Schnauzbart der Weisheit” Friedman, April 25, 2010:

So if there is going to be a Green Tea Party, it will have to emerge from a different place — the radical center, a center committed to a radical departure from business as usual.

Sadly, Thomas’ columns all seem to come from the same place. (Le trou du cul).

We predict the arrival of Tom’s Party (TP) in about one Friedman Unit (FU).


Just Lie Back, Boy, And Think Of The Vatican

Posted at 15:48 by Tintin
ABOVE: Bill Donohue

Shaking your head, burying your face in your palms, and saying “Holy Fuck” is really a far too moderate a reaction to a press release by the Catholic League’s Bill Donohue titled “Not All Sexual Abuse Is Equal.” Seriously.

You don’t even have to read the press release to know where Donohue is going. He’s going to say that having sex with a manly, kindly, gentle man of God isn’t such a bad thing and, in fact, the boys probably purposefully tempted the priest and enjoyed the sex to boot. It’s not like they were being fucked by a leather bear or anything like that. It was a PRIEST! And best of all, a priest can absolve the boy from all his sins immediately after wiping up.

You don’t believe me?

It’s time to ask some tough questions. Why did this young man not object earlier? Why did he allow the “abuse” to continue until he was 18? The use of the quotes is deliberate: the charge against the former priest is not rape, but rubbing.

At last someone has the courage to tell the truth about the sordid underbelly of the whole matter and it is this: eighth grade boys, prancing around like little bubble-butted fauns in front of the Holy Fathers, are just begging for sacerdotal rub-downs knowing full well that when the clerics, who after all are just normal men subject to normal temptations, succumb to their wiles, they can, after years of hot consensual sex rubbing, turn around and sue the Church and never have to work again.

Here’s what we know. We know that this case, like most of them, was the work of a homosexual, not a pedophile. And like most of the cases of priestly sexual misconduct, there was no rape involved. … The time has come to object to all those pundits who like to say that the scandal is all about child rape. Most of the cases did not involve children—they were post-pubescent males—and most weren’t raped.

Well, how can you argue with that? As long as four-year old boys are still safe from the clergy, it sounds to me like a win-win all around.

[h/t Evan Hurst]


Two Minute Renew America

Posted at 15:26 by Tintin

Matt C. Abbot: Notre Dame’s football team is losing because the university has turned away from God and toward Obama.

Steve Farrell: Democracy inevitably leads to Marxism.

Ken Connor: Celebrities should only testify before Congress if (a) they aren’t liberal, (b) they don’t tell any jokes and (c) there are no ethics charges against Democrats that Congress should be investigating instead.

Frank Maguire: Jesus loved war and hated homosexuals.

Warner Todd Huston: Obama has a plan to force you to visit sites that he likes. In fact, that’s Comcast’s job, not Obama’s.

Bryan Fischer: Cupcakes with rainbow icing make me think about butt sex.

Judie Brown: The ultimate goal of the pro-death abortion crowd is to be able to eat fetuses.


Google? Is That Something You Wear While Scuba Diving?

Posted at 15:38 by Tintin
ABOVE: Don Surber in front of his newly-remodeled

Don “Jim Bob” Surber impresses the yokels that read him by scanning most of the least reputable British tabloids and linking to them, safe in the false assurance that everything you read in a newspaper from the country that gave the world crappy cars, bubble and squeak, and milk in tea would never publish anything of less than the highest journalist standards. Today Jim Bob has put on a fashionable ascot, brewed himself a cup of hot tea and surfed over to the website of the Daily Fail, best known for its vigorous support of German fascism in the 1930s.

Jim Bob is particularly taken with an article claiming that the evil conservationists are running around claiming that non-extinct animals are actually extinct, all apparently for the purpose of shaking pennies from gullible grannies to contribute to the conservationists’ lavish lifestyles. So Jim Bob quotes the article at length in his own post titled “Extinction is Forever . . . Not!”

Some of the more reclusive creatures managed to hide from sight for 80 years only to reappear within four years of being officially named extinct in the wild.

The shy okapi – which resembles a cross between a zebra and a giraffe – was first discovered in the Democratic Republic of Congo in 1901.

After increasingly rarer sightings, it vanished from the wildlife radar for decades from 1959, prompting fears that it had died out.

But five years ago researchers working for the WWF found okapi tracks in the wild.

Why, hello, Mr. Google. Do you have something you’d like to say? No, you’re kidding! There are okapi in the San Diego Zoo, The Philadelphia Zoo, the L.A. Zoo and many, many more? And a worldwide population of 10,000-35,000. No, that doesn’t sound like extinct to me either. Well, thanks for letting us know. Perhaps you could go visit Mr. Surber and let him know? What, you said you’ve tried that before? He called you what? He said you were a liberal? Oh dear, I’m so sorry you had to go through that. Well, thanks for your help. We’ll see you again soon.

Of course, Surber is never content to leave stupid alone, but has to pile on and say something even more foolish:

I am always amused by the fact that some of the most ardent supporters of evolution are the save-the-critter crowd. Isn’t extinction part of this whole evolutionary thing and if your species cannot adapt, well, tough?

What part of “natural” selection does Surber not understand? Population extinction by hunting, poaching and habitat encroachment aren’t mechanisms of “natural” selection, and even if they were, that doesn’t mean that it should trump biodiversity in terms of wildlife management.

This has been installment number 12,206 in our series as to why Don Surber, political columnist for the Charleston Daylee Male, will never win a Pulitzer Prize.


Please, Alex, Do The World A Favor And Set Yourself On Fire

Posted at 19:09 by Tintin
ABOVE: Alex Knepper

You would have thought that the tragic death of Tyler Clementi at Rutgers would be something that the chattering gay Republican quislings would have had the decency to at least shut up about. But then you would be underestimating the sheer loathsomeness of America’s homeliest gay quisling and date rape apologist Alex Knepper.

Not surprisingly, Knepper’s column on Clementi, which is printed in The Daily Tucker, starts off by blaming the victim:

First of all: forgive me if my sympathy runs thin for someone who commits suicide over a sex tape. This incident is humiliating and shameful, to be sure — but in the grand, cosmic scheme of things, it doesn’t even begin to rank as tragic. We have got to be realistic when assessing this event and maintain publicly that humiliation is a preposterous rationale for suicide.

This is easy for Knepper to say who, one would imagine, has had to become accustomed to a great deal of public humiliation of all sorts, little of which probably has anything to do with his claims to be gay.

At this point, specialists in psychobabble are apt to remind us of the inherently irrational nature of suicide and admonish that we have “no room to judge” what was going on in this boy’s head. But this is ridiculous: thousands of people are humiliated on this scale in the United States on a yearly — perhaps monthly — basis. Most of them deal with the shame in ways other than throwing themselves off of a bridge.

Alex dealt with his shame by becoming a Republican, for example.

Having more or less spit on the corpse of Tyler Clementi, Alex now get to his real point which is to use this incident as an opportunity to splutter on about gay liberals who — unlike Alex, who has no ulterior motive — are trying to use this incident for their own dastardly agenda of bringing an end to suicides by gay youth bullied by their classmates.

As is typical when these sorts of events transpire, the Gay Party — in this case, its representatives are Garden State Equality — is jumping all over this bizarre saga to hijack it for its own wants. To recapitulate: the organization’s spokesman deemed the incident a “hate crime” and said that he was “sickened” that anyone would “consider destroying others’ lives as a sport.”

Well, which is it? Were they out to destroy innocent life for kicks, or were they calculating, hate-filled homophobes? The statement makes no sense.

Uh, maybe, Alex they were both? The real crime here is the one being committed by Knepper as he collaborates with, and gives support to, the forces that want us to pretend that bullying doesn’t exist, or that it is only directed at gay youths, who don’t count because they’re gay or, worse, who don’t count because they allow humiliation to drive them to suicide.

Pardon me for thinking that the world would be a better place if it had been Alex Knepper who jumped off the GW Bridge and not a talented, sweet-tempered young violinist.

UPDATE: Vox Day can set himself on fire and jump off a bridge too. [h/t Evan Hurst]

SECOND UPDATE:For every useless POS like Alex Knepper that wants to blame gay teen suicide on the victims, there are a hundred people like Dan Savage who want bullied gay kids to know that “It Gets Better.”

THIRD UPDATE: Alex took the discussion to Twitter


If Only It Were 1846 Again

Posted at 12:46 by Tintin

Corn Dog
ABOVE: Hinderaker wonders where all the nurses have gone

Shorter John Hinderaker, Powerlie Blog:
Where Are People Stoned to Death?

  • From where I sit (which is well beyond any real battlefield), the stoning of a small-town mayor in Mexico is sufficient casus belli for our military to invade Mexico. ¡Conmoción y pavor, muchachos!

‘Shorter’ concept created by Daniel Davies and perfected by Elton Beard. We are aware of all Internet traditions.™


Mostly Maui Waui Man, But It’s Got Some Labrador In It.

Posted at 21:52 by Tintin

Bill Bennett, The Erick Erickson Network
We ignore rise in drug abuse among kids

  • Tens of thousands of kids are dying every year of marijuana overdoses.

‘Shorter’ concept created by Daniel Davies and perfected by Elton Beard. We are aware of all Internet traditions.™

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