All we hear is radio ga ga
radio goo goo


27 Oct 2010

Lost 3

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notes from

My first summer job ever was working the concession stand at Universal Studios. I worked at the tram rest stop, where all the folks on the tour would take a break and eat sandwiches and frozen yogurt. And let me tell you, I hated those yogurt dispensing machines. For the life of me I could never get it to swirl right. I'd end up making a huge mess every time. Whenever a customer would order the frozen yogurt, I'd have to ask someone else to make it. It was pathetic. One time it was real busy, a mass of hungry patrons lining up for treats. When I got an order for frozen yogurt, I looked around but no one was available to pinch hit for me. Crestfallen, I trudged over to the yogurt machine, took a deep breath, and told myself that this was it. I must face my fears. I will master this yogurt contraption if it kills me. Yes. To the death! Thusly armed with a new sense of mission, I commenced with the swirlage. It just slopped all over the place. I grabbed another cup and tried again. Fail. I just made ugly piles of sludge. After three aborted attempts, a fellow employee finally intervened and produced a competent looking yogurt for me. God, what a humiliating ordeal. Not even capable of serving fast food. To add insult to injury, I would later get exiled to the churro cart. I can hear middle management's rationale for this: "The rookie is ill equipped to handle the high pressure situation of the yogurt machine. Relocate him to the churro stand. If the idiot can't manage the task of sprinkling cinnamon on donuts, send him into webcomics."

Oh, and Sinfest will be published by Dark Horse, coming June 2009. Yay!


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All contents © copyright 2008 by Tatsuya Ishida/Museworks. No duplication, reproduction, or reprinting of Sinfest strips and/or related characters allowed without written permission from the author/publisher.

viva le resistance