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Early Morning Swim

By: Blue Texan Monday October 18, 2010 4:46 am

A Tale of Two Parties

By: Attaturk Monday October 18, 2010 1:30 am

pic via Nick Busse at

It certainly wasn’t the best of times, and thankfully not the worst of times — but it was certainly closer to the latter than the former. Sorry Dickens.

Republican Exhibit A:

Pressed by “Meet the Press” moderator David Gregory, Buck said he believed that being gay was a lifestyle choice and expressed no regrets about his four-year-old characterization of an alleged rape as “buyer’s remorse.”

Huh, a Republican pressed by David Gregory usually means they got a big ol’ hug. But it gets worse:

“You can choose who your partner is. I think birth has an influence over it, like alcoholism and some other things, but I think that basically you have a choice,” Buck said.

That’s right, being gay is like being an alcoholic. Classy.

Oh those Republicans. What about the Democrats?

During our hour together, Obama told me he had no regrets about the broad direction of his presidency. But he did identify what he called “tactical lessons.” He let himself look too much like “the same old tax-and-spend liberal Democrat.”

Oh, for crap’s sake!

Here’s a summary of the two parties:

The Democrats always learn the wrong thing, while the Republicans have never learned a damn thing.

Late, Late Night FDL: Burning Hell

By: CTuttle Sunday October 17, 2010 10:00 pm

Tom Jones – Burning Hell (H/T That Guy…!)

What’s on your mind tonite…?

Sunday Late Night: What Enormous Consequences?

By: Teddy Partridge Sunday October 17, 2010 8:01 pm

The Palm Center, which has done heroic work to get Don’t-Ask-Don’t-Tell repealed, by studying and sharing how other countries’ militaries have succeeded with open service and by documenting the implications of DADT repeal, has a new website you might want to check out.

HRC Spanks Ken Buck for “Choice” Remark After Utter Silence on Valerie Jarrett

By: Teddy Partridge Sunday October 17, 2010 7:00 pm

The Human Rights Campaign, reliable lapdogs for the Obama White House and their lack of progress on LGBT issues, bothered to chastise GOP Senate candidate in Colorado Ken Buck — on Sunday! — for his remarks on NBC’s Meet the Press that being gay was a “choice.”

Boardwalk Empire Episode 5 Watch Party

By: Jane Hamsher Sunday October 17, 2010 6:00 pm

Move over, Nucky. The prohibition shakedown game has refined considerably since the 1920’s, but lucky for them the “beautiful, ignorant bastards” falling for they same cheap hustle haven’t.

Live Stream: Calling Young Voters for Prop 19 from Campaign HQ

By: Michael Whitney Sunday October 17, 2010 5:01 pm

Members of Students for Sensible Drug Policy in San Francisco this weekend for the group’s West Coast Conference are calling young voters for Proposition 19. We’re livestreaming the students calling voters live from Yes on 19’s campaign headquarters in Oakland, CA.

Donovan’s Folly: HUD Secretary’s Justification for Keeping Housing Market Going Neglects Clear Risks

By: David Dayen Sunday October 17, 2010 4:00 pm

Housing and Urban Development Secretary Shaun Donovan is out today with a more measured, slightly more progressive-friendly, but still ultimately unsatisfying take on the foreclosure fraud mess. He does say that the faulty documentation of foreclosure documents from the same banks and servicers that caused the housing crisis is “shameful” – the strongest word I’ve seen from an Administration official so far. And he asserts that nobody should lose their home from a bank mistake, which is nice. But while he lists all the ways in which the Administration is reviewing the practices of the servicers, and forcing them to undergo reviews of their own, he eventually toes the White House line against a national foreclosure moratorium. Here’s his argument:

FDL Book Salon Welcomes Gregory Fried, Because It Is Wrong: Torture, Privacy and Presidential Power in the Age of Terror

By: Mary Sunday October 17, 2010 1:59 pm

Father and son, Charles Fried (former solicitor general of the United States under Ronald Reagan, legal scholar at Harvard University and author of Modern Liberty) and Gregory Fried (chair of the Philosophy Department at Suffolk University and author of Heidegger’s Polemos) have undertaken the daunting task of examining the limitations and excesses of modern day Presidential power to gather intelligence by torture and surveillance. In order to reach their ultimate conclusions as to the interplay of law, morality, civil community and political leadership, the Frieds review sources and thought from Aristotle to Machiavelli to the Bible, including principles from epieikeia to “dirty hands” to religious and secular precepts relating to human dignity. They have deliberately kept the conversation, “as wide as possible” in recognition that “ours is a nation founded in philosophy.”

Xenophobia Is The New Superpower Heroin(e)

By: Ruth Calvo Sunday October 17, 2010 1:06 pm

Zenophobia is ugly and it produces irrational behavior toward fellow beings, too often with tragic consequences. Out leaders would serve their countries better by inspiring us toward better behavior instead of falling in with the goose steppers that thrive on bad feelings and the rabble they produce.


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