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Terrorist Threats Just Before Election

Looks like the news is going to settle into a full day of “terror watch 2010″.

I don’t know what to make of this any more. Every election since 2004 has had terrorist alerts just before it. The conventional wisdom is that terrorist threats benefit Republicans because they are perceived as being “tough” on terrorism even though they invaded the wrong country and 9/11 happened on their watch.

If this is a real terrorism threat I would like to know if they are trying to target our elections or if it’s just coincidence.

But as usual I have my suspicions all around. We will see how this is spun politically and who tries to benefit from it. I think that will be a big tell. In other words if the Republican tea baggers come out soon swinging trying to use this terrorism threat to their advantage then I am going to suspect Dick Cheney who is still spending time in the shadows.

If The French Can’t Stop It What Hope Do The Rest Of Us Have?

It’s a very curious thing how our corporate broadcast media has chosen NOT to cover what’s been happening in France. Sure there are print articles about it but there’s no video or photos being shown on TV that I have seen. I have heard only brief passing about it on the news. And we all know in this country if it’s not on TV it’s not happening.

France, like most governments, is having a financial crisis. As such like other European Union countries their government has been trying to implement new “austerity” measures as a way to save money so they can cut taxes for the wealthy. Unlike the U.S. France is highly unionized. France also does have very high taxes but they also have government healthcare, government pensions, free higher education, and other social services that we do not have here in the U.S.

The French government in order to save some money wanted to raise the retirement age from 60 to 62 and the whole country erupted in protest. The unions went on strike all over the country. This has been going on for weeks. And yet the French Senate undeterred passed the measure. Today France’s parliament gave final approval to the pension reform.

Now I cannot pretend to even understand France’s government, their financial system, their society, and all the other things at work here. Maybe these austerity measures are really needed and maybe not. My point is that millions of people protested and went on strike yet the pension reforms sailed through their government.

This does not bode well for the U.S. where politicians are just waiting for the chance to privatize Social Security. it’s the last big bag of cash in Washington. Contrary to what the politicians say Social Security is just fine until something like 2033. There are a few very simple solutions that could be implemented to keep it solvent until well past 2100 but the politicians don’t want Social Security solvent. Even in the worse case if nothing is done and we reach 2033 it would mean a 5% reduction in Social Security for everyone to still get it.

The politicians see the revenue from Social Security and they desperately want to get their hands on it. They want to privatize those accounts and hand them to their Wall St buddies who in turn will donate to their campaigns. They also badly need another revenue stream so they can wage more war. Currently we’re so broke we can’t afford to invade another country. The Military Industrial Complex cannot keep up its record profits if we are not engaged in warfare particularly large scale invasions that require lots of hardware.

As Americans we have become sheep easily cowed by our TV media. We vote how we are told. We think how we are told. We do what we are told. As Social Security privatization is announced my guess is we will all just roll over and accept it so long as there’s a new episode of Dancing with the Stars or American Idol on TV.

And, even if millions of us protested, went on strike, and demanded Social Security remain as it is what’s to stop our government from just going ahead with eliminating it? Clearly the French Government has no fear of its people. I doubt very much our government has any fear at all from the American People.

And why should they? Our government controls the most powerful military in the world. That military is funded by our tax dollars but the politicians see to how that money is spent. In turn those corporations that supply the military industrial complex donate to their re-election campaigns. I don’t think our government will hesitate to put down any serious protests if they deem it necessary. And Fox News will be right there to cheer on the government so long as Republicans are the ones doing it.

Corporate Media Overwhelmingly Supports Republican Tea Baggers

The media in this country is corporate owned in the sense that it is profit driven. This means the corporate media needs decent ratings in order to attract advertisers. It used to not be like this. At one time even though the media outlets were owned by corporations the news divisions were kept separate. The profit driven wing of the corporation wasn’t even allowed to speak to people in the newsroom. Those days are long gone.

In this day in age the corporations have complete power. Arguably one of their most powerful assets is the vast area of communications, broadcast, radio, TV, newspapers, and books they control. There are only a few media companies and they control entire pipelines of content from movies all the way down to books and magazines along with everything in between including myspace. You only hear, see, and read only what they want you to hear, see, and read.

The long held corporate perception is that Republicans are better for business than Democrats. This is because the Republican philosophy is to deregulate industry all while cutting corporate taxes. Thus it is in the best interest of media corporations to have Republicans in power.

The media message was tightly controlled after Bush won the election. Any talk about Al Gore being the legitimate President was put down. As the drums of war beat the corporate media, some of which is owned by massive defense contractors, licked their chops at the prospect of war. It meant several things. It meant ratings as people tuned in for war images. It also meant more Republicans in power including a Bush second term because as the “common wisdom” was foisted upon us “you don’t change horses in mid-stride ..(heh heh)”.

By 2006 there was a shift but only because the wars, debt, deficit, Patriot Act, Constitutional violations, torture, and war crimes were overwhelming to the public. The media covered the opposition begrudgingly only because they needed to keep their ratings and people were not going to tune in just to hear more Bush propaganda.

By 2008 with the prospect of an Obama Presidency the media did all they could to diminish his candidacy. Much to their chagrin he won the election. As soon as Obama took office however the corporate media began nipping at his heals.

The corporate media to this day will gladly parade Republicans on TV day in and day out to spread their lies without question. The media let Republicans define the Stimulus. Republicans got away with their baseless claims about it not creating jobs or being a failure. After about a year or so of just hammering on the Stimulus the public bought into the Republican propaganda. The same thing happened with healthcare. There are no death panels in the healthcare reform bill. There is no “government takeover” of the healthcare industry. But ask anyone in America and they will tell you “Obamacare” is a government run hostile take over of healthcare that will determine who lives and who dies.

For the past year the corporate media narrative has been that Republicans and Tea Baggers are going to take back Washington. This is a corporate media fabrication. The enthusiasm gap exists only because the media day in and day out sees fit to tell Americans how bad things are all while blaming it on Obama.

Why would the media do this? Is it not obvious to everyone why corporate media wants a Republican takeover? First there’s ratings. With a Republican House there will be investigations into the Obama Administration which will lead to impeachment. This is a ratings bonanza for media corporations. Next there’s the prospect of even more media deregulation and even more media consolidation. We may go from 3 big media companies down to 2 or the wet dream of just one.

It’s why I watch corporate media with a jaundiced eye no matter how many times Chuck Todd tries to convince me that “the numbers” predict a Republican landslide. There’s never any mention of the details of these polls, how many people were called, were they called on landlines, and what region the sampling was taken from. The numbers the corporate media loves so much are massaged in order to give the desired result.

I just wonder if the majority of Americans get this regardless of whether they watch Fox News, CNN, or MSNBC. Their interest is not the interest of the American People but the interest of their corporate shareholders. In the case of Fox News there is a large interest there for Saudi Arabia which has a large stake in News Corp. In the case of MSNBC it’s owned by GE (for now) until Comcast gets its tea bagging right wing hands on it.

The $14 Trillion Dollar Lie

I got this flyer above in the mail the other day (I live in CA). I didn’t want to make the picture too big so it might be hard to make out but you can click to enlarge it if you want. Essentially there is a picture of Nancy Pelosi with a picture of Jerry Brown behind her. The caption below their images says:

“$14 Trillion in national debt…and the Washington liberals continue their out the out-of-control spending”

This kind of propaganda needless to say really pisses me off. It tries to tie the entire national debt to Obama and the Democrats or “Washington Liberals” as if there was no debt before they took office. This trick is as old as Ronald Reagan who used it against Carter. Then when Reagan took office he promptly racked up $2 Trillion of debt.

What really irritates me about this lie though is that I hear it all over the place. I hear people on TV say it. I overhear people say it at the grocery store and the bank. I venture to guess at least half the people believe it and other half are merely repeating it for propaganda purposes.

The reality is when Bush Republicans took power in 2001 we had $5.5 Trillion in national debt with the debt scheduled to be paid off by 2010. By the time Bush left office in 2009 the national debt was at $12 trillion. Bush Republicans doubled the national debt by cutting taxes without paying for them and by fighting two wars. There was also medicare part D on top of it.

Now if you want to be mad about the $2 Trillion of debt we have accumulated since Obama took office that’s fine but don’t pretend that somehow Republicans are going to make it better. Republicans are the reason there is a huge national debt in the first place starting with Reagan. As Reagan said and later Dick Cheney quoted “deficits don’t matter” which has become the Republican mantra.

Sadly I don’t hear Obama or the Democrats pushing back against his propaganda. They really need to. This mess can entirely be laid at the feet of Bush and the Republicans.

And you tea bagger freaks think putting Republicans back in power will make it all better? Don’t kid yourself. You don’t think you’re really voting for a tea bagger candidate are you? How many actual tea bagger candidates do you think will actually win an election? And how much of an impact do you really think they will have?

You baggers have been duped and if you continue to be duped by Republicans then in 2013 after Sarah Palin takes office along with more Republicans they will do what Bush did in 2001: They will start more wars but not pay for them and cut more taxes without paying for them and by 2016 we’ll be $24 Trillion in debt not $12 Trillion.

All Publicity Is Good Publicity

This election cycle has been a complete circus with candidates stranger than fiction. It’s like a massive car pile up on the freeway. We all can’t help but rubber neck as we go by. But I fear the result has been in the favor of all these crazy candidates. What’s that old adage? All publicity is good publicity. And while we may think exposing the tea bagger candidates for their ignorance and lies would hurt them politically it could very well actually be helping them.

Some tea baggers have now become household names such as Joe Miller, Christine O’Donnell, Carl Paladino, Sharron Angle, Scott Brown, Ken Buck, Maro Rubio, and Rand Paul.

Let’s try a little exercise: Who is the Democratic Candidate running against Joe Miller?

Ok, here is an easy one: Who is running against Sharron Angle? That’s a little easier since her Democratic Opponent happens to be the Senate Majority Leader.

Who is running against Rand Paul? Christine O’Donnell? Marco Rubio? Ken Buck?

Can you name any of the Democratic opponents?

That’s my point. While we may think Rand Paul is a crazy loon for wanting to privatize Social Security and getting rid of the Department of Education we still know who he is.

Unfortunately in this country we have an uninformed electorate. People are just too busy working and raising their families to pay attention to politics. When they finally get their couple hours of down time each night probably the last thing they want to do is figure out what’s going on in politics. Unfortunately when people go to the polls and look at the ballot they may not be well informed about the candidates but they will know some of their names. The names they will know will be the ones often repeated in the media.

There’s also this weird contrarian mentality in the tea bagger crowd. They have this mindset that the more the news reports something one of their candidates said that was either a lie, a wild claim, or an unbelievable political position the more support they get from their fellow tea baggers. Hell, Christine O’Donnell supporters actually think she won that debate over the first amendment. Joe Miller supporters love that he had a reporter arrested and wants to build a wall like East Germany did.

The more the media points out the flaws, lies, mistakes, and untenable political positions these tea baggers have the more the tea baggers support them. Go figure.

The Daily Beat Down

For the past 18 months the media has been on a daily beat down against Obama and the Democrats. It started with the healthcare reform debate where the media happily repeated false talking points like “death panels” or “socialized medicine” just because Sarah Palin said it. Then began the beat down of the bail out of GM or what was dubbed Obama’s “Government Motors”.

After that came “the stimulus hasn’t worked”. It’s all any Republican would say during an interview. The newsy anchors completely failed to challenge any Republicans on this baseless claim including the fact that Republicans while slamming the stimulus have gladly posed with great big Stimulus checks for their districts. Republican Senators while slamming the stimulus have simultaneously fought to make sure their State got some of the funding.

Republicans like Mitch McConnell also keep making the claim that “the stimulus hasn’t created a single job” which isn’t true yet he will go happily unchallenged on TV. The newsy anchors just laugh and smile while letting it slide. The fact is the stimulus has created and saved jobs. If it weren’t for the stimulus we’d be in a Depression. The problem with the stimulus was that in Obama’s effort to compromise he put a lot of tax cuts in it to placate Republicans. Instead, much more money should have went directly to infrastructure spending which would have created more jobs. The tax cuts didn’t create jobs.

For the past 9 months the daily beat down has been that “Republicans are going to sweep the House! It’s going to be a tidal wave of tea baggers sweeping over Washington!”. This has been repeated over and over by the media for the better part of 9 months. They then cite polls to back their opinion. Only they don’t tell you these polls were conducted using land lines talking to older people on Social Security and Medicare who watch Bill O’Reilly every night.

How much of this daily beat down in the media on Obama and the Democrats is based in reality and how much is just made up propaganda? How much interest does the corporate controlled media actually have in seeing a Republican controlled House? A Republican controlled House will lead to the impeachment of Obama which means a ratings bonanza for Cable News just like during the Monica Lewinsky Ken Starr investigations.

How much of this daily beat down by the media on Obama and the Democrats is actually creating the so-called “enthusiasm gap” and discouraging voters?

I for one am sick of it. When I turned on the TV this morning the first thing out of the newsy anchor’s mouth was “…and Democrats are bracing for a Republican tidal wave to sweep Washington this election…is the White House now trying to lower expectations?”

I about vomited. I really hope Democrats hold the House. I really want to see the pundits the next day scratching their heads pointing to their polls saying “but but the polls said Republicans were going to win big! How could this happen?”

It happened because you’re all a bunch of fucking tools more interested in shaping public opinion than reporting the news.

Are We A Naion Of Sheep Cowed By The Corporate Media?

Are we a nation of sheep? Do we simply accept the national media narrative and dutifully comply? This election will go a long way toward answering those questions.

Pretty much all corporate media be it left or right has gone out of its way to convince the American People that Republicans and Tea Baggers will make a clean sweep of this election. After all, they have the polls to back it up although they rarely tell us what the poll questions were or who administered the poll. Instead they simply make blanket claims about an “enthusiasm gap” or how every incumbent is in danger of losing their seat.

I just wonder if Americans get it or not. The media is owned lock stock and barrel by huge multinational corporations. All these corporations have an interest in putting Republicans (or Tea Baggers) back in power. They know if Republicans regain power it will mean more deregulation and lower wages. This may not be good for America but it’s great for corporations. In addition these corporate owned news organizations have lost any semblance of objectivity and journalistic integrity. The fire wall between the corporate board and the newsroom has long been destroyed. Instead they are more interested in crafting propaganda and getting off on how much they think it effects the masses of our population.

As the media narrative goes Americans are prepared in droves to vote against their best interest. They can’t wait to vote the way foreign corporations and the Koch Brothers tell them to vote. I on the other hand am still holding out hope that Americans see through all the crap and will not be cowed by corporate influence.

For those of us who follow political news every day it can get overwhelming hearing so many in the corporate media pushing right wing talking points. It can be demoralizing to say the least. The reality is though that most people don’t follow the news all that closely. More people watch Sponge Bob Square Pants than all cable news combined.

I am still holding out hope that the majority of Americans get it. They get that the media is owned by corporations that are driven by profits. They get that corporations in general have an interest in seeing wages go down and getting their industries even more deregulated. At the same time the American People saw what 8 years of what deregulation did for this country.

Americans also watched as Republicans ran up record debt, record deficit, grew the government to its largest ever, and destroyed our economy. Of course corporations want to go back to that because they robbed us blind during the Bush Republican years. But I guess time will tell if the corporate propaganda is truly as effective as the media would have us believe.

While I have posted it before I think here is a good place for people to watch Colbert on Polls again:

The Colbert Report Mon – Thurs 11:30pm / 10:30c
The Colbert Repoll – Scott Rasmussen
Colbert Report Full Episodes Political Humor Health Care reform

Tea Baggers Are Tea Baggers

Over the past several months there have been a rash of tea baggers calling into radio programs and appearing on TV complaining about being called tea baggers. “It’s a disparaging remark” they say…”it belittles our movement”.

Well….TOO FUCKING BAD! You dumb asses named yourselves Tea Baggers you idiots! In the early days of the Tea Bag movement back when it was just a twinkle in Dick Armey’s eye one of their first campaigns was to “Tea Bag” Congress. They wanted everyone to mail in a tea bag to their respective Congress person. And if you were too lazy to do that well then there were websites out there who for a small fee would mail a tea bag to Congress in your honor.

Of course we all remember the iconic photo of the tea bagger lady right? With her straw hat all lined with hanging tea bags?

I heard someone say the other day that the Tea Bag is a very appropriate symbol for their movement. After all, what do you do with a Tea Bag? You soak it in hot water to steam it up and extract whatever is useful from it then throw it away. This is exactly what the billionaire Koch Brothers are doing along with Dick Armey and Karl Rove. Tea Baggers are just the useful idiots for multinational corporations and billionaires who with their clever propaganda get people to vote against their best interest.

Another reason why Tea Bagger is appropriate is because it’s exactly what they want to do to the country. They got one foot on the west coast and another on east coast tea bagging us day in and day out. Just listen to what the top tea bagger candidates like Joe Miller, Rand Paul, Sharon Angle, and Christine O’Donnell want to do: They want to privatize Social Security, get rid of “government run” healthcare, eliminate unemployment insurance, get rid of the minimum wage, scrap public education, get rid of food stamps, and eliminate safety regulations.

What else do you call that except Tea Bagging America?

I for one however do prefer the shorter Bagger. They are Baggers. They got theirs and they want to take what’s left from the rest of us. Fuck the baggers. Don’t be fooled by a bunch of Social Security and Medicare receiving Rascal Scooter owners who claim they want to get rid of government. Fucking Idiots.

Tea Bagger Platform Based On Lies

If you’ve been reading this blog for some time then you know by now I really hate tea baggers. I think they are a scourge on this country. I think they are completely un-American and a threat to our society. If you don’t believe me or can’t understand why I would say that all you need to do is go read Matt Taibbi on the Tea Party. It’s choke full of tea baggers angry at Obama and “Big Government” all while enjoying their medicare subsidized rascal scooters and oxygen tanks. Their attitude is that some how they earned it but the rest of us can go to hell.

This is not an isolated incident. An anti-Government militia leader Mike Vanderboegh who advocates throwing bricks through the windows of Democrats is himself on Social Security Disability. It’s this cognitive dissidence which seems to be the hallmark of the Tea Bagger party that makes me loathe them.

But beyond the obvious hypocrisy and lack of compassion for fellow citizens (as evidenced by their reaction to The Cranicks’ house burning down) there’s also their political platform which is often packaged and presented in such a way to make it sound legitimate but is actually based on lies.

First and foremost is their attempt to tie the current $14 Trillion of National Debt to Obama. A typical tea bagger will conflate Obama with the $14 Trillion National Debt purposely for political gain. They prey upon the weak minded who don’t know the facts. This is their principle way of gaining converts – “did you know we’re $14 Trillion in debt? Yeah it’s all that Obama Big Government spending!”…”well sign me up for a Tea Bagger Rally then!” “We need to take our country back! (from the black guy)…”

What a Tea Bagger leader will fail to tell people is that when Bush and the Republicans came to power in 2001 the National Debt was at $5.5 Trillion. By the time they left office it was $12 Trillion. A crafty Tea Bagger might then say “well we’re against Republicans too!”. My ass. You’re just too embarrassed to call yourself a Republican. Although there’s been those idiotic billboards of Bush with the caption “Miss Me Yet?” popping up around the country. Bush doubled the National Debt and we’re supposed to miss him?

Next a Tea Bagger will talk about “record Obama decifict” which was actually inherited from Bush. Government spending they say is “out of control!”. “We need to take our country back!” What the Tea Bagger leader will fail to tell his or her minions is that we had record deficits under Bush and the Republicans. Except the Republicans used an accounting trick by funding the wars in Afghanistan and Iraq via Emergency Supplementals. This kept the war spending off book for years. This means that while the news would report a deficit under Bush Republicans as say $660 Billion, if you counted the war spending the deficit was well over $1 trillion. And this went on for years.

Oh yeah, that’s another Tea Bagger trick – to conflate debt and deficit. They are two different things but don’t even bother trying to explain that to a tea bagger.

Granted, Obama did add about $700 billion to the deficit for the stimulus program which a large portion of was tax cuts as insisted upon by Republicans. But regardless of what Tea Baggers and Fox News says the stimulus did save jobs and Republicans love posing with big stimulus checks in their districts. The stimulus was not nearly large enough and did not create enough jobs. That’s because Republicans would not allow it because in the long run Republicans do not want to create jobs or improve the economy because they like cheap labor and multinational corporations more than the American People.

A Tea Bagger will rail against TARP. Fair enough. It was unpopular across the board and we really won’t know until the history is written if it was necessary or if Bush and Paulson just robbed us blind. Either way, TARP has largely been paid back and was not Obama’s invention. “But he voted for it!” a Tea Bagger will scream. Ok, go put mud in your milk to make it chocolate milk you nitwit.

Tea Baggers love to rail against “Obamacare” but their criticisms are often based on lies such as “death panels” and “government run” healthcare. Now we can have a legitimate debate about whether or not healthcare should be a right or a privilege. We can debate whether health insurance companies should be regulated by the government or not. But to out and out lie about something for propaganda purposes is despicable.

Go ahead and repeal Obamacare tea baggers. We’ll see how much 25 year olds love losing their insurance and people with pre-existing conditions love losing their insurance. But who cares about them, right? They should pull themselves up by their boot straps!

Another Tea Bagger hot button is Obama’s bailout of GM or “Government Motors”. This was railed against with dire predictions of it being Obama’s door to communism. They said GM would soon be producing only one car which we would all be forced to drive! Again, pure propaganda bullshit. As it has turned out the bail out of GM has saved jobs and they are about to go public again. We could have a debate about whether government should step in to save an industry and millions of jobs in the process or let the whole thing fail. I would make the argument that it’s a National Security concern that we maintain some capacity to produce our own vehicles. A tea bagger would argue to let it all fail because “government can’t do anything right”.

Bottom line is the tea bagger platform has no basis in reality and is largely based on lies. I am not sure people fully grasp yet that the tea baggers want to get rid of Medicare, get rid of Social Security, get rid of Public Education, and deregulate as much as possible. This is of course is an impractical and sophomoric approach to government. But then again look at the top tier Tea Bager candidates – Joe Miller (who loves unemployment benefits for his wife but no one else), Sharron Angle (who loves her husband’s Government provided healthcare), and Witchy Woman Chrsitine O’Donnel. Ask any one of them what they think of food stamps, unemployment insurance, Social Security, and Medicare.

If the tea baggers do win in November, well we’ll all just have to learn the hard way by watching our houses burn down, our grandparents die in the streets for lack of healthcare, our parents having to move back in with us for lack of Social Security, our kids wandering the streets because they have no school to go to, and our infrastructure crumbling all around us because “we don’t want no government spending!”. Oh yeah, and going to the grocery store will likely be a game of Russian Roulette because there will be no FDA to make sure the food is safe. You’ll just have to ask around and see if any of your neighbors got sick after eating those eggs or consuming that hamburger.

But hey, taxes will be low. You might have to pay a lot of fees – but they’re not taxes! And you don’t have to pay the police fee or fire department fee if you don’t want to!

Christine O’Donnell Is A Witch

Clearly Christine O’Donnel is a witch that has cast a charm spell on the media and Delaware Republican primary voters along with tea baggers. Nothing she says makes sense. She has no serious policy ideas. She doesn’t believe in Science, doesn’t think people should masterbate, thinks China has a masterplan to invade the U.S., and can’t get straight what colleges she attended if any at all.

She has abused her campaign finances and has questionable personal finances. And for someone who we assume is a virgin since she has never been married she managed to get her boyfriend to buy her house to avoid foreclosure – without sex – we assume. Now that’s what I call witchcraft.

How else better to explain all that than witchcraft? Even her stupid new “I’m not a witch” ad is spell binding with an ethereal blue background while she herself is all dressed in black.

I think clearly she is a witch and can wield tremendous power. Just listen to the pundits. Even while they criticize her for her idiotic positions they can’t help but say how cute and charming she is. They all want to interview her. I think Chis Mathews has a crush on her along with Bill Maher.

Oh yeah and…Sarah Palin who? It appears Christine O’donnel’s magic is even more powerful than The Palin.

Note the black clothing and ethereal blue background

Eagles – Witchy Woman

Raven Hair and Ruby Lips – Sparks Fly From Her Finger Tips

The Holy Grail – She’s A Witch