Social conservatives offer tepid support of Speaker Boehner - TheDC

Social conservatives lukewarm on Rep. John Boehner's likely takeover as House Speaker

'Don't make stuff up about me... grow up' - TheDC

Rand Paul fends off Jack Conway's personal attacks in Kentucky Senate debate

Rep. Anthony Wiener's unabashedly conservative challenger, Bob Turner - TheDC

Man who brought Rush Limbaugh to TV looks to unseat Rep. Anthony Weiner in NY

The S.E. Cupp Interview: Congressional candidate Charles Lollar (MD-R) - TheDC

The Maryland Republican who's running against House Majority Leader Steny Hoyer


Photo of Brandon Kiser
Pence is right: call Congress back - Brandon Kiser
Congress should reconvene in order to extend the Bush tax cuts.
Photo of Ken Blackwell
“Gibbsy” steps in it - Ken Blackwell
Why would Robert Gibbs, the spokesman for the most liberal administration in decades, slam the New York Times?
Photo of Robert Goldberg
What the Chilean miners can teach us about Obamacare - Robert Goldberg
Private sector innovation saved the Chilean miners. It can save our healthcare system too -- if government steps out of the way.
Photo of Joseph Phillips
Social Security reform: the new radicalism - Joseph Phillips
There is no better testament to how far this nation has drifted from its founding principles than that proponents of Social Security reform are seen as radicals.
Photo of Dr. Elizabeth Whelan
What’s so ridiculous about Katherine Heigl’s e-cigarette habit? - Dr. Elizabeth Whelan
E-cigarettes are a viable, safe alternative to traditional cigarettes.
Photo of Colin Hanna
From Kool-Aid to tea: two books that explain 2010 - Colin Hanna
"The Battle" and "Mad as Hell" capture the zeitgeist.
Photo of Rep. Joe Pitts
Where do jobs come from? - Rep. Joe Pitts
Congress can’t create the jobs, but we can make it less risky for the real job creators in the private sector.
Photo of Holly Pitt Young
Newsweek promotes rationing - Holly Pitt Young
No wonder Newsweek and Time are going the way of the dodo bird.
Photo of Rusty Weiss
The culture of life - Rusty Weiss
It is wrong to see abortion as a convenience -- like I once did.
Photo of James Carafano
DOD Buzz dumbs down defense debate - James Carafano
The Tea Party isn't trying to gut the defense budget. The Obama administration, though, is.
Photo of J.D. Foster
Tax-hiker in Chief takes on Social Security - J.D. Foster
Obama's plan to save Social Security: taxes, taxes, and more taxes.
Photo of J.C. Watts
Watch out Washington — now it’s personal - J.C. Watts
Americans' passive irritation with big-spending Washington increasingly has been replaced with alarm.

Should all groups running election ads be required to disclose their donors?

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Photo of Randall Mayes
Synthetic biology: dangerous or promising? - Randall Mayes
Don't believe critics' scare tactics. Synthetic biology is safe and has the potential to resurrect our economy.
Photo of Ken Blackwell
‘No such thing as shovel-ready projects’: the political suicide of President Obama - Ken Blackwell
How politically devastating is Obama's admission that there's no such thing as a shovel-ready project? Very.
Photo of Yuri Yarim-Agaev and Paul Gregory
Why are the Chinese so afraid of Liu Xia bao? - Yuri Yarim-Agaev and Paul Gregory
China is upset that the Nobel Committee gave Liu its 2010 peace prize.
Photo of Sam Foster
Obama and Paladino: two peas in a pod - Sam Foster
Paladino and Obama suffer from the same shortcomings.
Photo of Gary Johnson
It is time for ‘Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell’ to end - Gary Johnson
The military's 'Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell' policy has always been wrong. Government shouldn't legislate morality.

Movie Review: 'Red' - TheDC

Part comedy, part romance, and one hundred percent action, 'Red' is a thoroughly entertaining ensemble film with an all-star cast

New poll: Just 37% support Obama's war policy - CNN

Amid a bloody three-day period that saw 17 coalition troops killed in Afghanistan, a poll is released showing support for the war at a new low in the U.S.

Obama and Rice have meeting in Oval Office - AFP

The president and the former secretary of state chat about foreign policy issues

Kryptonite can't harm Keith Olbermann - TheDC

We watch, because we're paid to

Do You Believe In Magic? - TheDC

Latest poll shows Christine O'Donnell closing deficit in Delaware Senate race

Reid raises just $2 million in last fundraising quarter - CNN

Challenger Sharron Angle raised over $14 million in the same period, leaving both candidates with the same amount of money in the bank

Steele to Dems on Chamber attacks: 'Put up or shut up!' - TheDC

RNC Chairman Michael Steele says Democrats need to produce evidence that conservative groups are using foreign funds for election purposes or 'shut up'

No complaints filed against Michelle Obama - TheDC

The Chicago Board of Elections said no charges have been filed against the First Lady who violated Illinois election law

Senate Dems get much-needed cash infusion - TheDC

The Democratic Senatorial Campaign Committee, struggling to keep Democrats in power in the upper chamber, raised $15.5 million in September

FoodPolitik: Controlling Your Food, the Trojan Horse of 'public health' - TheDC

While Republicans will challenge Obama in Congress, his 'public health' bureaucracy may grow in power

Cast away - AP

Christine O'Donnell says the GOP establishment has abandoned her

Obama heckled in Boston - TheDC

British politician warns America not to take Europe's path - TheDC

10 questions with 'New Road to Serfdom' author Daniel Hannan

Haley battles deja vu down the stretch - TheDC

The two men alleging affairs with GOP candidate signed affadavits this week, again providing no proof

Gibbs flip-flops, now says Dems will keep House - AP

President Obama's press secretary caused a political stir this summer when he said Democrats could lose their House majority in November

Obamas return to a different Ohio - AP

Obama in Ohio: Special interest 'empire is striking back' at him - TheDC

Instead of mentioning foreign money being used by the outside groups, the president tried to cast anonymous donors as cowardly

Sexual orientation makes surprise appearance as campaign issue - TheDC

Comments by GOP Senate candidate Ken Buck, President Barack Obama and presidential adviser Valerie Jarrett thrust issue back into national discussion

Joe Barton: I was the Tea Party before Tea Party was cool - TheDC

The Texas Republican, despite serving his 25th year in Congress, insists his values are in line with Tea Party priorities

Democratic Senator won't bash Tea Party in debate - TheDC

Michael Bennet dismisses Tea Party 'racist' charge in TV showdown with Republican Ken Buck

Barbara Billingsley of 'Leave it to Beaver' fame dies - CNN

The actress passed away Saturday at her home in Santa Monica, California, after a long illness, a spokeswoman says

College football player paralyzed from the neck down - AP

Rutgers linebacker Eric LeGrand suffers horrific neck injury during overtime victory against Army

'You like me, you really like me!' - TheDC

For struggling incumbent Sen. Patty Murray, unpopularity in the polls means popularity among the Democratic establishment

Democrats pull out of dozens of races - WSJ

Party is attempting to salvage their majority by writing off seats, so they can defend others

McCain slams Boxer during Fiorina rally - LAT

Barbara Boxer is the 'most bitterly partisan, most anti-defense senator in the United States Senate today'

No thanks, Mr. President - AP

Supreme Court Justice Samuel Alito to skip President Obama's next State of the Union

Defectors? Don't bet on it - TheDC

Conservative Democrats switching to GOP looks unlikely, political scientists say

'Americans feel trapped' - The Hill

GOP Rep. Mike Pence compares plight of U.S. taxpayers to Chilean miners