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Alabama Remains No. 1; Stanford and Auburn Join Top-10
Obama Dismisses Republican 'Pledge' as Echo of Disaster
Glynn Wilson
Cynthia Gould of CBS 42 and John Wathen on Dauphin Island
Videos: A BP Gulf Oil Disaster Retrospective
President Barack Obama says Republicans' plan to slash taxes and cut spending if the GOP retakes the House in November is no more than "an echo of a disastrous decade we can't afford to relive." Obama used his weekly radio and Internet address Saturday to skewer House Republicans over the "Pledge to America" they unveiled this week. It also promised to cut down on government regulation, repeal Obama's health care law and end his stimulus program.
From Seat of Power, Jimmy Carter Battled Many Crises

Karl Rove Returns With Team, Planning G.O.P. Offensive
When Karl "Turd Blossom" Rove left the White House in 2007, Democrats rejoiced at what they believed would be the end of his political career and the brand of Republicanism he espoused. This election season may show he is back, if the Democrats don't do something to put him away for good. Rove is playing a leading role in building what amounts to a shadow Republican Party, a network of donors and operatives that is among the most aggressive in the Republican effort to capture control of the House and the Senate.
National Tea Party Convention Canceled Due To Lagging Ticket Sales

Experts Question BP's Take on Gulf Oil Spill
Engineering experts probing the Gulf of Mexico oil spill exposed holes in BP's internal investigation as the company was questioned Sunday for the first time in public about its findings. BP's lead investigator acknowledged that the company's probe had limitations. Mark Bly, head of safety and operations for BP, told a National Academy of Engineering committee that a lack of physical evidence and interviews with employees from other companies limited BP's study. The internal team only looked at the immediate cause of the April disaster, which killed 11 workers and unleashed 206 million gallons of oil into the Gulf.

Five Myths About Facebook
California Ballot Demonstrates State's Conflicted Link to Pot
California has a long history of defying conventional wisdom on the issue of marijuana, including its embrace of the drug in the 1960s and its landmark medical pot law 14 years ago. So it may not be all that surprising that a November ballot measure to legalize the drug has created some odd alliances and scenarios. Pot growers oppose it. Some police favore it. Polls show the public is divided. Only politicians have lined up as expected: Nearly all major party candidates oppose the measure. And hanging over the whole debate is the fact that marijuana remains illegal under federal law. As the Nov. 2 election nears, Proposition 19 has become about much more than the pros and cons of the drug itself.
Regional Political Roundup
State Education Budget Bodes Ill for Students
The Clock is Ticking on Cleaning Up Coal Ash
Anti-Gay Marriage Georgia Preacher Gave Sex Card to Boys
Republican Bentley Holds Solid Lead in Alabama Governor's Race

Select Regional News
Oil Fund Arbitrator Promises Bigger, Faster Claim Payments
Oil-Related Health Visits Documented
A Break from the Heat: Cool Front Heading South
Editorials, Columns, Videos, Blogs of Note
The Democrats' Secret Plan to Lose in November
The Rich Get Richer, Everyone Else Gets Poorer, the Democrats Punt
Attorney General Speaks of Harper Lee's Impact
Krugman: Downhill With the G.O.P.
Michael Moore on Health Care on MSNBC's Olbermann
The GOP Breaks its 'Pledge to America'
Divine Impulses: Christopher Hitchens on his Life's Work
Update on Jon Stewart's Rally to Restore Sanity
New Show Focuses Strictly on Climate Change

In Case You Missed It
Politics, Public Opinion
Americans Think Health Care Overhaul Should Do More
Speaker Pelosi Says Tax Cut Vote Possible Before Election
Poll Shows People Dislike Republicans More Than Democrats
Voters Moving to Oust Judges Over Decisions

Crime and Courts
Justice Department Says Bush FBI Probed the Left Improperly
Louisiana Sues Drilling Companies Over Gulf Spill
Spill Claimants Can't Sue 'til They're Denied by Escrow Fund

War, Intel, National Security
Ahmadinejad Hints Iran May End Uranium Enrichment
Mid-East Peace Talks in Jeopardy, Clinton and Abbas Meet
Maine Republican to Lead Marines Against Lifting Gay Ban
Science, Health, Environment
Insurers Scramble to Comply With Health Rules
For Many, Health Care Relief Begins Today
FDA Won't Require Labeling of Genetically Modified Salmon?

Economy, Labor, Technology
American Homeowners, Walking Away With Even Less
Poor, Poor Zuckerberg
Twitter Hack Opens Popups, Causes Havoc

Arts, Media, Education, Entertainment
Knives Come Out at CNN, NBC as Audiences Shrink

Sports, Travel, Outdoors
Alabama Rallies to Beat Arkansas, UCLA Bounces Texas

Featured Original Stories, Photo Essays and Videos

Robin Young, Like Thousands on the Gulf, Suffered 'BP Crud'
Wherever disaster strikes, there's always an associated crud. There was the Exxon Valdez Crud. The Nine Eleven Crud. The Katrina Cough, and then the TVA coal ash cough. Now, along the entire coast of the Gulf of Mexico, there is the BP Crud, afflicting workers and the general population from Louisiana to Florida.

Who Should the People of the Gulf Coast Trust for Payback?
Individuals and businesses, on the other hand, must either file their claims with Feinberg and the government fund and hope to get paid soon, or opt out and go with a private lawyer and sue in a state district court, potentially waiting many years to receive any compensation. It took 20 years for the people of Alaska to get paid a fraction of their losses in the case against Exxon for the Valdez spill in Prince William Sound.

The Big Picture: The Five Stages of Grief on the Gulf
The Kubler-Ross model, commonly known as the five stages of grief, was first introduced by Elisabeth Kubler-Ross in her 1969 book, On Death and Dying. Perhaps with a tad of literary license, we might apply that to how people are feeling on the Gulf Coast and those inland also suffering the tragedy in person, on television or Facebook.

Air Quality Along the Coast Raises Questions
As the multi-national British Petroleum corporation continues to test what's left of the Deepwater Horizon oil well 50 miles offshore in the Gulf of Mexico to see if the latest well cap will hold back the gusher and not blow out the sea floor, residents along the coast are still concerned about the quality of the air they are breathing in addition to the polluted water.

A Photo Essay From the Summer of Discontent
Watchdogging BP Video: Oil Giant Restricts Press Access to Alabama Beach

Where Oh Where Have All the Wildlife Gone?
Under the Oil Pollution Act, passed in 1990 in the wake of the Valdez spill, a Natural Resource Damage Assessment was established by law to determine the type and amount of restoration needed to compensate the public for harm to natural resources, along with their human uses, that occur as a result of an oil spill. While it is still too early in the process to know what the scope of the assessment will be, from past experience, the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration is concerned about impacts to fish, shellfish, marine mammals, turtles, birds and other sensitive resources as well as their habitats, including wetlands, beaches, mudflats, bottom sediments, coral reefs -- and the water column itself.
Click on the image or here, for A Photo Essay From Barataria Bay
Video: Gulf Restoration Tour Around Barataria Bay

BP is Hiring Convict Labor in Beach Cleanup
The British Petroleum corporation is hiring illegal immigrant convict labor to clean the beaches along the Gulf Coast instead of contracting with local fishermen who are out of work due to the oil spill in the Gulf of Mexico as they promised publicly. In trying to use public relations to cover up the massive mess it's causing, BP officials are saying the company has hired unemployed workers to help with the beach cleanup effort here.
Video: BP Hires Convict Labor in Beach Cleanup

Gulf Communities Gear Up for Economic Impacts of Oil Spill
BP's Oil Spill Will Have Major Environmental Impacts on the Gulf of Mexico

Hit the image or click here, for A Photo Essay on the Deepwater Horizon Oil Slick Making Landfall

Interior Department Permitted Deep Horizon Without Impact Study
Ken Salazar, a former Senator and Attorney General of Colorado, was confirmed by the U.S. Senate as the 50th Secretary of the Interior on Jan. 20, 2009 by President Barack Obama. Less than three months later, on April 6, 2009, the British Petroleum company was granted a permit for the Deepwater Horizon, the deepest oil well ever dug in the Gulf of Mexico -- without an Environmental Impact Study as required by the National Environmental Policy Act. The Minerals Management Service, an agency of the Department of the Interior charged with regulating the oil and gas industry, has been ensconced in a ethics scandal in recent months for cozying up to the oil and gas industry. Allegations include financial self-dealing, accepting gifts from energy companies, cocaine use and sexual misconduct. The agency granted BP a "categorical exclusion" to NEPA on the basis of three reviews of the area, which concluded that a massive oil spill was "unlikely," according to government documents.
Gulf Oil Slick One: A Glynn Wilson Video
Interior Secretary Tours Wildlife Refuge | Photo Essay

Click here to check out our archive on the Birds of Alabama.

Political Justice Archives
Siegelman-Scrushy Archives
For the final two years of the Bush administration, we covered the politicization of the U.S. justice system as much as any news organization anywhere. For scholars and others interested in researching the prosecution of former Alabama Governor Don Siegelman, check out this archive and this archive. It goes even further back to the original Scrushy trial in Birmingham, which Editor and Publisher Glynn Wilson covered for The New York Times.

On A Lighter Note
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