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Campaign news

Make Labour a racist-free zone

Labour's Future

It is time for Labour to make clear that someone prepared to, as the election court heard, “stir up racial tensions”  in their campaigning is not fit to hold high office and not welcome in our Party. [continue...]

Fight Duncan Smith’s welfare proposals

Stop Welfare Reform

Iain Duncan Smith has published a welfare white paper proposing a Universal Credit. Behind the rhetoric of simplification and fairness, it proposes a massive extension of workfare delivered by private contractors, paid by results. It also promises harsher conditionality to deal with ‘welfare dependency’ and ‘worklessness culture’. It follows £18 billion of welfare cuts announced in the June Budget and October spending review. [continue...]

LRC Hampshire launches with unity call

Their Crisis Not Ours!

A packed rally in Winchester on Thursday (11 Nov) responded enthusiastically to John McDonnell’s call for action to unite the labour movement around a massive anti-cuts campaign. [continue...]

LRC calls for no tuition fees

The LRC is taking part in the UCU and NUS organised Stop Education Cuts demo in London today (10 Nov). The LRC has clear policy against tuition fees and calls for their total abolition. Education, including higher education, should be funded out of general taxation. [continue...]

Housing Benefit reforms will cause “immense human suffering” says John McDonnell MP

Defend council housing

LRC Chair John McDonnell MP last night condemned government proposals to cut housing benefit. John, speaking in a Parliamentary debate in the House of Commons on Housing Benefit, attacked opposition MPs for blaming tenants and not landlords for extortionate rents, and called for an emergency housing programme. [continue...]

Hampshire fights back against the ConDem cuts

Their Crisis Not Ours!

LABOUR MP John McDonnell and communication workers’ leader Maria Exall will headline a rally against the ConDem government’s savage cuts that will launch Hampshire Labour Representation Committee in Winchester on November 11. [continue...]

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