Showing posts with label KKK. Show all posts
Showing posts with label KKK. Show all posts

Tuesday, 22 October 2013

Moments In Time - World's Youngest Klucker (1924)

Ahhhh, precious memories!!

It's Ku Kluck Bill .... Dick Cheney's dad!

Gotta love that mad masonic garb!

Saturday, 8 January 2011

Art of Propoganda - Masonic KKK Defends The 18th Amendment

Ah, the insidious 18th Amendment that ushered in the so-called 'Prohibition'! That moment when the cowardly masses failed/passed the masonic test, bending over and saying "yes, go ahead my satanic masters and f*ck me' instead of lynching the scum trying to enslave them  further.

Man, if the Klan (a subsect of the satanic masonic 'brotherhood' sect) were for this thing, it had to be right!!

And lo and behold, the rights of 'Humans' (in the proper sense of that term) went down the toilet at an insane rate in the decades thereafter. Now you can't even board a f*cking plane without some slavemaster's drone sticking his fist up your ass!!

Wednesday, 2 September 2009

Wednesday, 21 January 2009

Obama Inauguration fans

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