Australia Western Sahara Association (AWSA) is an incorporated non-profit Association which was set up to raise awareness and promote the Saharawi cause in Australia, and to campaign for a free and fair referendum on self-determination for the Saharawi people.

The independence struggle in Western Sahara mirrors almost exactly that of the East Timorese. In 1975 when the colonial power Spain withdrew, the neighbouring country, Morocco, invaded. A war ensued until a UN sponsored ceasefire was declared in 1991 when a referendum was promised.
Despite UN pressure Morocco refuses to agree to a referendum.

BHP urged to dump unethical phosphate trade in its takeover of PotashCorp

August 25th, 2010

Australia Western Sahara Association
Press Release, 25 August 2010

The Australia Western Sahara Association today urged BHP-Billiton to suspend PotashCorp’s trade in phosphate from Western Sahara if its takeover bid is successful.

President of AWSA, Lyn Allison, said “If BHP cares anything for business ethics, social responsibility and international law, it will not allow the Canadian fertiliser corporation to buy further Western Saharan phosphate from Morocco.”
Read the rest of this entry »

Human Rights Watch call for Morocco to Release or Try Sahrawi Activists Held 10 Months

August 3rd, 2010

Seven Facing Charges in Military Court After Visiting Tindouf Refugee Camps
August 2, 2010
(New York) - Moroccan authorities should release three well-known Sahrawi activists held since October 8, 2009, on charges of “harming state security,” or provide them with a prompt and transparent trial, Human Rights Watch said today.

Read HRW report >>

“Don’t try to lure BP fishermen victims to occupied land”

August 2nd, 2010


Press release,
Western Sahara Resource Watch
30 July 2010
Louisiana fishermen, victims of the BP Gulf spill, could be moving their place of work to an occupied country,
supporting an illegal and brutal regime. This might be the reality if Washington lobbyists get what they want.Press release >>

The Image and its Discontent: The 29th Sundance Film Festival and the 18th Pan African Film and Arts Festival

August 2nd, 2010

Festival Reports in Issue 55
by Bérénice Reynaud
….The controversial Australian documentary Stolen (which received PAFF’s Best Feature Documentary Award) argues that slavery still exists in the Polisario camps in Western Sahara – an assertion that was violently criticised during the post-screening panel discussion, that unfortunately degenerated into a screaming match between (and among) the Festival’s organisers and some members of the audience. (….continued)
Read full report >>

Monty Pythons show solidarity with Sahara refugees

August 2nd, 2010
Michael Palin and Terry Jones were among the celebrities attending a private view of a photographs from the Western Sahara refugee camps in London  on Wednesday. The pair of Pythons joined other actors including Neighbours star Nicola Quilter at the event which showed images of refugees from one of the world’s longest and most forgotten conflicts.

AWSA critique on documentary ‘Stolen’ now updated to 3rd edition

July 27th, 2010

Australia Western Sahara Association has updated its detailed critique on the documentary Stolen to reflect the recent publicity and commentary on the film.  This updated edition is now published as the 3rd edition.

Download the critique 3rd edition June 2010 >>

Professor Stephen Zunes speaks on Western Sahara in Sydney

July 26th, 2010

zunes_and_galtung_.jpgA lecture delivered by Professor Stephen Zunes during an event that took place on 7 July 2010 as part of the Fringe Program of The International Peace Research Association (IPRA) conference 2010 which was held in Sydney (Australia) on 6-10 July 2010.

The event was under the title: “Self-determination, 50 years on: Conflict Resolution in the Struggle for Self-Determination” The theme for the event was the issue of self-determination with Western Sahara as an example of where peace perspectives are urgently needed.

Professor Stephen Zunes is Professor of Politics & International Studies and Chair of Middle Eastern Studies Program at the University of San Francisco.

Full-text of Professor Stephen Zunes lecture >>

Zanzibar International Film Festival (ZIFF) to remove the so-called “Stolen” film

July 25th, 2010

13 July 2010
Press Release

The Embassy of the Saharawi Republic to the United Republic of Tanzania welcomes the decision by Zanzibar International Film Festival (ZIFF), to remove the so-called “Stolen” film from the program of its 13th Festival which is taking place in Zanzibar on 10-18 July 2010.

ZIFF’s Board decided not to screen “Stolen” during the Festival after close and thorough consideration of all the information and representations made by the Saharawis affected by the film including the family of Fetim Sellami a key figure in the film.

Press Release >>

Europe’s assault on Western Sahara

July 25th, 2010

By David Cronin, the Brussels correspondent of Inter Press Service news agency

The theft of fish from Western Saharan waters should be damned by the European commission, not encouraged…..(continued)

Read report >>

Passing of Mr Mahfoud Ali Beiba, President of the Saharawi Parliament

July 25th, 2010

Condolence messages were sent from Australian parliamentarians and from the President of Australia Western Sahara Association on the passing of Mr Mahfoud Ali Beiba, President of the Saharawi Parliament.
Letters were sent by:

Janelle Saffin MP, Federal Member for Page
on behalf of the Parliamentary Friends of Western Sahara (Saharawi People)
Read letter >>

Maria Vamvakinou, MP
Federal Member for Calwell
Read letter >>

Lyn Allison
Australia Western Sahara Association
Read letter >>