

Speaking requests:

Contact Liz Cole
Evil Twin Booking Agency
215 473 0308
liz (at) eviltwinbooking (dot) com

Funding made possible by The Puffin Foundation

  • Crisis in Ecuador
    Greg Palast Interviews President Correa

    Palast Interviews President Correa

    Ecuador's president promises punishment
    after day of chaos.

    Rafael Correa promises 'no forgiveness' for those involved in uprising, as opposition politicians are accused of staging a coup.

    Ecuador remains in a state of siege with the military in charge of public order.
    President Rafael Correa is promising to punish his enemies a day after a police rebellion triggered mayhem.

    In February 2008 Greg Palast met with Ecuadorian President Rafael Correa. They discussed the Lawsuit against Chevron, Eradicating Foreign Debt and Why He Says "Ecuador is No Longer for Sale"

    Watch part of the interview.
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    Fighting Bob Fest Attracts Big Names

    By Tim Damos, News Republic

    Greg Palast doesn't pull any punches.

    His investigative stories are written in classic muckraker style; hard-hitting in both the juiciness they uncover and the language they use.

    Author of the New York Times best sellers "Armed Madhouse" and "The Best Democracy Money Can Buy," Palast has become a familiar face at Fighting Bob Fest, the annual gathering devoted to carrying on the progressive spirit of the late Wisconsin Congressman and Gov. Robert "Fighting Bob" La Follette.

    WATCH Palast's keynote speech at the Barrymore Theater on September 10, 2010.
    WATCH Palast's talk at the outdoor 2010 Fighting Bob Festival in Baraboo, WI on September 11, 2010.

    Greg PalastBrian D. Bridgeford / News Republic File photo
    (hover cursor to enlarge)

    For Palast, serious investigative journalism is not about projecting an image of objectivity by presenting both sides of an argument in a "he said, she said" story. It's about getting down in the trenches, relentlessly seeking truth and relaying it to readers untainted by any "spin."

    "Impartial is not failing to say it like it is or to provide the information," Palast said in a phone interview Thursday, adding that many American mainstream reporters are afraid to pursue stories that are "threatening to (the elite's) agreed upon view of the world.

    "If you're out of that channel, if you're out of their stream, they say, you're out of the mainstream."
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    Bush'd again?
    New Orleans, Mr. O and Mr. Go

    by Greg Palast for The Huffington Post

    Five years ago this week, a beast drowned New Orleans. Don't blame Katrina: the lady never, in fact, touched the city. The hurricane swept east of it.

    You want to know the name of the S.O.B. who attacked New Orleans? Locals call him "Mr. Go" - the Mississippi River-Gulf Outlet (MR-GO).

    MR-GO was undoubtedly the most bone-headed, deadly insane project ever built by the Army Corps of Engineers. It's a 76-mile long canal, straight as a gun barrel, running right up from the Gulf of Mexico to the heart of New Orleans.

    In effect, MR-GO was a welcome mat to the city for Katrina. Experts call it "the Hurricane Highway."

    Until the Army Corps made this crazy gash in the Mississippi Delta fifty years ago, Mother Nature protected the Crescent City with a green wreath of cypress and mangrove. The environmental slash-job caused the government's own hydrologist to raise alarms from Day One of construction.

    Unless MR-GO was fixed or plugged, the Corps was inviting, "the possibility of catastrophic damage to urban areas by a hurricane surge coming up this waterway." (I'm quoting from a report issued 17 years before The Flood.)

    A forensic analysis by Dr. John W. Day calculated that if the Corps had left just 6 miles of wetlands in place of the open canal, the surge caused by Katrina's wind would have been reduced by 4.5 feet and a lot of New Orleaneans would be alive today.
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    No “Home Sweet Home”
    Five years after Katrina

    Matt Pascarella and I encountered Patricia Thomas while she was breaking into a home at the Lafitte Housing Project in New Orleans. It was her own home. Nevertheless, if caught, she'd end up in the slammer. So would we. Matt was my producer for the film, Big Easy to Big Empty, and he encouraged my worst habits. I'd worked for the New Orleans Housing Authority years back and knew they wanted the poor black folk out of these pretty townhouses near the French Quarter. Katrina was an excuse for ethnic cleansing, American style. Matt and I skipped cuffs on this shoot, but were charged later by Homeland Security (see below). While I recorded the story of hidden evils on film, Matt gathered a story which no camera can capture. Here it is. — Greg Palast

    by Matt Pascarella

    Four years ago, on the one-year anniversary of Hurricane Katrina, I sat with Patricia Thomas. Greg Palast and I had just helped her break into her home in the Lafitte Projects. She had been locked out for a year. She showed us her former home, her belongings scattered everywhere, and wrestled out endless stories of post-Katrina life: how she struggled to find shelter over the last year, how they came and put bars on her doors and windows and locked her out, how it was “man made.”
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    Five Years and Still Drowning
    The New Orleans CNN Would Never Show You

    It's been five years already. In New Orleans, more than half the original residents have not, cannot, return.

    "They don't want no poor niggers back in - that's the bottom line."

    And that's Malik Rahim, Director of Common Ground, who led the survivors who rebuilt their homes in the teeth of official resistance in "The City That Care Forgot."

    You'll meet Malik and the people that everyone forgot in Big Easy to Big Empty: the Untold Story of the Drowning of New Orleans, chosen this week as Moviefone's top pick of Katrina documentaries.

    Donate and get the signed DVD with added material, including Palast with Democracy Now's Amy Goodman.

    Meet Patricia Thomas who was locked out of her home in the Lafitte housing project near the French Quarter. We go with her as she breaks into her blockaded apartment.

    "Katrina didn't do this. Man did this."

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    Separation of Church and Hate:
    The Kate Mosque Solution

    by Greg Palast Special to BuzzFlash

    Since everyone seems to have an opinion about the mosque near Ground Zero (and President Obama has two), I'd like to ask you all a couple of questions:

    Given that white Christian supremacist Tim McVeigh bombed the Oklahoma City Federal Building, shouldn't we ban white churches from Oklahoma?

    As New York City's indigenous Lenape Natives died at Ground Zero by the thousands when overrun by Christian colonists, shouldn't we ban Christian churches from their sacred ground?

    If a mosque near Ground Zero is bad, then why not ban all Muslims from downtown New York? For this to work, should we require all Muslims in the city to wear yellow crescents?

    My office was in the WTC towers, which will now be rebuilt with all the upscale shops I remember. So, Mrs. Palin, are you saying it's OK for Muslims to shop at Ground Zero as long as they don't pray there?

    The new tower will have the old one's Off-Track Betting windows and bars with after-work "happy hours." So here's a solution to make everyone happy: Why not camouflage the mosque as a place to gamble and get into your secretary's panties?

    How about disguising it as a discount fashion shop: Kate Mosque? Or as a Disney retail outlet: Mickey Mosque?

    Jamie Kilstein has suggested to me that we ban Burger Kings from Ground Zero in honor of the victims of heart disease. But Jamie, the BKs are memorials to remind us that in the eyes of God, all of us — no matter what religion — are just hamburger meat.
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    Behind Bush's Wyly Billionaire Burglars
    ... Hint: Beyond Petroleum

    by Greg Palast

    Greg Palast
    From the Joker's Wild card deck

    Sam Wyly is one of the planet's "Ten Greenest Billionaires," according to Forbes. And, the magazine should have added, the one that deserves the most prison time.

    Yesterday, the Securities and Exchange Commission charged billionaire Sam and his billionaire brother Charles with a stock market fraud which sucked over a half billion dollars out of their victims' pockets. That's nothing. The SEC has only uncovered the rattling tale of the Wyly snake.

    This billionaire boys club is best known for backing the smear campaign against John McCain credited with giving George W. Bush the GOP nomination for President in 2000.  In 2004 they backed the Swift Boat smear on John Kerry.

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    Palast on GRITtv: Fighting Toxic Oil Companies

    Last week, Mike Papantonio told us on GRITtv that there was no fund from BP to pay for the oil disaster, and raised some questions about Kenneth Feinberg, the administrator of the damages to Gulf residents. Today investigative journalist Greg Palast answers some of those questions--and raises a few of his own.

    Palast has been investigating BP for years, and right now is working on The Amazon to Arctic Investigation (and could use your help). He's also got a bit of his own experience with Kenneth Feinberg, and he joins us in studio to lay out the history of cases like this, where the people hurt by corporate negligence end up getting doubly screwed when it comes time to get their benefits.

    Shoot BP:
    The Amazon to Arctic Investigation

    Alaska Native Henry Makarka©1997James Macalpine-PIF

    At Tatitlek Village, Alaska Native Henry Makarka told me, "If I had a machine gun I'd shoot every one of them white sons of bitches."

    Makarka was talking about the executives who came to him and his tribe 40 years ago to purchase their land at Valdez.  They were from the companies now known as Exxon and BP.

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    Smart Pig:
    BP's OTHER Spill

    by Greg Palast for

    Oil spill residue, Chenega, Alaska©1997James Macalpine-PIF

    With the Gulf Coast dying of oil poisoning, there's no space in the press for British Petroleum's latest spill, just this week: over 100,000 gallons, at its Alaska pipeline operation.  A hundred thousand used to be a lot.  Still is.

    On Tuesday, Pump Station 9, at Delta Junction on the 800-mile pipeline, busted.  Thousands of barrels began spewing an explosive cocktail of hydrocarbons after "procedures weren't properly implemented" by BP operators, say state inspectors. "Procedures weren't properly implemented" is, it seems, BP's company motto.

    Few Americans know that BP owns the controlling stake in the trans-Alaska pipeline; but, unlike with the Deepwater Horizon, BP keeps its Limey name off the Big Pipe.

    There's another reason to keep their name off the Pipe:  their management of the pipe stinks.  It's corroded, it's undermanned and "basic maintenance" is a term BP never heard of.

    How does BP get away with it?  The same way the Godfather got away with it:  bad things happen to folks who blow the whistle. BP has a habit of hunting down and destroying the careers of those who warn of pipeline problems.
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