Coalition of Labor Union Women . . . The online frontline for working women   h  o  m  e  p  a  g  e  
       Updated October 6, 2010  













815 16th St. NW
2nd floor South
DC 20006


Equal Pay rally Thanks for visiting the Coalition of Labor Union Women. CLUW is the national women's organization within the labor movement. Our members are on the frontline, empowering working women to become leaders in their unions and encouraging them to make a difference on the job and, most importantly, in their own lives. Our values are simple: Solidarity, involvement, dignity and justice. DOWNLOAD BROCHURE.

CLUW wants YOU !
More Members, More Power, More Progress

Amplify the voice of women in the workforce by strengthening CLUW, the only national organization for union women. Both nationally and through our chapters, CLUW has been busy lobbying the government, educating the public and rallying our sisters and brothers in the workforce over such issues as equal pay, Social Security protection and the Employee Free Choice Act. We have built partnerships with other constituency and community groups through town hall meetings held throughout the country. We have participated in GOTV activities. We have rallied for a peaceful solution to the war in Iraq. We have worked to protect women's health through our Cervical Cancer Prevention Works project and have educated our union brothers and sisters about the need for contraceptive equity.

We continue to fight for the original goals we established back in 1974: promoting affirmative action in the workplace; strengthening the role of women in unions; organizing unorganized women; and increasing the involvement of women in the political and legislative process.

Help us make a difference for working women. Sign up today or renew your CLUW membership online.

Visit the CLUW Online Store for high quality, union made merchandise specifically selected for the union woman!

Welcome to CLUW's newest chapters: the Mile-High Chapter in Denver, CO and the Northern Virginia Chapter.

Check CLUW's Facebook wall for local chapter events
>>> Join the CLUW group on FACEBOOK ! <<<

CLUW National Constitution (pdf)

Join our e-Activist Network:
Sign up to receive e-mail alerts

Through the CLUW e-Activist Network, join together with thousands of other working women and supporters to make your voice heard. We'll send you periodic e-mail Action Alerts on issues important to union women and working families.

Women's Health Corner logo Check it out! The Women's Health Corner is a valuable new resource that
will explore different women's health topics each month.

Find out about CLUW's program to prevent cervical cancer, Cervical Cancer Prevention Works

Download article for magazines, web:
Preventing Cervical Cancer: Two Union Women Take Action

Pearl of Wisdom
CLUW is a proud partner
in the Pearl of Wisdom campaign
to prevent cervical cancer

AFL-CIO Blog about Working Women
CLUW's Contraceptive Equity Project

The Berger-Marks Foundation's mission is to bring the benefits of unionism to working women and provide resources, training, and financial assistance to women organizers. Its website offers the latest news – updated regularly – including tips, tactics, legal issues, events, a multitude of resources, and effective strategies women organizers use. Grants are available to support organizing efforts and related activities.

Editors: Please use CLUW Public Service Announcements in your websites and publications

Union-made products and services
compiled by the AFL-CIO's
Union Label and Service Trades Department

Shop with a Conscience
Products made in good working conditions

CLUW respects your privacy

Any and all information collected on this site will be kept strictly confidential and will not be sold, reused, rented, disclosed, or loaned! Any information you give to us will be held with the utmost care and will not be used in ways that you have not consented to.


Click on scrolling items for the full story

National Executive Board meeting and Leadership Academy, Nov. 11-13 in Reno
All CLUW members are welcome to attend the November National Executive Board Meeting and Leadership Development Academy Part 3. LEARN MORE

CLUW steps up its campaign to stop cuts and age increases

CLUW's Mature Women's Committee is participating in the Coalition to Strengthen Social Security. The campaign has two major goals: to block efforts to reduce the deficit by cutting Social Security, and to eventually enact Social Security reform that would improve benefits.


CLUW was there! October 2 rally on the National Mall to work and pull America back together

CLUW was at the historic Lincoln Memorial on Saturday, Oct. 2--along with tens of thousands of others from across Main Street America. We rallied as One Nation Working Together, a massive, diverse gathering that called for jobs, justice and education.

Turn Up the Heat for Paycheck Fairness

The House of Representatives passed the Paycheck Fairness Act a year and a half ago and now we are calling on the Senate to bring it to a vote and pass it. We are turning up the heat to make that happen! DOWNLOAD THIS CALENDAR for ideas on WHAT YOU CAN DO
TELL THE SENATE: Pass the Paycheck Fairness Act

New health insurance reforms will benefit women

The Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act, which President Obama signed into law on March 30, will prohibit insurance companies from: denying coverage to any woman because of a pre-existing condition; excluding coverage of certain conditions; or discriminating because of her gender. The law will also give women and their families the affordable health choices they need and access to critical preventive services.
Download fact sheet (pdf):
Health Reform for American Women: The Affordable Care Act Gives Women Greater Control Over Their Own Health Care

She Should Run

Tell a union woman:
Run for political office!

CLUW is partnering with the Women's Campaign Forum to encourage union women to run for political office. Its She Should Run website provides an online tool for talented women leaders to be asked to run for public office, and follows up with resources and assistance.

Linda Chavez-Thompson

Labor leader to run for Texas lieutenant governor

AFL-CIO Executive Vice President Emerita Linda Chavez-Thompson will be the Democratic candidate for lieutenant governor of Texas. In 2005 CLUW honored Chavez-Thompson for her lifetime commitment to the labor movement. One of CLUW's goals is encouraging union women to get involved politically and to run for office. CLUW offers our labor sister -- a tireless advocate for civil, human, women’s and worker rights -- our full support as she seeks this office.

CLUW's 1st Annual Working Women's Award Celebration
March 18, 2010 in honor of Women's History Month
CLUW saluted 11 women leaders whose achievements have inspired us to strive for greater advancement in our workplace, union and community.
View presentation about the honorees (pdf)

AFL-CIOIt's time to restore workers' freedom to form unions!

Click here to view
CLUW's video

"Employee Free Choice
Is What We Really Need"

EFCA video

About the Employee Free Choice Act

CLUW Fact Sheets (pdf):

CLUW is proud to join with the Sister Study, a national study to learn how environment and genes affect the chances of getting breast cancer.

>> Learn more:

CLUW's Barbara Barnes, who lost her sister to breast cancer, is participating in the Sister Study. Read her story.

Please post on bulletin boards!