CEPR - Center for Economic and Policy Research
IMF Forecasts Global Slowdown, But Policies Remain Pro-cyclical In Many Countries

The IMF is forecasting a slowdown in world GDP growth, yet it continues to recommend fiscal or monetary tightening in many recession-hit countries. CEPR Co-Director Mark Weisbrot and the IMF’s Petya Koeva recently discussed which measures are appropriate to stimulate recovery, a theme also covered in Mark’s new New York Times/IHT op-ed.

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CEPR Co-Director Criticizes U.S. Funding of Flawed “Elections” in Haiti

The Obama Administration should explain why it is contributing millions of dollars for Haiti’s November 28 presidential and legislative elections, despite the arbitrary exclusion of over a dozen political parties – including the country’s largest party -- from the ballot, CEPR Co-Director Mark Weisbrot says in a new press release, noting the State Department's ongoing inability to explain the issue.

"Three Quarters-Empty" or "Three-Quarters Full"

CEPR economist John Schmitt recently reviewed Stephen Rose's Rebound: Why America Will Emerge Stronger from the Financial Crisis in the magazine Challenge. Schmitt cites a wealth of evidence contradicting Rose's claim that the U.S. economy has done a good job delivering the benefits of economic growth to the middle class.

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CEPR in the News

What You Need to Know About Flawed Foreclosures
Newsweek, October 14, 2010

'Excluded' Countries Should Stand up to IMF, Says Economist
The Hurriyet Daily News, October 13, 2010

Political Impasse Prolongs Grim Forecast For Job Creation
GRITtv, October 13, 2010

2 Americans Among Trio Awarded Economics Nobel
NPR, October 11, 2010

Older Workers Waiting Longer To Retire
CBS News, October 09, 2010

'South of the Border' Idealizes South American Presidents
The Pittsburgh Post-Gazette, October 08, 2010

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Combined Federal Campaign #79613


Mark Weisbrot,

Dean Baker,