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October 18, 2010
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‘Carlos’: A Different Kind of Terrorism

“Carlos” is a fictionalized but persuasively believable biography of celebrity terrorist Ilich Ramirez Sanchez, a man known for his indolence as well as support for a whole gamut of revolutionary causes.
Featured Arts and Culture

Taking ‘Superman’ to School

This depiction of our nation’s teachers is typical of those who promote a particular reform agenda calling for charter schools, anti-unionism and merit pay based on high-stakes test scores.
Featured Reports
AP / Manuel Balce Ceneta

Bitter Setbacks for the Foes of ‘Don’t Ask’

Opponents of the policy now have to watch the administration oppose a court order prohibiting discrimination against gays in the military.
A/V Booth

Mortgages take center stage yet again on “Left, Right & Center” as the gang discusses Ben Bernanke and the possibility of Fed intervention. Also the final arguments around the midterm elections: Have Democrats made the case, and are Republicans being forced into positions even they don’t want to hold?

Two surprise guests dropped by “The Daily Show” on Thursday. First came Stephen Colbert, whose apparent failure to score a permit will lead to a hybrid “Rally to Restore Sanity and/or Fear” on Oct. 30. And then Oprah Winfrey crashed the show to announce that she’s picking up the tab to send the studio audience to the Washington rally.

For all the gosh-darn folksiness Sarah Palin hurls in our direction, the preview for her new TLC show makes the former governor’s existence seem pretty charmed.

Arts and Culture

“Carlos” is a fictionalized but persuasively believable biography of celebrity terrorist Ilich Ramirez Sanchez, a man known for his indolence as well as support for a whole gamut of revolutionary causes.

This depiction of our nation’s teachers is typical of those who promote a particular reform agenda calling for charter schools, anti-unionism and merit pay based on high-stakes test scores. While it’s fine to promote this agenda, it’s also ethical to provide a balanced critique.

The veteran journalist talks to Truthdig’s James Harris about his new book, which zeroes in on a war-averse president struggling to impose order on chaos abroad without losing his grip on the home front.


The Questions Education Reformers Aren’t Asking

Mike Rose notes that no one in power is asking fundamental questions about the purpose of education and whether much-hyped reforms might do more harm than good.


Two of the theory of evolution’s most vociferous doubters, Sarah Palin and Christine O’Donnell, may be living proof that Darwin was wrong, leading scientists believe.

If you missed our live audio chat, in which Robert Scheer discussed with readers his latest column, “Invasion of the Robot Home Snatchers,” or you just want to relive the excitement, you can read the full transcript here.

Repealing “don’t ask, don’t tell” should have been easy. Now opponents of the policy have to watch the administration oppose a court order prohibiting discrimination against gays in the military.

Sorry, but I just can’t do it anymore. When has there been an election with so many looney tunes running under the banner of one of our major parties?

Beware the sophistry of budget talking points—especially those seeking to deter any criticism of defense spending.

Both parties and their allies exploit and stretch campaign finance laws. To expect otherwise is to expect lions not to eat zebras when the opportunity arises.

The best recent estimates by civil engineers and government experts indicate that we would have to spend well over $2 trillion during the next five years on roads, bridges, airports, railways, transit, sewers, waterways, ports, dams, parks and schools simply to maintain them in decent condition.

To call Carl Paladino brash and a loudmouth understates the case. The New York Daily News has taken to referring to the Republican nominee for New York governor as “Crazy Carl,” and his latest series of outbursts demonstrated why.

Mercifully, the midterm election cycle is nearing its end. Both parties, we learn, are planning their “postmortem assessments.” The Daily Beast’s recent headline is a sign of the times: “Why Obama Can’t Lose in 2012.” Plan ahead.

No one attending the New Policy Forum in Sofia was very interested in Washington’s present military and geostrategic preoccupations.

Ear to the Ground

Remember when President Bush said the U.S. would bring democracy to Afghanistan? Afghan and Western officials have indicated that last month’s elections were so fraudulent that almost 25 percent of all votes cast will be thrown out.

In demonstrations across France, protesters have marched repeatedly against plans by the Sarkozy government to cut social programs and hike the retirement age as short-term budget woes have given the center-right president the opportunity to push through neoliberal reforms.

Maybe she sipped a bit too much during Oktoberfest, but German Chancellor Angela Merkel has stumbled to the right after she claimed that multiculturalism has “utterly failed,” stirring the proverbial cultural melting pot to suggest that immigrants have not effectively integrated into German society.

The U.S. troops that remain in Iraq after last summer’s withdrawal face some new challenges from within Iraqi factions, as some previously American-allied members of the Awakening Councils are apparently joining the ranks ... (continued)

With less than three weeks left before the midterm elections, President Obama is making the rounds in support of Democratic allies such as Massachusetts Gov. Deval Patrick, whom Obama praised in a Boston appearance Saturday while ... (continued)

A crowd of about 100 protesters has blocked the entrance to the U.N. military headquarters in Port-au-Prince, Haiti, spraying anti-U.N. slogans on vehicles and carrying banners saying “Down with the occupation!” while news comes that U.N. peacekeeping forces will remain in the beleaguered country for an additional year.

With a little help from its friends, Venezuela is now one step closer to building its first nuclear power plant. After a two-day stint in Moscow, President Hugo Chavez has received the support of Russia for the construction of a nuclear power station aimed at diversifying the country’s energy supply.


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A Progressive Journal of News and Opinion. Editor, Robert Scheer. Publisher, Zuade Kaufman.
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