Green Party of Canada urges public mobilization for Cancun

“We’re aiming to help reinvigorate Canadians to participate in democracy and hold the Harper government’s feet to the fire on the most pressing issue facing the planet.”


IPCC vice-chair: Attacks on climate science echo tobacco industry tactics

Jean-Pascal van Ypersele says rows over ‘climategate’ emails and Himalayan glaciers were organised to undermine Copenhagen summit


Ecosocialist Resources, 23

Another C&C round-up of recent articles we think should be read by green lefts and left greens


Speculation and climate driving up food prices

The profit system is starving people …


Most ‘green product’ claims are misleading

Nearly all “green” consumer products make at least one false, misleading or unproven environmental claim


Canada and EU given ‘Dodo Awards’

Having repeatedly winning “Fossil of the Day” awards at international climate conferences, Canada now has a new dishonor to be ashamed of …


Toronto, Nov. 13: Teach-in on Bolivia and Climate Justice

Lessons from Bolivia Building a World Movement for Climate Justice


Superconsumers at sea

The battle of the super yachts


Against mainstream economics: The Kick It Over Manifesto

An international student movement to free the economics curriculum from its neoclassical straitjacket was launched last week at the University of California at Berkeley.


If wealth was height, how tall would rich people be?

Video: Barry Healy of Socialist Alliance makes some instructive comparisons….


Barry Commoner: Capitalism versus the environment

[BookQuotes] It is hopeless to expect ecologically sound solutions from a system based on profit


Bill Maher: Global warming is not a debate

There is no debate here, just scientists and non-scientists. And since the subject is science, the non-scientists don’t get a vote.


Suppressed report confirms international violations by Canadian mining companies

Canadian mining companies are involved in more than four times as many violations as the next two highest offenders, Australia and India


The Ant, The Grasshopper, and a Big Steaming Pile of Manure

The original fable, the neo-con version, and what really happened ….


British Green leader to union conference:
‘We need to forge an alliance ‘

“Our current economic system only works by cheating future generations out of their birthright and by exploiting the vulnerable here and abroad”


Global inequality by the numbers

A graphic exposure of the “consumer democracy” hoax


Richest nations aim to wreck climate talks

The existing framework will not allow for the urgent action required


UN Convention meets to decide how to enhance corporate profits by marketing biodiversity

Profit-making and protection of biodiversity are directly opposed and can never be reconciled


The new climate-change denialism:
Who promotes it, how to answer it

The planet killers are at it again, and some scientific organizations are bending to their intimidation. We need to fight back with hard science and a clear vision about what needs to be done.


Electric Evasion: The Great Green Car Con

Greenwashing 101:  Why electric cars can make things worse


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