PCL LinkDump: Audio / Visual findings on a more or less regular basis.
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Friday, October 15, 2010

The Discotheque At The End Of The Universe episode 7

starring: Bob Scholte, Die Candy Kids, John Cage, Danielle Dax, Brunk, Nicola, Conjunto Cosamala, Vinila von Bismark, (Hed)Pe, Syd Dale, August de laat, Dave Baby Cortez, Splogman and many others

Discotheque at the end of the universe 7 by splogman

A Taco Supreme

image: newwavecrashing (Tumblr)

I found out about this through a legitimate news source on Jazz music. A Taco Supreme is supposedly a mash-up of Coltrane. I searched and it appears the source of this creation has pulled the mp3 offline or it never was real to begin with.
Has any of you heard anything more about this project?

Thursday, October 14, 2010

The Normal Majority

Finally, a song with a message.

From the WFMU blog: Welcome to a record SO politically incorrect that even the most conservative of people can enjoy it! The Normal Majority seem to long for simpler times, and for the more subservient wives of yesterday, but singing about it was probably as close as they ever got to it! Incredibly sexist and dated now, here's a song that today's woman can openly snicker at. (And thank God that THEIR husbands don't talk like this...) - Dana Countryman

by Jimmy Clark Jenkins
 From the 45 single: Annex Records ANX-001B
Label says "From the forthcoming LP "Inspirational Music For Women" © 1981
From the collection of Bill Verkuilen

The ‘Shroom

"Decades ago, Dieter Rosellen dubbed an unusual piece of art acquired by his best friend as “The ‘Shroom.” He still refers to the white Italian marble mushroom cloud sculpture by that nickname. The artist’s more formal (and thought provoking) title for the work is etched into its base: ‘God’s Wind’ at Hiroshima? The sculptor, Robert Lewis—the co-pilot of the Enola Gay, the plane that dropped the first atomic bomb in warfare—died in 1983 and Rosellen’s pal, author and psychologist Glenn Van Warrebey, passed away twenty-one years later. The ‘Shroom survives both of them.

This is the story of the sculpture’s evolution: From its birth in the tortured imagination of an atomic veteran to its current state—an unsettling curiosity that has to be seen to be believed. It is also a tale of the intersecting lives of the man who created it and the man who exploited it. ..."

Uploaded by CONELRAD6401240

Read the who
le story as re-searched and told by Geerhart over at CONELRAD Adjacent: The 'Shroom: The Odyssey of Robert Lewis's Atomic Sculpture.

Shaving Cream and other delights

You may remember Benny Bell's 1940s risque novelty song "Shaving Cream" — sung by Paul Wynn — from the Dr. Demento Show or recently when WFMU's Best Show host Tom Scharpling compared the song to what 2 Live Crew used to do.
After being played by Dr. Demento the song became a Top 40 hit for four weeks in 1975, peaking at 30.

Download "Shaving Cream" and other songs like "Go Take a Ship for Yourself," "Pincus the Peddler," "A Goose for My Girl" and many others from the Internet Archive.

These ads appeared in Billboard in the 1940s.

It Comes Back To You…

…in the form of a night terror.

The Nutty Squirrels


thanks to Music for Maniacs!

Ethel Merman Disco Album

Everything's Coming Up Roses

over @ Idle Minds Inc.

Play Ball

It's the greatest time of the year for us "seamheads". Another excuse to stay up half the night, take control of the idiotbox while quaffing vast quantities of cheap beer and inhaling chicken and pork products.

In between innings or in between pitches you might enliven your experience by cuing up tunes and clips from this outstanding collection of baseball themed nuggets.

It's a Beautiful Day for a Ball Game - The Harry Simeone Singers

Robby-Dobie-Boogie - Brownie McGhee

Bongolong Land
I am not worthy. Thank you, thank you, thank you.
Go there now for the "bongocast" which is overflowing with goodness.

Download the Percy Trout hour!

the Percy Trout hour

Super Fizz Sugar Pop
from all over the Globe.

Download another show from the Archives.
This one from July 19, 2010:

Part One

Part Two

Wednesday, October 13, 2010

Lisa Brawn's woodcuts

Kojak and Don Cherry

Lisa Brawn's woodcuts. (via Everlasting Blort)

Marilyn: Tested in Europe. Now shipped to America.

Click Marilyn for bigger view at source.

"That's right!!! Marilyn is the ONLY human-like ACTION DOLL available in America. Her success in Europe has been so overwhelming that we brought Marilyn to America. Let her American, Greek and French life-like reproduction female qualities astound you as they have others."
(via Goof Button)

Just Another Day in Redheadville

Look what T.Tex sent me! You can guess who's who of our PCL backup dancers.

There's more Meyer Davis fabulousness here.

A Buck Well Spent

Doo Dah, Doo Dah

While Julie London is too refined to say the word "gwine", you'll be happy to learn that her backup singers are NOT.

Julie London - Camptown Races:

From Jazzsi

Tuesday, October 12, 2010

Lady in Cement (Theatrical Trailer)

Sinatra c.1968 in a wetsuit.

Polynesian Holiday

Harry Owens & His Royal Hawaiians - Polynesian Holiday. Available thanks to Charity Shop Stuff.

Cruel Relentless Sea

Cozy Cole Hits!

Ol' Man Mose

courtesy The Boogie Disease.

retro images galore

Delicious retro images via X-ray Delta One

Chicha on 45

Chicha on 45 records. If you are not familliar with this kind of latin psychedelic rock from the 70s. I urge you to go chack these songs.

"All in all, some pretty awesome songs in this bunch. If you note, I started with the more popular groups to the more obscure one’s. Los Mirlos are the godfathers of Amazonian Cumbia and they really do justice to Hugo Blanco’s “Cumbia Con Arpa”. The only song that isn’t from Peru is from Los Dinamicos Del Ritmo (Mexico maybe), yet they have that tripped out guitar sound down pretty well. Not sure if Los Vagos De Paramonga are any relation to Los Orientales, but they rip-off their song “Lobos Al Escape” in some new direction. Lastly, cumbia that seems politically topical is also quite common in this genre. Take the song Vietnam on the Do Re Mi label (Huayño acts tend to show up on this one). Although there is no real indication of why Los Pankis would have used that name for the song, I get a feeling that it’s possibly a Huayño view of the outside world - sympathetic view of the downtrodden? or something that might sell a record? Who knows? Asi, asi, asi!!!"

Available via Super Sonido

She died for our sins ...

Stray Cat Rock: Delinquent Girl Boss (1970)

Stray Cat Rock: Delinquent Girl Boss (1970) aka Nora-neko rokku: Onna banchô aka Female Juvenile Delinquent Leader: Stray Cat Rock

"Yasuharu Hasebe developed and directed this first installment in a five-film series dealing with the adventures of an all-girl motorcycle gang. Pop singer Akiko Wada heads the distaff bikers in this episode, with the gang involved in rigging boxing matches until the yakuza intervenes by killing Wada. Her assistant (Meiko Kaji) takes over the gang, which then gets revenge on the mobsters. Good-looking and fast-paced, this film and its sequels are typical of Nikkatsu Studios' slick output before they dedicated themselves to erotica as the decade progressed. Stray Cat Rock : Wild Jumbo (1970) and two more sequels followed later in the year."

Film available over here

Monday, October 11, 2010

The Lounge Legends play Mancini

The Lounge Legends play Mancini. Great compilation of Mancini tracks recorded by other artists.

Jack Costanzo - Peter Gunn Mambo

The Temple City Kazoo Orchestra - Sprach Kazoostra

The Temple City Kazoo Orchestra performs "Sprach Kazoostra" on kazoos live on national TV, 1979, LA, CA. Chaz Austin, spokesperson.

Do yourself a masochistic favor and listen to the orchestra do their version of Led Zeppelin's Whole Lotta Love. Better than the original.

Compleanno Felice, Maestro.

Happy 82nd birthday, Ennio Morricone. "Chi Mai" is one of my favorite of his pieces, so here it is with some pretty pictures.

Kostelecka Kureci

It takes a special friend to know that this sausage/liver paste from The Czech Republic would be the perfect gift to give someone. It came in a little aluminum cup styled container about 2.5 inches round and about 1/2 an inch thick. I opened it up and the paste smelled like cat poop. I did not eat it, but the aroma will stay with me forever. Do a little web surfing and you'll find it's still being sold. Buy yourself a can today! You'll be glad you did -- or not. Enjoy.

Is there a doctor in the house?

As of late, the looming illness that has been sucking the life from my body since my pre-teens took a turn for the worse. Two weeks ago, I ended up in the emergency room then was promptly transferred to a hospital room. I am deeper in debt yet I am alive.

At this point, I am not in the clear. No where near it…

I posted these items, these images for I adore vintage children's toys and stuff - but also as a homage to the doctors and nurses who helped me when no one else that I'd seen in the past (a "professional") - would.

Dolly's Nurse Kit {Hasbro/early-middle 1960s}


Little Play Nurse toy set {Transogram Company, Inc./1945}

Sunday, October 10, 2010

Raymond Scott - The Unexpected (1960)...but wait there's more!

Find this and many others here.

Waltz of the Diddles.

Go for the Scott, stay for the Spyro Gyra.

The Hammer and the Kitten

Fred Williamson and kitten. Playgirl 1973.
(Thanks to Dr. Manta)

Trio Shmeed

Yodel cha cha, yodel Dixieland, yodel polka, you'll spend many happy hours tormenting the neighbors with Trio Shmeed.

Yodel Cha Cha:

Deefeecult For You

Sigh. Life is good, thanks to my new Flickr pal who sent me these songs and graciously allowed me to share them.


Silly me, I thought the cut entitled "Private Ay-ay-ay" would be the keeper from the album by Chaquito and his Orchestra, but the REAL doozey is The Little Engine:

The Girl from Ipanema (Wyncote 1964)

A less than flattering introduction to the Wyncote label here.

Five to Four

find it @ Bongos/Flutes/Guitars

Saturday, October 09, 2010

Those were the days (inner sleeves)

Henry & Hazel Slaughter or the Hallelujah Joy Band for just one pound. Just cut out this coupon - a replacement bag will be sent.

1975 Ghost Busters

Hey kids, it's almost Halloween! And you know what that means! Head down to Woolco and get your Spencer, Tracy and Kong costumes before they're all gone!

Tell Us a Story, Uncle Jazzbeaux!

Have we all been good little hipsters lately? Great! Then Uncle Al "Jazzbeaux" Collins will tuck us all in, and tell us a hip bedtime story. Uncle Slim Gaillard is also on hand doing the all important Spanish translations-o'vouty, and Uncle Steve Allen provides the background music.

Thanks Flying Dutchman Records!

Have U Gone Bald Inside Your Head?

Nope, the inside of my head is still really hairy.

Good Bill's Street - Shep
Have U Gone Bald Inside Your Head? (1969)
From Red Telephone 66

Goofus - Cumberland Ridge Runners (circa 1932-35)

Who knew there was a cult of GOOFUS out there! People playing it on ukuleles, foxtrot versions, a band named after Goofus and of course -- hillbillies galore! There was a "Goofus Bird" the official insignia of GOOFUS CLUBS OF AMERICA. There's a reference to Goofus in the movie The Road To Singapore starring Bob Hope and Bing Crosby. When they arrived at their hut, Bing bounces on a creaky old bed, hits the mattress and proclaims... "Soft as goofus feathers"!

Also check out Red Nichols and His Five Pennies with their great version of Goofus.