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    • WTC Collapse Under Fresh Scrutiny After Explosive Dust Samples Found

      Evidence indicating that the collapse of the World Trade Center was a controlled demolition has been propelled back under the national spotlight following the University of Copenhagen’s announcement that dust obtained from the rubble of the twin towers contains evidence of highly explosive material.

      Ventura In heated 9/11 Truth Debate: WTC “Didn’t Collapse, It Exploded”

      Former Governor of Minnesota, ex-Navy SEAL and retired pro-wrestler Jesse Ventura raised some important unanswered questions regarding the 9/11 attacks in a heated exchange on national television yesterday.

      CBS Report On 9/11: Ground Level Explosion Caused WTC To Collapse

      Yet another 9/11 video that NIST tried to block from being released has emerged discussing bombs in the World Trade Center that led to the collapse of the twin towers, indicating once more that the organization attempted to preside over a cover-up to hide evidence of secondary explosives.

      U.S. Troops To Deal With Rioting Americans

      U.S. troops now being trained to boss communities and run local governments are being readied to oversee a post-collapse America in which riots and civil unrest similar to that now exploding in Europe over austerity measures and pension cuts ravage the United States and are met with the iron fist of a militarized police state.

      US Dollar Plunges, Gold Soars To New Record, Sold With $200+ Mark Ups

      The US dollar plunged once again today as the currency continues to be battered by increasingly substantial rumours that the Federal Reserve will announce, within the next three weeks, plans to buy $1 trillion of government debt in the form of “monetary easing”.

      Government Trains Troops To Run American Cities

      Local government officials are training active duty military soldiers to run communities, re-igniting fears that troops will be used to deal with civil unrest in the event of a total economic collapse or other national emergency in a newly militarized America.

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    Feature Stories

    Exclusive Interview: Lord Monckton Talks About NWO Master Plan

    Special interiview with Lord Christopher Monckton about Al Gore’s climate gate hoax, and the hidden Nwo objective behind it all.


    Exclusive Paul Craig Roberts Interview: Decline of The American Empire

    A special never before seen interview with economic expert Paul Craig Roberts.


    Thanks to All Our Supporters for Making the Infowars Moneybomb a Fantastic Success

    Alex Jones and crew would like to extend thanks to all who made the Infowars Moneybomb a great success. We can now move forward and take the Infowar to the next level. It would not have been possible without your support.


    Obama-Goldman Sachs Administration Sides with Banks on Foreclosure Moratorium

    It was predictable. Obama and his Goldman Sachs insiders have sided with Bank of America and JP Morgan on the growing call for a national moratorium on foreclosures. Obama has sided with the banksters against the American people. No surprise there.


    Scout in Mumbai attacks was DEA informant while in terror camp, authorities say

    Federal officials acknowledged Saturday that David Coleman Headley, the U.S. businessman who confessed to being a terrorist scout in the 2008 Mumbai attacks, was working as a Drug Enforcement Administration informant while training with terrorists in Pakistan.


    FBI warned years in advance of Mumbai attacker’s terror ties

    NBC news reports that US officials were warned not once but twice about a US businessman who was planning to launch terrorist attacks against targets in Mumbai. But unlike the first warning, the second was never passed on to the FBI.



    World News

    Chavez/Venezuela not the enemy

    RT sat down for an exclusive interview with Venezuelan President Hugo Chavez; most people in the United States view him as an enemy. Meanwhile, outside the US he is seen as a tremendous politician and a leader for the future. RT Contributor Wayne Madsen points out that the US media slams Chavez and that is why US citizens are receiving this anti Chavez propaganda.


    Gen. Hugh Shelton: Clinton Official Suggested Letting U.S. Plane Be Shot Down To Provoke War With Iraq

    In the publicity sheet that St. Martin’s Press has been sending out to spur interest in General Hugh Shelton’s new memoir, Without Hesitation: The Odyssey of an American Warrior, the last highlight is a doozy: “A high-ranking cabinet member suggests intentionally flying an American airplane on a low pass over Baghdad so as to guarantee it will be shot down, thus creating a natural excuse to reltaliate and go to war.”


    WikiLeaks and 9/11: What if?

    Frustrated investigators might have chosen to leak information that their superiors bottled up, perhaps averting the terrorism attacks.


    Support For War In Afghanistan At All Time Low

    American support for the war in Afghanistan has never been lower, according to the latest CNN polling. The low numbers just the latest figure in the complex math being calculated to determine how the US should proceed in the ten year war.


    ‘Black Jail’ Mystery: New abuse scandal points at secret US Afghan prison

    A U.S. report, based on interviews with former detainees, says Afghan prisoners were abused at a secret military detention centre in Afghanistan.


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    Moeny Watch

    Feds To Push Inflation As Economic Fix

    Two top Federal Reserve officials argued for further aggressive action by the central bank, with one saying the economy needs “much more” help and the other pointing to Japan’s painful lessons.


    ECB: No Really, We’re Going To Keep Printing Euros Like Crazy, Too!

    Euro leaders continue to fret that they’re losing the currency war — with the euro trading still at around $1.40 — and are desperate to convince the world that they’re happy to devalue their currency like everyone else.

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    Is The Congress About To Pass A Bailout, And Save The Banks From The Mortgage-Putback Crisis?

    It was a depressingly news-filled week for bankers on the mortgage front.


    Treasury 30-Year Yields Rise Most in 14 Months on Prospects for Inflation

    Treasury 30-year bonds tumbled, pushing yields to the biggest weekly increase since August 2009, on speculation that Federal Reserve efforts to spur the economy will reignite inflation.


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    Prison Planet

    Alan Watt: The Authoritarians Global Agenda

    Alex welcomes back the show New World Order researcher Alan Watt.

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    Fort Hood soldier ordered to delete video of rampage

    A US soldier who captured a deadly 2009 rampage at Fort Hood with his cell phone camera testified Friday that he was ordered to erase the video by his commanders.


    No Justice for All: Hand of law heavy in ‘Warfare State’?

    Only the richest Americans have access to adequate legal protection. That’s according to a recent report by an independent law group, which has slammed the U.S. for not providing justice for all. And as RT’s Priya Sridhar finds out, it’s only the tip of an un-constitutional iceberg.


    G20 protester barred from speaking to press as condition of bail

    A man accused of having incited violent protests at the G20 economic summit in Toronto last June has been subjected to what his lawyer describes as “staggering” bail conditions.


    Facebook ‘encourages to children to spread gossip and insults’

    Facebook, Twitter and Bebo are undermining children’s moral development by rewarding the use of “inneuendo, half-truth and insult”, according to a leading headmaster.


    The Most Important Insurance


    David Icke: The Nwo Network, A Spider’s Web of Interconnected Secret Societies

    Alex talks with icon, David Icke about the final endgame the globalist have for all of humanity, and how we can fight back against them.

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    Gerald Celente: We’re Living on Borrowed Time

    Gerald Celente has been forecasting trends worldwide since 1980, delivering concise, deployable success strategies and publishing the Trends Journal.


    DHS Issued Memo Admitting Mexican Narco Assassins Operate in Arizona

    On Friday, Pinal County, Arizona, Sheriff Paul Babeu released part of the memo he received from the Department of Homeland Security. The memo warns about assassins crossing the border from the narco state of Mexico and killing anybody in the United States who interferes with the trafficking of drugs by the cartels.


    The War on Terror: What’s It All About?

    Does anyone remember the “cakewalk war” that would last six weeks, cost $50-$60 billion, and be paid for out of Iraqi oil revenues?


    Prison Members
    Can Watch Fall Of The Republic Online Now - Don't Miss Out! Get Your Subscription Today!


    George Noory Calls in during The Alex Jones 2010 Moneybomb Marathon

    Host of the huge Coast To Coast radio show, George Noory, drops in to discuss the important issues of the day.


    Max Keiser: The Trifecta of Fraud

    Alex Welcomes back economic analyst Max Keiser to the show.

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    Full 27-Hour Money Bomb Special Now Available For Prison Subscribers!

    The jam-packed 27-hour Money Bomb special featuring never before seen interviews with Paul Craig Roberts, Katherine Austin Fitts, Lord Christopher Monckton, Sherri Tenpenny, Jeffrey Smith, Rev. Clenard Childress, Alan Watt, and others is now available for Prison subscribers for download.


    Get Alex Jones' Latest Movie Releases; Bilderberg Extras & Reflections and Warnings! CLICK HERE TO WATCH NOW!


    Sci tech

    Bill Clinton back out campaigning ‘for everybody that helped Hillary run for president’ against Obama

    Speculation about Hillary Clinton’s continued presidential ambitions is rife. Husband Bill is back on the campaign trail, offering thanks to those who backed her in 2008 – and laying the foundations for another try in 2016.


    Lou Dobbs: Who Does Our Government Work For?

    Alex welcomes back the show former CNN host Lou Dobbs.


    Ron Paul: Government Prevents the Correction

    On Thursday, Congressman Paul was interviewed on Fox Business concerning government spending and waste.


    Sci tech

    Time, like all good things, may come to an end, study says

    The end of the world as we know it cannot be avoided, but it can be predicted, according to a group of astrophysicists who see a 50 percent chance of the final countdown ending in 3.7 billion years.


    MIT Warmist Throws in the Towel! ‘Global warming not worth the fight

    ‘Costs of mitigating climate exceed benefits’ — ‘There is little point in surrendering our national economy to green adventures’.


    Royal Society Humiliated by Global Warming Basic Math Error

    Top international experts prove British numbers on carbon dioxide are wrong. Royal Society blunder grossly exaggerates climate impact.


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