It’s Tax Time Again – Update

Posted May 16, 2009 by Brian
Categories: America, Pay for the Vaseline and bend over, Singapore

Just got my revised tax bill. There was an error and I’m sorry if I misled you in my previous post. There I stated that my tax liability for the year was S$52.00. After the recalculation, it was actually S$14.93.


Peace be with you.

It’s Tax Time Again!

Posted April 6, 2009 by Brian
Categories: America, Pay for the Vaseline and bend over

Yeah, I know, I wasn’t going to post anymore. But the tax time post is something of a tradition here so I will say a few words.

As usual, I received my 200+ page federal income tax manual from the US. Anyone who can actually understand it or even tries to gets an extra 10,000 points.

Here in Singapore it was a little different. My employer filed my income and deductions electronically so all I had to do was log into the tax portal and verify that those numbers were correct. Then I hit the submit button.

Done. Tax filing complete. Took about 3 minutes. Oh, and BTW, my total tax liability for the year was an excruciatingly burdensome $52.00.

Enjoy your filing. Hope you meet the deadline.

Bye Gang, its been a gas

Posted March 13, 2009 by Brian
Categories: Blogs/Blogroll

After about 4 years and lots of posts, I’m gonna leave the blogsphere. Just don’t have the time anymore. I’ll leave the blog up for a while because it gets a lot of hits on a few of my past posts and pics.

I’ve cyber-met many wonderful people here, Libby, the Fogg man, Bob Rini and a dozen or so others and I’ll still check in with them from time to time. And I’ve had a lot of fun.

This is therapy for many of us. A way to yell and scream out our points of view to a world that seems to no longer listen or care. We see the injustice every day, many of us do, but the injustice never seems to change. It just gets worse.

I wish our new president all the luck in the world, but I really don’t think it makes any difference who sits in that office from one election to the next. The real power stays in the background, manipulating the money supply and selling out the country for profit.

Between them and the horrific environmental deterioration we face, I pretty much think future generations are doomed.

I’m busy now, but soon I will retire, spend more time enjoying my kids and grandkids, and just sit back and watch it play out for as long as I have left.

Like it says in my header, I’m just along for the ride.

Peace be with you.


Runaround Sue

Posted February 10, 2009 by Brian
Categories: Music

I’m sticking to the guy greats tonite. If your as old as I am, close your eyes and remember what you were doing when this song was hot. While the video shows an older, very subdued audience, we 12 and 13 year olds were rockin and rollin to this, dancing far and close, trying to steal a feel and gettin’ crazy to this wonderful beat. Dion and the Belmonts followed this super tune up with The Wanderer. Good times.

America: Today

Posted February 10, 2009 by Brian
Categories: America, Entertainment, Music

Neil Diamond was just  honored for a spectacular career. He is deserving. My favorite performance, though there are many, was singing America in the movie, The Jazz Singer. Timely and inspirational. If you haven’t seen the film, see it. Enough said.

The Great Del Shannon

Posted February 10, 2009 by Brian
Categories: Music

26 years after his super hit, Runaway, he appeared on Letterman to sing this classic song and he still sounded great. Paul is jazzed to the max and watch him get into the short keyboard solo. Good stuff from a great old rocker.

WTF Mr. President?

Posted February 4, 2009 by Brian
Categories: Corrupton, Government, Politics

I’ve supported you from the beginning of the campaign. Just WTF are you and your people doing nominating not one, not two, but three high level people without checking out their tax liabilities. Or did you check them out and think that we wouldn’t care? A bunch of fucking already rich people who cheat on their taxes and you didn’t check that all out before you selected them? This is CHANGE?

No. This is fucking Washington business as usual. You’re right. You fucked up. We’ve had enough of presidents fucking up. Get better and get better quick. Or you won’t last past 4 years. You made promises. Keep them. Or join the ranks of all the other big talk lying politicians that we’ve gotten used to.

They’re jumping out of windows again

Posted January 30, 2009 by Brian
Categories: America, Idiocy, Life in the Big City, recession

The suicides have begun. But with a modern, 21st century difference.

In 1929-30 businessmen who lost everything in the stock market crash were jumping out of windows to their deaths. Maybe back then, every family didn’t stockpile guns. Today it’s different. The murder/suicide of a family of 4 in Ohio whose mother and father had both lost their jobs. The murder/suicide of a family of 7 in LA who were awash in dept. All shot.

Back in the depression, broke businessmen just killed themselves. Today they take the whole family with them.

Progress in America.

Chinese New Year 2009 Singapore

Posted January 23, 2009 by Brian
Categories: Just For Fun, Singapore

Last night we visited the chaotic but wonderful shops and displays set up in Chinatown to welcome in the year of the bull. Here you see the Rats from last year escorting in the Bulls for this year. If you want to see all of the pics, I have them posted on Facebook here. Gong Xi Fa Cai everyone!


Worthy of a post

Posted January 21, 2009 by Brian
Categories: America, Government, History, Human rights, Politics, justice, spirit


At the very least. After decades of mediocrity, it seems that America has chosen the right and the best man for the job. I feel like, overnight, I became proud to be an American again. And I don’t think I’m alone. His words, his demeanor, his very presence just screams sound leadership.

As Bush slinked away like the wounded badger he is, Obama grabbed the reins of the huge, crazed but sickly bull that is America. Can he stay in the saddle and control this beast? Only time will tell. But hope abounds around the globe that he can and will.

They all say it, but this is truly the beginning of a new era. I believe Obama and his associates are up to the task. I hope the American people are, too.