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Hartlik welkom by my webtuiste.

Wat ‘n voorreg om te mag toetree tot ‘n bedryf wat verweef is met talentvolle kunstenaars. ‘n Platvorm waar ek nog soveel gaan leer en myself kan slyp tot ‘n kunstenaar wat ook eendag ‘n rol kan speel vir ander opkomende kunstenaars.

Graag deel ek ‘n paar woorde met jou, om iets van myself te vertel, asook wat die bron van inspirasie is vir die musiek waarvoor ek so lief is. Ek is twintig jaar oud en is passievol, opgewonde om die taal van lirieke en melodie te kan sing. Musiek is ‘n taal wat almal verstaan. Ek kan luister, saamsing en deel in die vreugde wat musiek bring. Ek waardeer verskillende genres – maar wil graag iets nuuts mark toe bring, n kombinasie van genres wat ek waardeer.

Ek het die voorreg gehad om op ‘n plaas teen die Vaaldam groot te word, waar ek al die wonders van grond, plant en dier as deel van die Skepping beleef en geleef het.

Gelukkig het ek al vroeg in my lewe besef hoeveel voorregte die mens het. Deur alles word ek gedurig daaraan herinner. Uit dankbaarheid is dit vir my so lekker om die talente wat ek ontvang het, my liefde vir musiek en my sang te gebruik tot eer van my Skepper.

Ek woon naby Krugersdorp by my ma. Ons het ‘n wonderlike verhouding en ek is bevoorreg om haar as ‘n ondersteuningsmodel in hierdie tyd in my lewe te mag hê. Krugersdorp is goed geleë tussen die opname ateljee in Midrand (MMX Studio) waar my debuut cd opgeneem word en Centurion waar ek tans sang en drama opleiding ontvang.


P.S. Ek sal graag van jou wil hoor. Skryf gerus jou boodskappie op my facebook page se muur.

Jasmyn on facebook


17 Mei 2010

Jasmyn shines abroad

The time has come, the excitement rises and the event is called EUROVISION 2010. It is a priviledge for a S.A artist to be part of an event of that stature. It is this music competition, that gave legendaries, such as Celine Dion and ABBA the platform to success.

It all started when the S.A representative of EUROVISION, Mr. Roy van der Merwe, met Jasmyn and realised the potential in her vocal abilities, her looks and her personality.

Mr. Van der Merwe, who is an expert on world music, proclaimed that Jasmyn is the "whole package" and has the potential to be a singing star world wide. Jasmyn favoured some of the winning songs from different European countries. Afrikaans lyrics were written to the music of some of the winning songs. Babara Dex sang a winning song from Belgium in 1993. Jasmyn wrote Afrikaans lyrics for that special song, with the title, Iemand soos jy. Jasmyn fell in love with the winning song from Poleland 2009 as sung by Lidia Kopania, I don't wanna leave. The Afrikaans title of that song, Altyd saam, is doing very well for her in S.A. As we speak, the Afrikaans songs are displayed at the EUROVISION 2010 in OSLO. The reviews are fantastic at the S.A Fan stand.

Elisabeth Andreassen, from Norway, the host at this year's event, was the Norwegian winner of 1996, with the song, Eternity. A very special gift from South Africa will be handed to her by Mr. Roy van der Merwe. It is a copy of the song done in Afrikaans, with the title, Tapeserie. Jasmyn is very excited and greatfull for the positive response. She is looking forward to the future and all the exciting possibilities to come. Jasmyn insisted on thanking some people: " I would like to thank Roy van der Merwe and Elsje Laqueva, who makes it possible for S.A artists to be part of such a fantastic event."

Who would have thought that a twenty year old, upcoming artist of South Africa can create such a "rumble" in the European countries?! We are proud of the youth in our country,that lives their dream and motivate others to do the same. You are welcome to listen to her angel voice here on her website by making use of the flash mp3 player at the top of the page.