
Lord Astor e Seu Conjunto - E Danca (1961) (8) comments

Wednesday, September 23, 2009 by

Hello, good evening! I am very close to finish an important work to Loronix and also a key effort to bring some relief to the financial problems I'm facing this year. I would love to make the announcement now, but I need some final and necessary adjustments. It is only a matter of days, days of hard work by the way. Meanwhile, I would leave you in with a great record of one of the most important Brazilian instrumentalist, Astor Silva, the legendary trombonist and arranger recording with a fake name of Lord Astor. Let's see.

This is Lord Astor e Sua Conjunto - E Danca (1961), for Imperial, the legendary Odeon door sales subsidiary. We know Imperial uses to reissue Odeon albums with another presentation, but so far I could not identify which original Astor Silva release this album belongs. This cover was also used on another Imperial release, Mike Falcao e Seu Conjunto - No Embalo do Samba (1966), which is Walter Wanderley recording with this fake name. Anyway, better stay with the outstanding Astor Silva playing leading a Conjunto -- credited by mistake as an orchestra -- of unknown musicians. Tracks include:

01 - Agora É Cinza (Alcebíades Barcelos "Bide" / Armando "Marçal")
02 - A Noite do Meu Bem (Dolores Duran)
03 - Copacabana (João de Barro / Alberto Ribeiro)
04 - Fita Amarela (Noel Rosa)
05 - Oh Carol (H. Greefield / Neil Sedaka)
06 - Stardust (H. Carmichael / Parish)
07 - Este Seu Olhar (Tom Jobim)
08 - Feitiço da Vila (Noel Rosa / Vadico)
09 - Dindi (Tom Jobim / Aloysio de Oliveira)
10 - The Diary (Neil Sedaka / Greenfield)
11 - Eu Sei Que Vou Te Amar (Tom Jobim / Vinicius de Moraes)
12 - Laura (J. Mercer / D. Raksin)

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Hello, good evening! And thanks Moos for writing. Loronix was on hiatus for almost two weeks and things were really strange down here. My health has been stable; it was only a matter of accumulated work. I've been working as freelance since January and two websites I was making for my customers reached the final development stage in the last days, all together. Weird time of very hard work. I will keep the community informed as soon as the result of these engagements gets on-line. Who knows someone needs a website and hires me, helping also Loronix. Let's see.

This is Pernambuco e Seu Conjunto - Em Ritmo de Danca (1957), for Polydor, with the well know pistonist Pernambuco delivering piano playing backed by a Conjunto, surprisingly credited by Polydor. This is not the first Pernambuco album at Loronix and you should not take by mistake the percussionist Pernambuco do Pandeiro, also active during the 1950's. Pernambuco was also in charge of arrangements and some organ playing. The conjunto brings important musicians, such like the bassist Luis Marinho and the legendary Brazilian guitarrist Bandeirante. Tracks include:


(piano, organ, arrangements)
Luis Marinho
Sylvio (Tancredi?)
(electric guitar)
Pinocchio, Gilberto

Track List

01 - Pois e (Ataulpho Alves)
02 - You're Sensational (Cole Porter)
03 - O Menino Grande (Antonio Maria)
04 - El Cubanchero (Rafael Hernandez)
05 - Historia de un Amor (Carlos Almaran)
06 - Requebrando (Mario Teresopolis / Guido Medina)
07 - Kalu (Humberto Teixeira)
08 - Tea for Two (Irving Caesar / Vincent Youmans)
09 - Ginga de Urubu (Pernambuco)
10 - Folha Morta (Ary Barroso)
11 - Begin the Beguine (Cole Porter)
12 - Forro no Limoeiro (Edgar Ferreira)

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Hello, good evening! I had today my great nephew Pedro with me throughout the whole preparation process of this album. We made everything together, including the vinyl washing, transfer, cover scanning, processing and the Google searches to gather information about. Pedro was amazed with the fact this album was from 1956, which is something hard to believe for such a young person. He got really amazed with the results, the 10-inch format and even collaborated with the research, bringing us relevant music facts from 1956, as follows:

15/mar - Birth of Oswaldo Montenegro (Brazilian singer and composer).
15/mar - First run of My Fair Lady musical, New York, US.
28/mar - Birth of Zizi Possi (Brazilian singer).
15/jun - John Lennon is introduced to Paul McCartney.
05/nov - Passing of Art Tatum (American pianist).
14/Nov - Birth of Almir Satter (Brazilian singer, composer and instrumentalist).

...and he could also gather Ribamar birth in 09-dec-1919 and his passing, 06-set-1987. Thanks Pedro. Let's see.

This is Ribamar - Dancando com Ribamar e Seu Conjunto (1956), for Columbia, featuring the first LP recorded by Ribamar and his third album available at Loronix, which is a very small amount. Ribamar was a very important musician and composer. He made a very famous duo with the Tito Madi, being also a frequent composition partner of Dolores Duran. Dancando com Ribamar e Seu Conjunto features Ribamar playing his first instrument, the accordion. Such like many other accordion players, Ribamar adopted the piano as soon the bossa nova was birth. The repertoire features a blending of Brazilian and international tunes; including two compositions written by Trio Surdina members, Chiquinho do Acordeon, Fafa Lemos and the legendary Garoto. Musicians were not credited by Columbia. Tracks include.

01 - Dó Ré Mi (Fernando César)
02 - É Tão Sublime o Amor (Love Is a Many Splendored Thing) (Paul Francis Webster / S. Fain)
03 - Autumn In Rome (Weston / S. Cahn / Cicognini)
04 - Insinuando (José Scarambone)
05 - Duas Vidas (Ribamar / Esdras Pereira da Silva)
06 - Stranger In Paradise (R. Wright / G. Forrest)
07 - Mambinho (Garoto / Chiquinho do Acordeom)
08 - Nós Três (Chiquinho do Acordeom / Garoto / Fafá Lemos)

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Hello, good evening! I spent a lot of energy trying to make a nice transfer of this beautiful and important album. Unfortunately, the outcome was a little behind the others. Violao solo albums are always difficult to transfer. Sometimes the silence is part of the music and any imperfection becomes easily audible. However, this is an above the average violao only album, recorded by one of the most influent Brazilian violao players, Dilermando Reis. Let's see.

This is Dilermando Reis - Sua Majestade o Violao (1957), for Continental, his 12-inch LP, featuring fascinating Dilermando Reis renditions of classical tunes on side A and Brazilian popular music on side B. I cannot decide which side I like most, but track 05 - Noturno Nº 2 Opus 10 (Frederic Chopin) really made my mind today and it is my choice on our preview feature, available just before the download links. Tracks include:

01 - Malagueña (Ernesto Lecuona)
02 - Pavana (Francisco Tárrega)
03 - Clair de Lune (Debussy)
04 - Romanza (Schumann)
05 - Noturno Nº 2 Opus 10 (Frederic Chopin)
06 - Se Ela Perguntar (Dilermando Reis / Jair Amorim)
07 - Romance de Amor (Vicente Gomes)
08 - Índia (José Asunción Flores / Manuel Ortiz Guerrero)
09 - Foi Bôto Sinhá (Waldemar Henrique / Antônio Tavernard)
10 - Araguaia (Dilermando Reis)
11 - Marcha Triunfal Brasileira (Benedito Chaves)

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Hello, good evening! Here we go with the third volume of this long series of eleven albums called "Na Onda" recorded by this unique Brazilian musician, the trombonist, conductor, arranger and composer Ed Maciel, requested by many Loronix's friends. Na Onda is a rather curious series. The value proposition is based on popular music and popular albums. However, these albums are really hard to find. It is not a matter of commercial failure since the series would never reach eleven albums. Let's see.

This is Ed Maciel e Sua Orquestra - Na Onda Volume 3 (1967), for London, the third out of eleven albums recorded by Ed Maciel and his orchestra, mainly music for dance, very similar to the albums released by Maestro Erlon Chaves’ Banda Veneno Internacional on those nice years. Ed Maciel made a large contribution to Brazilian instrumental music, but little is available about him, except his entry at Enciclopedia Instrumental Brasileira, available through this link. Tracks include:

01 - Namoradinha de Um Amigo Meu (Roberto Carlos)
02 - Winchester Cathedral (G. Stephens)
03 - See You In September (S. Wayne / S. Edwards)
04 - Gatinha Manhosa (Erasmo Carlos / Roberto Carlos)
05 - Tijuana Taxi (B. Coleman)
06 - Meu Limão Meu Limoeiro (Tradicional)
07 - Cheveux Longs Idées Courtes (J. Halliday / G. Thibaut)
08 - La Poupée Qui Fait Non (M. Polnareff / F. Gérard)
09 - I've Got You Under My Skin (Cole Porter)
10 - Trini's Tune (T. Lopez / L. Kusik)
11 - Black Is Black (M. Grainger / S. Wadey / T. Hayes / Adpt. G. Aber)
12 - Got To Get You Into My Life (John Lennon / Paul McCartney)

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Henrique Simonetti - Panorama Musical (1956) (6) comments

Saturday, August 08, 2009 by

Hello, good evening! I got amazed when I found this album for an unbelievable price last weekend. It was filed on those generic shelves of "everything for R$ 1", which is something strange. This is an important album, it is the first album recorded by one of the most influential record companies in Brazil, RGE. Let's see.

This is Henrique Simonetti - Panorama Musical (1956), for RGE, the first album released by RGE, featuring Maestro Simonetti arrangements for six Brazilian tunes. Just in case you missed, Maestro Simonetti is an Italian musician that came to Brazil in 1941 and became an influential artist until his departure back to his homeland in the mid 1960's. RGE kindly delivers personnel listing with some surprises, including Maestros Waldomiro Lemke and Silvio Tancredi on bass and piano and a surprising participation of Zito Righi at clarinet, credited as Leonardo Righi, which is his real name. Tracks include:


Enrico Simonetti
(arrangements, direction)

Clemente Capella, Osvaldo Sbarro, Loris Pinheiro, Hugo di Franco, Roin Peller, Antonio Gianelli, Samuel Gegna, Alfredo Vidal, Dante Migliori, Gino Alfonsi
Luiz Valori, Frederico Capella
Johanes Olsner, Bela Mori
Waldomiro Lemke
Heinz Muller
Salvador Cortese
Leonardo Righi
Silvio Tancredi

Track List

01 - Maringá (Joubert de Carvalho)
02 - Eu Sem Maria (Dorival Caymmi / Alcyr Pires Vermelho)
03 - Saudades de Matão (Antenógenes Silva / Raul Torres)
04 - Fim de Semana Em Paquetá (João de Barro / Alberto Ribeiro)
05 - Guacyra (Hekel Tavares / Juraci Camargo)
06 - Feitio de Oração (Noel Rosa / Vadico)

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Hello, good evening! If you read my texts since Loronix beginning, you should agree with me that I don't often say that an album is very rare and very hard to find. However, there are exceptions. I never had the chance to see this album before. I made also a careful research on the Internet to find info about this one, especially a cover picture, because my original is rather damaged. The cover is breaking; almost turn dust in my hands. I got pleased when I found a recent photo of Celso Murilo. Let's see.

This is Celso Murilo, Orgao e Ritmo - Ritmos na Passarela (1961), for the tiny and legendary Pawal label. It is nice to know that he is alive and making music. This link shows Celso Murilo in the city of Caxambu, southeast of Minas Gerais state. I love that region. Getting back to business -- I'm having concentration problems today -- this is the second Celso Murilo career LP, they were all released in the same year and for the same label. It is likely that we have the same musicians who participated in the third album, Mr. Ritmo, in this session. Celso Murilo is just Joao Gilberto favorite organist. Period. You cannot miss this one to agree with Joao Gilberto. Ritmos na Passarela is delicious to here and very well played by not credited musicians. Tracks include:

01 - Poema do Adeus (Luis Antônio)
02 - Look For Star (M. Antony)
03 - Fiz o Bobão (Haroldo Barbosa / Luis Reis)
04 - Cariñito (Humberto Garin)
05 - Falsa Baiana (Geraldo Pereira)
06 - Harlem Nocturne (Hagen)
07 - Chora Tua Tristeza (Oscar Castro Neves / Luvercy Fiorini)
08 - Palhaçada (Haroldo Barbosa / Luis Reis)
09 - Chá-chá-chá na Passarela (Celso Pereira)
10 - Se Você Disser Que Sim (Luis Bandeira)
11 - Quem Manda na Minha Vida (Herivelto Martins / Raul Sampaio)
12 - Se Meu Apartamento Falasse (Charles Williams)

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This is another solid listen provided by one of the most fantastic friends I have the change to meet with Loronix. Let me stand up first before saying this name, Caetano Rodrigues. Just follow this link and be amazed with loads and loads of rare and impossible to find music provided by Caetano.

It is important and an act of respect that all music provided by Caetano Rodrigues be available to the community, and that's the reason why this album is being reposted in the first page. I'm also missing Caetano's valuable advice; I learned a lot with Caetano. Anyway, this is also an album that everybody cries for a rebirth. That's what I had to say. I will keep my 2007 words below with some modifications.

Here we go on Caetano's international release of the day, actually it is quite a mistake of mine to tag a Toots Thielemans album recorded with Brazilian artists as international. Toots Thielemans has a great identification with the music from Brazil, being here several times of his life, recorded a wonderful album with Elis Regina, performed with several other renowned Brazilian artists, such as Rosinha de Valenca, Sivuca, among others.

This is Toots Thielemans - The Brazil Project Vol. 2 (1993), for Private Music, featuring Toots Thielemans harmonica and Luiz Bonfa, Eliane Elias, Dorival Caymmi, Djavan, Milton Nascimento, Caetano Veloso, among others. Personnel listing explain why this record is considered a "project". I did not have muscles to type, how big it is. Another self-explanatory release. Thanks Caetano Rodrigues for showing this album to Loronixers. Tracks include:

The Performers
Caetano Veloso

Chico Buarque

Dori Caymmi

Edu Lobo

Eliane Elias

Gilberto Gil

Ivan Lins

João Bosco

Luiz Bonfá

Milton Nascimento
Oscar Castro Neves

Paulinho da Costa

Ricardo Silveira


Toots Thielemans
(harmonica, main performer)

Lee Ritenour, Oscar Castro Neves, Ricardo Silveira
Mark Isham
Cassio Duarte, Bira Hawal, Jose Roberto, Paulinho da Costa
Mark Bromberg, Nico Assumpcao, Marc Johnson
Steve Schaeffer, Teo Lima
Eliane Elias, Dave Grushin
John Clark
(French Horn)
Gilson Peranzzetta, Mike Lang, Ivan Lins
Luiz Bonfa, Dori Caymmi, Gilberto Gil, Caetano Veloso, Joao Bosco, Capinan
Eugene Friesen

Track List

01 - Ce
02 - Choro Bandido
03 - Retrato em Branco e Preto
04 - Obsession
05 - Travessia
06 - Flora
07 - Unconditional Love
08 - Papel Mache
09 - O Futebol
10 - Linda (Voce e Linda)
11 - One Note Samba
12 - Oceano
13 - Samba de Orfeu

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Hello, good evening! From the winter of Rio de Janeiro, I would like to challenge Loronix community to identify two things here. The first is the name of this renowned musician, and the second is the place behind him. This is a extremely easy challenge and the first to provide both answers using comment section wins a Rapidshare one-month Premium account. A hi-res version is also available here. Get the chance!

Hope uEnjoy!

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Moacir Santos - Opus 3 NO. 1 (1968) (9) comments

Friday, July 24, 2009 by

Hello, good evening! Perhaps, good morning! I do not know. I am writing this text without any aid of the Internet, which according to the service provider will only be back in 36 hours due a broken fiber optic cable somewhere close to my place. When living in Copacabana, these things do not happen, or when it happens, were immediately corrected. It is quite different to write about such important musician and album with no Internet to help me. Anyway, everything you are reading is coming by the old fashioned way where knowledge was the one available where your hands or your eyes reach. Let's see.

This is Moacir Santos - Opus 3 NO. 1 (1968), for Discovery (USA), kindly provided in FLAC by my new friend MCR (which is only a temporary nickname before I get his accordance of a name). Thanks MRC, Opus 3 NO. 1 is a missing piece at Moacir Santos discography available at Loronix and if I'm not wrong, it was recorded in 1968, and issued on in 1978, ten years before the studio sessions. This is Moacir Santos playing his own creations and singing, backed by renowned musicians, which includes an amazing participation of the legendary Chaim Lewak at the piano, as available on personnel listing, also provided by MCR. Tracks include:


Moacir Santos
(arrangements, baritone sax, voice)
Don Menza
(tenor sax)
Joe Pass
Clare Fischer
Ray Pizzi
(alt sax)
Chaim Lewak
Oscar Brashear
John Heard, Bob Saraiva
Bill Henderson
(electric piano)
Frank Rosolino
Bill Hood
Jerry Redmond
Joao Donato
Frank Ponti, Alicia Rodrigues

Track List

01 - Adriana (Opus 3 Nº 1) (Moacir Santos) featuring Deborah Tompkins
02 - Evocative (Moacir Santos)
03 - What If (Moacir Santos / Y. Cotti)
04 - A Riddle (C. Berg)
05 - Make Mine Blue (Moacir Santos / Y. Cotti)
06 - The Wind Is Rising (Moacir Santos / Y. Cotti)
07 - Love Is a Happening Thing (Moacir Santos / Y. Cotti)
08 - Off And On (Moacir Santos / Y. Cotti)
09 - Pinnacle (M. Benson)
10 - Coisa Nº 6 (Moacir Santos)

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