The Saskatchewan Federation of Labour represents over 95,000 members, from 37 national and international unions. Our affiliate membership belongs to over 700 locals throughout the province. The SFL has a proud history of providing support for union members and for all workers in Saskatchewan. We serve as Saskatchewan's "voice of labour" in speaking on local, provincial, national and international issues. The SFL supports the principles of social unionism; therefore we struggle for social and economic justice for all.





Find out what's new with Saskatchewan's Voice of Labour.


  Check out our latest photos from rallies, gatherings,   schools, camp, etc.
   click on camera....



SFL Occupational Health & Safety Conference
"Be Ye Steadfast"
September 12 - 14, 2010
click here for full brochure and registration....

Bob Sass - SFL Occupational Health and Safety Award
click here for more information....



Labour Day Family Picnic -Monday, September 6, 2010
click here for more information....


PETITION - Minimum Wage Training Recommendation

click here for copy of petition
Please print off and get signatures!!


click here for brochure....


Click on banner for more information....


environmental exposure

to breast cancer prevention (by Sean Griffin)

click here for document....


New CLC Brochure!
(Click on image for brochure)



Click on image for more information....

Pregnancy, Parenting and the Workplace Handbook
A new guide has been created to help employers and employees understand pregnancy and parental rights in the workplace. Produced by the Saskatchewan Human Rights Commission in partnership with other agencies, Pregnancy, Parenting and the Workplace covers human rights, labour standards, employment insurance benefits and the accommodation of family needs. This “one-stop” source of information answers common questions such as "Can I be refused a job because I’m pregnant?” and "How do I apply for parental benefits?" Free copies of the guide are available from the Saskatchewan Human Rights Commission and Saskatchewan Labour, or click on this cover to see PDF version.


Click on image for website....

Share Your Child Care Story

The evidence is in: having access to affordable and quality child care services is important. It is important for children, families, communities and even the economy. In spite of this evidence, multiple reports confirm that Canada has the weakest child care services among developed countries.  Behind the research, behind the evidence and behind the facts are stories – your stories. Stories from families, early childhood educators and so many others who are experiencing the current situation as well as stories from those who have hopes and dreams for a better future for child care in Canada.

On Mother ’s Day the Child Care Advocacy Association of Canada (CCAAC) launched a campaign to collect your stories to be more broadly shared, in the hope that they will inspire action across the country to build quality, affordable, accessible and inclusive child care services.  

Please, share your story! Visit and tell us why Canada needs child care and please pass along this message and website address to anyone else who has a story to tell about child care!


Check out our new SFL Brochure...

"Unions are Workers STANDING TOGETHER"
Click here....


Get your own personal copy of the Labour History Book:

A History of Labour People in Saskatchewan"

Copies available at the SFL office for a great price of $10.00!!


Make Poverty History Campaign

Click on banner to go to website


Union Made Directory

(products, goods and services supplied by Saskatchewan Unionized workers)

Click here for list

NOTE: We are working towards a more comprehensive list - if you have information to add please contact Debbie at the SFL office 525-0197 or

Unionized Printers
Click here for list

Unionized Musicians
AFM Local 446 (Regina) -
AFM Local 553 (Saskatoon)






Contact Us
Saskatchewan Federation of Labour
# 220, 2445 13th Avenue
Regina, Saskatchewan S4P 0W1

Phone # (306) 525-0197
Fax # (306) 525-8960

© Copyright 2004 Saskatchewan Federation of Labour - Regina, Saskatchewan CANADA,
All rights reserved