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AW@Ler Alex Hundert Released from Prison: Press Conference Jan 31st

G20 Defendant Alex Hundert Released from Prison, Actions of Crown Widely Condemned

January 28, 2010, Toronto - After having spent three consecutive months in jail without trial, G20 defendant Alex Hundert was released from the Toronto West Detention Centre on January 24th.

His release came after he signed a plea bargain with the Crown that he was guilty of being in breach of his “no protest condition” for being present during one portion of the panel at Ryerson University. The plea found him not guilty of breach for speaking on a panel at Laurier University, nor did the plea establish that speaking on a panel was equivalent to a public demonstration.

AW@L Radio -2011-01-21 - Poverty Still Makes Us Sick

As the liberal government in Ontario continue their attacks on the poor, anti-poverty activists in KW are rallying the community to support each other and fight austerity!

Protect the Special Diet Allowance, Raise the Rates and Promote Access to Healthy Food for Everyone!

The Ministry of Community and Social Services says "some people will stop getting an allowance". We say this is unacceptable!

Interviews with Kitchener-Waterloo Based anti-poverty activists Ian and Alison of the SPOT Collective and AW@L.


AW@L Radio - 2011-01-14 - Jailhouse Interview with Alex and the ARA confronts Racists and racist Zionists (and more!!)

Friday January 14th 2011 - We one up last weeks show by actually having Alex's voice as we look at the racist, xenophobic and anti-immigrant bill C-49, communities of support and unity, and environmental destruction on the west coast and in the north (and the strong Indigenous resistance to any more of it).

All that and more on this edition of AW@L Radio!

“Stop Bill C-49!” Info night and Letter Writing for Detained Tamil Migrants.

As Canadian members of parliament are set to return to work after their winter break, Bill C-49 – the conservative government’s anti-refugee bill, will be reintroduced and voted upon. We need to mobilize support, tell the ruling government that we oppose their xenophobic regulations, and show the migrants from Tamil Eelam who arrived aboard the MV Sun Sea, that Harper and his race and incarceration based policies are not values we hold dear in the Waterloo Region.

AW@L Radio - 2011-01-07 - 2010 Victory Recap, Migrant Justice, Gaza Youth, Alex, and More!

Friday January 7th 2011 - Two pieces from Coast Salish based Harsha Walia start the show, including a 2010 victory recap, and a timely piece on migrant justice. The first G20 report of 2011 with Alex's words from jail. Updates on Barriere Lake, a cuss filled statement from Gaza Youth, and the continuing debacle around the Oscar Grant murders 2 years ago.

AW@L Radio - 2010-12-31 - Presents: Strengthening Our Resolve - The "contraband" WLU Tapes.

This is the recording of "Strengthening our resolve after the G20: Movement building and ongoing resistance to the G20 agenda", which was a panel discussion which took place at the WLU faculty of social work on September 17th 2010.

Full Tape:

Part 1 - Alex and Humera:

Part 2 - Lindsay and Ojistar:yo:

Part 3 - Harsha Walia:

Jailed G20 Defendant Alex Hundert’s Breach Trial Set for Monday, January 31, 2011

December 21, 2010: TORONTO, MISSISSAUGA NEW CREDIT—Jailed G20 defendant Alex Hundert will be starting trial on January 31, 2011 over allegations that his participation in University panel discussions in September this year contravened his bail condition to not participate in public demonstrations. Since the G20, Hundert has been forced to spend some 120 days in jail without going to trial for original charge of alleged “conspiracy” or any of the subsequent charges the Crown laid on him.

AW@L Radio - 2010-12-17 - Julian and Alex, Continued Targeting and Ongoing Criminalization.

Friday December 17th 2010 - Julian Ichim joins us for a discussion about security state targeting of communities of resistance and alternatives. We present a G20 update (including Waterloo regional police's prior knowledge to the "5 metre" rule)and hop into a report about the Barriere Lake protest among other news updates.

We also present a jailhouse interview with AW@L Radio co-host alex hundert by super-correspondent dawn paley.

AW@L Radio - 2010-12-10 - COPing out on Climate Change, G20 Update, and the Patriarchal Defenses of mr Assange.

Friday December 10th 2010 - A big G20 update with the ombudsman report and updates on past AW@L Radio co-host Alex Hundert. We take a look at the criminalisation of dissent at UW then have a few updates from Cancun's Climate Cluster Euck.

dan also reads a piece from the about the perpetuation of patriarchal rape myths in the "bogus-claim" defenses of WikiLeak's julian assange.

AW@L Radio - 2010-12-06

Friday December 3rd 2010 - Kelly joins the show and we talk about mining, resistance and have a G20 report. Geographer Emily Slofstra joins us as well for a quick run down on issues around rising sea levels for coastal communities in Netherlands and Guyana.

UW Admin Welcomes Blatchford’s Colonial Propaganda and Criminalises Dissent.

Anti-Racists challenge ‘Globe and Mail’ columnist’s colonial propaganda at the University of Waterloo, get Thrown off Campus.

December 7th 2010 Waterloo – A UW Student and Alumnus were issued trespassing notices, and other anti-racists were forced off the University of Waterloo campus for picketing outside Christie Blatchford’s book tour stop. The picketers were holding signs and distributing informational pamphlets to people entering the talk. After having been denied entrance to the building, the picketers were then ordered by the Waterloo regional police services and campus police to leave the snowy outdoor courtyard in front of the entrance.

AW@L Radio - 2010-11-26 - Blatchford and Ezra, Sitting in a Tree, and a victory for NOII!

November 26th 2010 - We slam through a quick hour of news, including the libel Levant before #criticalmass takes over the show! While we cut out the last 1.5 hours of music, we are rocking a pretty full show with G20 updates, more discussion around blocking mainstream racist apologist Christie Blatchford from speaking at UW, including Dan's response to the haters.

Test Their Logik are allowed to perform together as well now with #G20 charges stayed, and we review a feature called: Counting up the Costs - Canada's Longest War.

Day of Action in support of the Algonquins of Barriere Lake - Dec 13

*forward widely*



For those in Toronto, to arrange transit, email with your name and phone number. More details to follow soon.

For more info and to download flyers:

from No One Is Illegal - Toronto - Immigration Enforcement Pushed Out of Anti-Violence Against Women Spaces across the GTA

(please forward widely!)

Immigration Enforcement Pushed Out of Anti-Violence Against Women Spaces across the GTA

Check out the video and share with friends, colleagues, on facebook, email list-servs, etc:

The Greater Toronto Enforcement Centre (GTEC) of the Canadian Border Services Agency (CBSA), GTA Region, has issued a directive to all its officers, stating:

1. When conducting a road investigation, officers will not enter shelters or other spaces designated as resources for women fleeing/experiencing violence.
2. Officers are not to wait outside or approach the above-noted spaces and will maintain a reasonable distance.