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Welcome to OCASI

Advocate for the Immigrant-serving Sector and Expert on Immigrant and Refugee Issues

OCASI was formed in 1978 to act as a collective voice for immigrant-serving agencies and to coordinate response to shared needs and concerns. OCASI is a registered charity governed by a volunteer board of directors. Its membership is comprised of more than 200 community-based organizations in the province of Ontario.

Recent Updates

Registration for the Fall 2010 OCASI Professional Development Conference – November 3 -5, 2010 / Inscription au Colloque de perfectionnement professionnel d'OCASI, automne 2010, du 3 au 5 novembre 2010

September 15, 2010

Registration for the 2010 OCASI Executive Directors Forum – November 1 - 3, 2010 / Inscription au Forum de directrices et directeurs d'OCASI 2010, du 1 au 3 novembre 2010

September 15, 2010

Journey to Mental Health: A Training Series for Community Workers Serving Immigrants and Refugees - Vaughan 2-Day Training Workshop
These interactive workshops are for settlement workers with the key objective of enhancing the capacity of settlement service workers in addressing the mental health issues presented by the individuals they serve.
September 03, 2010

Journey to Mental Health: A Training Series for Community Workers Serving Immigrants and Refugees - Hamilton 2-Day Training Workshop
These interactive workshops are for settlement workers with the key objective of enhancing the capacity of settlement service workers in addressing the mental health issues presented by the individuals they serve.
September 03, 2010

Journey to Mental Health: A Training Series for Community Workers Serving Immigrants and Refugees - Ottawa 2-Day Training Workshop
These interactive workshops are for settlement workers with the key objective of enhancing the capacity of settlement service workers in addressing the mental health issues presented by the individuals they serve.
August 23, 2010

Les minorités visibles dans les communautés francophones
Des rapports récents de la Fondation Trillium utilisent les données du questionnaire long du recensement.
August 13, 2010

Past Updates >>

United Way
OCASI is a United Way Agency

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