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The International League for Human Rights has worked to keep human rights at the forefront of international affairs and to give meaning and effect to the human rights values enshrined in international human rights treaties and conventions. The League's special mission for 65 years has been defending individual human rights advocateswho have risked their lives to promote the ideals of a just and civil society in their homelands.

Based in New York, with representation in Geneva and dozens of affiliates and partners around the world, the League is a non-governmental, non-profit organization now in its 65th year. The League has special consultative status at the United Nations, the Council of Europe, and the International Labor Organization, and also contributes to the Africa Commission and the Organization for Security and Cooperation in Europe (OSCE). With the UN Universal Declaration of Human Rights as its platform, the League raises human rights issues and cases before the UN and other intergovernmental regional organizations in partnership with our colleagues abroad, helping to amplify their voices and coordinate strategies for effective human rights protection.

Penn Law, ILHR, Seek Release of Iranian Scholar
PHILADELPHIA (Sept. 3, 2008) — The University of Pennsylvania Law School and two human rights groups today called on the government of Iran to release an Iranian legal scholar scheduled to teach in the U.S.

Mehdi Zakerian, an assistant professor of human rights at an independent university in Tehran, was reportedly detained by the Iranian government in mid-August while he awaited U.S. visa clearance to travel to Philadelphia as a visiting scholar at the University of Pennsylvania. The Iranian government has not released any information about his location or condition, nor have any formal charges been brought against him.

"Professor Zakerian is a leading scholar on human rights in the Islamic world," said Michael A. Fitts, dean of Penn Law. "His scholarship is at the forefront of international and human rights law and we remain hopeful that we can welcome Professor Zakerian to our classrooms."

Zakerian was detained in Tehran by governmental authorities on or about Aug.15, according to Iranian Human Rights Voice, which reports that he has been "in a ministry of intelligence detention center for the past two weeks."

Penn Law was joined by the non-governmental organizations International League for Human Rights and Human Rights Watch in calling for Zakerian’s release.

Zakerian is "one of the leading thinkers on Human Rights in the middle east whose writings have helped us all better understand the relationships between human rights and Islam," said William Burke-White, an assistant professor at Penn Law and an expert in international law. "Professor Zakerian’s detention appears to be part of a broader crackdown on independently minded academics at leading institutions across Iran."

Zakerian is chairman of the Iranian International Relations Society and a senior researcher at the Center for the Strategic Studies of the Middle East. He is the editor of the journal International Studies, published quarterly in both Farsi and English, which is devoted to issues of international affairs and human rights. In 2002, Zakerian was a fellow at the Hague Academy of International Law in The Hague, Netherlands.

League Mourns Death of Father Robert Drinan
January 29, 2007 (New York) The International League for Human Rights mourns the passing of Father Robert Drinan, who died Sunday at the age of 86. Drinan had been an active member of the League’s Governing Council since 1982.

Father Drinan was an active, impassioned and oftentimes outspoken advocate and his work promoting the rights of the oppressed continued with vigor until days before his death. His work was characterized by building support across party lines to promote the human rights agenda whether on a League mission to Chile , promoting inter-religious dialogue in the US or advocating for the right to emigrate from the Soviet Union .

The International League for Human Rights cherishes the memory of Father Robert Drinan for his generosity of spirit, kindness, and his work with the League defending defenders across ideological, theological and geographic boundaries. He honored us as a member of our Governing Council for the last twenty-five years of his life.

- Robert Arsenault


League Speaks Out On Turkmenistan

Courtesy White House Weekly, Llewellyn King, Publisher

January 10, 2007

NEW YORK -Three of the world's most notorious dictators—Chile's Augusto Pinochet, Iraq's Saddam Hussein and Turkmenistan's Saparmurat Niyazov - died last month.


League's Reports:


Alternative Report on Compliance by the Republic of Turkmenistan with the UN Convention on the Rights of the Child



Alternative Report on the Areas of Particular Concern in the Compliance of the Republic of
Uzbekistan with the United Nations Convention on the Rights of the Child


Alternative Report on the Compliance of the Republic of Uzbekistan with The United Nations Convention on Elimination of All Forms of Racial Discrimination

Alternative Report on the Compliance of the Azerbaijan Republic with the Convention on
Elimination of All Forms of Racial Discrimination


Report on Uzbekistan’s Observance of the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights

A Guide for Non-Governmental Organizations on Reporting to the Committee on the Rights of the Child (in Russian)

Chilean, Guatemalan and US Champions Honored with Gruber Prize for Women’s Rights 

The winners of the 2006 Gruber Prize for Women’s Rights are:

Luz Méndez for the Unión Nacional de Mujeres Guatemaltecas (UNAMG), a Guatemalan women’s rights organization;

Julie Su for Sweatshop Watch, a California-based coalition fighting against exploitation of migrants in sweat shops;Chilean jurist Cecilia Medina Quiroga, the only woman judge on the Inter-American Court of Human Rights.

The two organizations and Judge Medina each receive a gold medal and a third of the $300,000 unrestricted cash award.


The International League for Human Rights and the Center for Media, Education & Technology launch the web site for the Voice of Youth Media Project. After a ten-year war noted for its egregious atrocities committed against civilians (some by forcibly conscripted child soldiers),
Sierra Leone’s youth has taken to the airwaves to voice their concerns about the human rights and governance crisis that led to the war, and that exists to date.

On the VoY web site, you can hear the radio shows that are currently being broadcast locally on issues of corruption, Charles Taylor, violence against women and girls, HIV/AIDS, the human rights of the disabled, workforce strikes, and more. The League and CMET have trained over 30 youth journalists, all of whom were victims of the war, to bring the voice of this majority yet marginalized population to policymakers and citizens alike.


President Bush Meets with Belarusian Civil Society Activists
FEBRUARY 27, 2006 - At a White House meeting today, two wives of disappeared public figures in Belarus obtained assurances from President George Bush of continued support for human rights in Belarus. “We are pleased that the President made himself personally available to demonstrate his deep concern for issues like disappearances in the heart of Europe on the eve of what will likely be unfair Presidential elections March 19,” Robert Arsenault, President of the International League for Human Rights, who attended the meeting, commented. President Bush met with Svetlana Zavadskaya, wife of cameraman Dmitry Zavadsky who disappeared in 2000, president of the Dmitry Zavadsky Foundation and with Irina Krasovskaya, president of the We Remember Foundation.

On April 25, Interim President and Prime Minister of Kyrgyzstan Kurbanbek Bakiev greeted Vitaly Ponomarev of Memorial Human Rights Center and Peter Zalmayev of ILHR. The guests welcomed the new government and urged it to conduct free and fair presidential elections, scheduled for July 10.



Belarus Update

Belarus Update Archives



ILHR at UNESCO Conference on Anniversary of International Declaration of Human Rights

Joint Letter on Georgia-Russia Conflict dated August 19, 2008

League Speaks Out on Turkmenistan

Case of Aleksandr Kozulin

Case of Pavel Krasovsky

League Protests Sentence of Opposition Activist

League Releases Alternative Report on the Rights of the Child in Turkmenistan

On 1st Anniversary of Andijan, League Calls on U.S. Government to Impose Targeted Sanctions Against Uzbek Officials

League Calls for Urgent Response to Crackdown Against Belarusian Human Rights Activists and Civil Society

League Protests Arrests of Belarusian Opposition Leaders

League Protests Mass Arrests in Belarus

The League Expresses Concern About Belarus Presidential Elections

Uzbekistan: Crackdown on Civil Society Continues

Leading International Groups Address U.S. Congress Regarding Religious Freedoms in Turkmenistan and Uzbekistan

Top International Groups Urge the US to Condemn the Religious Repression in Turkmenistan

Belarus: State-Sponsored Persecution of Civil Society Activists Continues

Uzbekistan: League Protests Intensified Persecution of Civil Society Activists

League and Memorial Submit Report on Uzbekistan to UN Human Rights Committee

NGO Coalition Calls for a Death Penalty-Free Zone in Europe and Central Asia

League's President Writes Open Letter to Wall Street Journal Editors

Russian and International Human Rights NGOs Release Statement on Beslan School Hostage Tragedy

Leading U.S.-based Human Rights Watchdogs Write to Bush on Abuse of Iraqi Prisoners

60th Session UN Human Rights Commission: Colalition of Human Rights Groups Call for Resolution on Chechnya

Uzbekistan: Prison Term for Mother of a Man Who Died in Jail

League Calls on President Bush to Designate Turkmenistan a Country of Particular Concern

ILHR Presidents Writes to U.S. Government On Upcoming Visit by Son of Azeri President

...and Chechnya

Russian NGO Report to UN Committee to Eliminate Racial Discrimination

League Calls for an Impartial Review of Sentence to Kazakhstani Journalist

League Testifies in European Parliament

Kabala: A Besieged City







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