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friends of the earth international

We are the world's largest grassroots environmental network. We campaign on today's most urgent environmental and social issues.


worst eu lobbying award 2

the worst eu lobbying awards 2010

Cast your vote and expose the dirty lobbying tactics of corporations seeking to secure larger profits for themselves at the expense of the public.
Find out who's been nominated and vote online

un climate conference tianjin china tn

Climate change: rich nations backtracking

Rich countries are still refusing to meet their obligations to reduce greenhouse gas emissions and provide funds for developing countries to deal with climate change.
Find out more

Nnimmo Bassey awarded 'Alternative Nobel Prize'

We're proud to announce that our chair, Nnimmo Bassey, will be awarded the 2010 'Right Livelihood Award' in Sweden this December.

Read the press release 
Read Nnimmo's biography

Africa up for grabs

Africa: up for grabs

The amount of land being taken in Africa to meet Northern countries’ increasing demand for biofuels is underestimated and out of control, a new report by Friends of the Earth Africa and Europe reveals today. Read more and download the report here


annual report 2009

Have you ever wondered what we do? Where we work? How we differ from other environmental organizations? Our annual report answers all these questions and more. Read it online here

Kalyan Varma, India - 8th place (tied)

The year of biodiversity

This year has been designated the International Year of Biodiversity by the United Nations. We will be marking the event in many ways throughout the year. Find out more about the initiative and view our online photo exhibition.


community testimonies

Around the world communities have been talking to our member groups about how they are feeling the effects of climate change, illegal logging, corporate power and much more. Watch the latest videos.

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the foei story

Find out about who we are, the global issues that concern us most and how our grassroots and international work is helping to create a sustainable and just world.
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