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While environmentalists blast what they call the "cynical politics" behind the Obama administration's decision to end the ban early just in time for mid-term elections, U.S. Sen. Mary Landrieu of Louisiana uses the occasion to repeat disproved claims about the ban's effect on employment. More...


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The AFL-CIO and Working American have released a report and database showing that the corporate practice of shifting jobs to cheaper foreign locales is still a burning issue for U.S. workers and the economy. More...

Constellation Energy has canceled plans to build a new reactor at a Maryland plant despite getting $7.5 billion in taxpayer-backed loan guarantees. That means the only nuclear project moving ahead with federal loan guarantees is Southern Company's proposal for two new reactors at Plant Vogtle -- but Georgia forces residential ratepayers to offer extra aid that Maryland does not. More...

The presidential commission investigating BP's Deepwater Horizon oil disaster has criticized the administration for taking "an overly casual approach" to calculating the amount of oil involved, for being unprepared for dispersant use, and for overselling a report that incorrectly claimed most of the oil had disappeared. More...

Little-known outside North Carolina, Republican retail magnate Art Pope is silently rising as a national political player in the 2010 elections. But many say his strategy of funneling money for political attack ads through nonprofits pushes the limits of the law. More...

Environmental advocates are preparing to sue three mining operations in eastern Kentucky for more than 20,000 violations of the Clean Water Act -- including submitting false data to state regulators who appear to be failing to provide proper oversight. More...

Two reports released this week document the growing problem of criminal justice debt and the considerable costs it's imposing on communities, taxpayers and indigent people convicted of crimes. More...

The fast growth of Democratic-leaning Latino communities is a key reason that four Southern states are projected to add Congressional seats next year. But the politicians drawing the political lines will be Republicans. More...